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Old 08-01-2019, 20:38   #16
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Originally Posted by HardRoad View Post
Guy's such an arrogant jackass he managed to get banned in 6 posts and 4 days. That must be some kind of record . . .
Swerving out of my lane for this: Not even close:

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"The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen." -- Dennis Prager

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Last edited by PSM; 08-01-2019 at 20:40.
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Old 08-02-2019, 17:14   #17
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Originally Posted by HardRoad View Post
Guy's such an arrogant jackass he managed to get banned in 6 posts and 4 days. That must be some kind of record . . .
We have banned people in hours for various reasons..... shit heads are shitheads...
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Old 08-02-2019, 17:30   #18
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People come in, throw their dick on the table, and get rude with the regulars, what do they think happens?

No SA at all.

This is our house. Those with potential and acceptable behavior are welcome guests. Those who come in looking for a fight can find one.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - President Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

De Oppresso Liber 01/20/2025
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Old 09-03-2019, 10:20   #19
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Wow just read this thread what a stupid jackass....no we do not need self elevating arrogant a-holes they are the antithesis of TEAM cohesion literally they are proverbial cancer. Also of all the intelligence we seek formally educated is not paramount....I would rather have an intelligent self taught learner without formal indoctrination with common sense and street savvy on a team any day of the week...this makes him valuable by knowing when he is the junior in the situation and a seeker of wisdom and knowledge...please, please, please, don't try to understand how peace is our job....peace is the end state not our job....our job is far too broad and complex covering so many facets of stability which can equal peace but never be naïve to believe that peace is achieved without bloodshed in most circumstances. Sometimes stability can mean that the most stable and powerful entity is in power and as a result everything within its vicinity may be less violent but that entity may just be the most violent of them all......what matters is the stability of the region in geo political matters as well as global economics.

My opinion on overly educated people coming here...no issue just leave your ego at the door and humble yourself there are enlisted that may be much smarter in many ways and don't forget the innate value of experience that leads to wisdom over intellectual horsepower.....the places we go and the things we do far exceeds the depth any university can teach. Many times indigenous people will have very little formal education so what value is formal education when dealing with someone who only speaks from his traditions and 1000 years of tried and true methods? Sometimes the formal education they receive may be of a higher quality and density coupled with experience in real world scenarios that separates the wheat from the chaff of professors academically influenced opinion. Remember academia is the world of proxy information from a perspective that may never apply to anything you experience.
“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.” –Rudyard Kipling, The Law of the Jungle, The Jungle Book.
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Old 09-03-2019, 14:59   #20
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The funny thing was that Schmuckatelli evidently thought his not-yet-completed Masters program would stand out as something unusual in SF circles.

An organization where every entry level enlisted 18 MOS is theoretical commissioning material (in terms of required GT score thresholds for both tracks).

BAs are common as dirt in the 18 MOS Career Field. Down in the trenches, holding a Masters is not unusual at all, whether the holder be commissioned or enlisted. I've known several serving SF NCOs with PhDs or Professional Doctorates. Including an enlisted Reservist M.D.. Also several lawyers (Juris Doctor), and graduate degree holding Civil Engineers, College Professors, Physiologists, Historians, Political Scientists, etc.

The problem with believing that you're the smartest (or most highly educated) person in the room... is that it often ain't so.

The OP was All Talk. No Walk. He won't attempt Selection. Seen that type before. Many times.
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Old 09-08-2019, 20:02   #21
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This thread drew my attention as I am in a similar position as OP concerning formal education.

The farther I dig myself into academia the more I realize many of the individuals standing in front of a classroom teaching theories and application don't actually know how to apply the theories themselves. It surprises me how many people with PhDs have little to no experience working in the field they teach in. Needless to say being book smart only goes so far.

This past year amidst discussion of international human security a question was posed by the professor: If you were given reliable intelligence that a certain person in this room had knowledge of the location of a bomb set to go off in an hour, who all would resort to torture to get information?

Strong emