08-20-2011, 16:55
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David Oh Special Forces Fraud
David Oh
Professionalsoldiers.com is in possession of your official military records. And after close examination we have determined that you are not or ever were a member of the US Army Special Forces.
You may have tried but you never made it through the Special Forces Qualification course.
While someone in the 20th Group may have slotted you as an 18A you actually NEVER earned that title.
David Oh you are not or ever have been a Special Forces soldier, aka "Green Beret".
Team Sergeant
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08-20-2011, 16:56
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Clout: Military officers: Council hopeful Oh was no Green Beret
By Chris Brennan
Philadelphia Daily News
The short version of David Oh's political resume: The former city prosecutor enlisted in the U.S. Army National Guard, joined an elite Special Forces unit and then came home to run a law practice.
But two high-ranking military officers familiar with Oh's National Guard record say his claim to have been a Green Beret is bunk.
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08-20-2011, 18:53
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TS your not only the man, but the only man...
This gent has no clue of the pain that moves towards him...
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08-20-2011, 18:55
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I yearn, somewhat, for the post-Viet Nam days, when some did not covet that which was not theirs!
"I took a different route from most and came into Special Forces..." - Col. Nick Rowe
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08-20-2011, 19:06
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Oh to contest report of his military service
The City Council candidate says he is “preparing an official response” to a report that he exaggerated his military record.
By Bob Warner
City Council candidate David Oh on Friday contested a Philadelphia Daily News report that he misrepresented his military record by describing himself as an officer with the Army’s 20th Special Forces Group, an elite unit whose members are popularly known as Green Berets.
“That is not a misrepresentation,” Oh wrote Friday in a Facebook post. “I served as a 2nd lieutenant, 20th Special Forces Group [Airborne]. I provided documentation of my service.”
Oh added that he was “preparing an official response” to the Daily News front-page article, which quoted his former commanding officer accusing Oh of “stretching” his claim of having been a Green Beret. Oh declined to say anything more on the record Friday.
Oh, 51, a lawyer, is making his third run for an at-large Council seat. In the May primary, he was the top vote-getter among the Republican at-large candidates. Two of five GOP candidates are likely to win seats in November.
His current website describes his military service as follows: “In 1988, David resigned from his position as Assistant D.A. to enlist in the U.S. Army … [W]ith hard work and perseverance, he qualified for Officer Candidates School, was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, and joined the U.S. Army Special Forces ( Airborne). During Operation Desert Storm, David was called to active duty, but before he was deployed, the war ended. He received an honorable discharge and returned to Philadelphia.”
The website’s only prominent reference to Green Berets is a video clip from Glenn Devitt, president of United Northeast Neighbors, with a quotation pulled out as a headline: “David Oh has served this nation as a Green Beret, served this city as an Assistant District Attorney and served his community as a community leader.”
The controversy is based on the stringent training required to become a Special Forces-qualified officer — when Oh was in the service, it involved completion of a three-week Special Forces assessment course followed by nine more months of training at Fort Bragg, N.C.
Oh was already an officer when he was assigned to the Special Forces unit for training. He went through the initial three-week assessment course but was not invited to continue at Fort Bragg.
“I was the Special Forces company commander at the time, and Mr. Oh was in my unit,” Col. James E. Croall, the commanding officer quoted by the Daily News, told The Inquirer on Friday. Croall said he had a group of about 40 recruits for the Special Forces qualification course.
“Some make it, but a higher percentage of guys don’t make it,” he said. “David Oh was attached to our company for training, but he was not Special Forces-qualified.”
Croall said soldiers have to complete the additional ninemonth training program to be considered Special Forces, with the right to call themselves Green Berets.
But Nicholas Panarella, a Philadelphia lawyer who served in Special Forces in Vietnam and who later became executive officer of the 20th Special Forces Group — part of the Maryland National Guard — defended Oh.
“I know Jim [Croall]. I recruited him, and I recruited David outside a Philadelphia courtroom,” Panarella said. “This is not a stolen-valor-type issue. We are not Green Berets, that is something we wear. We are Special Forces. … While David was in our unit he was fully qualified to wear the Green Beret. … He was never Special Forces-qualified, but he didn’t have to be.”
Panarella dismissed the story as “a nonissue.”
“David is a second-generation Korean American who defined his citizenship … as owing something to his country,” Panarella said. “After he became a lawyer, when he was already in his career progression at the D.A.’s Office, he gave the government a blank check that said, ‘payable in full, even including my death.’ That’s something to honor, that’s not something to degrade.”
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08-20-2011, 19:09
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LOL, now I'm laughing, a Full COL (National Guard) telling the media David Oh was fully qualified to wear the Green Beret, but.........
"He was never Special Forces-qualified, but he didn’t have to be.”"
This must be a different US Army Special Forces........Airsoft maybe?
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08-20-2011, 19:12
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Someone needs to send them a picture of a pregnant female wearing a "Green Beret" and ask if she is "Special Forces".
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08-20-2011, 19:27
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Well that's a new one on me, obviously National Guard Special Forces and "active duty" Special Forces have two completely different views on Special Forces Qualification..........
I know, let's ask Special Forces Command if David Oh earned the right to wear the "Green Beret....................
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08-20-2011, 19:39
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Go look at David Oh's comment. Nice word-smithing. David is sure a lawyer!
He admits he didn't go to the Q-Course, admits he was not Special Forces Qualified, but he dances around the fact he was an 18A. An 18A is a Special Forces Officer, of which David Oh was not, by his own admission.
So if I get a pilot uniform, wear the wings and state I was a pilot on paper does that make me a pilot?
This guy is a soup sandwich.
David Oh was never a Green Beret, never earned the right to wear one and whoever the idiot was that slotted David Oh as an 18A needs to have his med's checked.
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08-20-2011, 20:33
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Maybe we should check on Nicholas Panarella as well. What actual Special Forces soldier would say something like that?
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08-21-2011, 00:46
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant
Well that's a new one on me, obviously National Guard Special Forces and "active duty" Special Forces have two completely different views on Special Forces Qualification..........
I know, let's ask Special Forces Command if David Oh earned the right to wear the "Green Beret.................... 
last i checked we all go to the same Q course.
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08-21-2011, 06:58
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If David Oh had been in the active duty Army, this would not be an issue because he would have been assigned to the JFK Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS) as a student pending completion of training to become an 18A (Special Forces Officer) and then either assignment as such to an active Special Forces unit or, as in his case, reassignment as an Infantry Officer to an Infantry unit for failing to complete the 18A course.
However, being in the National Guard, David Oh was assigned to the duty position he was seeking to fill within the unit pending preparation by his unit for him to attend and complete the training for that job. In his case, it was an 18A duty position and he was listed as being "slotted" (carried on the unit's manning roster for unit strength reporting purposes) in that duty position even though he was not yet qualified to perform those duties.
However, for those who know and who complete the required training to earn the honor of being called a a Special Forces Officer or "Green Beret," David Oh did not complete the requirements and - like many - merely served for a period of time with a Special Forces unit...but was never a "Green Beret" or an 18A (a duty position on the unit's manning roster in which he was slotted for a period of time) as he seems to have alluded to over the years.
My resume and campaign literature say I was an Officer in the Special Forces. That is true and accurate. I openly tell people that I did not complete the Special Forces Qualification Course. However, that is not the issue or the accusation that was made towards me. The accusation was that because I did not complete the "Q course", I could not say that I was an Officer in the Special Forces. I provided the reporter with 2 documents which showed that 1. I was not attached for training as the Daily News article states... I was a member of the unit. When we were activated we all went to Ft. Bragg and started training and preparing to go overseas. 2. While I have never made public or private statements that I was special forces qualified, I had a change of duty from 11A (Infantry Officer) to 18A (Special Forces Officer) while at Ft. Bragg. Again, contrary to the Daily News article, I did not make any claims that that change of duty made me a "Green Beret". But the reporter wanted to know the significance of my job description which was standard 18A language for a Special Forces detachment officer. I truthfully told him that I was simply serving my country and did whatever the army and SF command told me. The reporter asked if the 18A made me SF qualifed. I said it means the army gave me a job to do. The reporter insisted on writing a story that, I wanted to be a "green beret", joined a National Guard unit, went through SFAS and was a 'non-select", and returned to Philadelphia to practice law. I told him that was not an accurate story. His editors decided to pull his story. The afternoon before the story ran, the reporter called me and told me he was going to print the same story. Of course, there is more to this story but the bottom line is that the reported wanted to write a story about me making false representations. That he can not do.
As an 18A, I was an "Officer in Special Forces" which means I was an SF qualified Officer who served as such in that duty position. David Oh was not an "Officer in the Special Forces" - he was an Infantry Officer either assigned to or serving with a Special Forces unit and being carried in an 18A duty position pending completion of the training required to fulfill that job. There is a distinction and David Oh well knows it.
For someone who either is or was truly Special Forces qualified, David Oh's lawyerly waffling on the subject and explanatory letter to The Inquirer rings patently hollow, and is an indicator IMO that he is not as honorable as he wants others to believe. Sad.
And so it goes...
“Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whisky bottle in the hand of (another)… There are just some kind of men who – who’re so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results.” - To Kill A Mockingbird (Atticus Finch)
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08-21-2011, 08:59
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Originally Posted by Richard
If David Oh had been in the active duty Army, this would not be an issue because he would have been assigned to the JFK Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS) as a student pending completion of training to become an 18A (Special Forces Officer) and then either assignment as such to an active Special Forces unit or, as in his case, reassignment as an Infantry Officer to an Infantry unit for failing to complete the 18A course.
However, being in the National Guard, David Oh was assigned to the duty position he was seeking to fill within the unit pending preparation by his unit for him to attend and complete the training for that job. In his case, it was an 18A duty position and he was listed as being "slotted" (carried on the unit's manning roster for unit strength reporting purposes) in that duty position even though he was not yet qualified to perform those duties.
However, for those who know and who complete the required training to earn the honor of being called a a Special Forces Officer or "Green Beret," David Oh did not complete the requirements and - like many - merely served for a period of time with a Special Forces unit...but was never a "Green Beret" or an 18A (a duty position on the unit's manning roster in which he was slotted for a period of time) as he seems to have alluded to over the years.
As an 18A, I was an "Officer in Special Forces" which means I was an SF qualified Officer who served as such in that duty position. David Oh was not an "Officer in the Special Forces" - he was an Infantry Officer either assigned to or serving with a Special Forces unit and being carried in an 18A duty position pending completion of the training required to fulfill that job. There is a distinction and David Oh well knows it.
For someone who either is or was truly Special Forces qualified, David Oh's lawyerly waffling on the subject and explanatory letter to The Inquirer rings patently hollow, and is an indicator IMO that he is not as honorable as he wants others to believe. Sad.
And so it goes...
Very well put. That is the explanation that needs to be used to bust him out. Send it to his political opponents.
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08-21-2011, 09:29
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant
Go look at David Oh's comment. Nice word-smithing. David is sure a lawyer!
He admits he didn't go to the Q-Course, admits he was not Special Forces Qualified, but he dances around the fact he was an 18A. An 18A is a Special Forces Officer, of which David Oh was not, by his own admission.
So if I get a pilot uniform, wear the wings and state I was a pilot on paper does that make me a pilot?
This guy is a soup sandwich.
David Oh was never a Green Beret, never earned the right to wear one and whoever the idiot was that slotted David Oh as an 18A needs to have his med's checked.
I have orders awarding me an SF Tab and making me an 18A.
Does he?
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08-21-2011, 09:49
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For colmurph
For colmurph.
PS.com has been aware of and tracking Mr Oh since May 2011. We don't "hijack" poser threads. In fact we drop many cases when they are busted out by others.
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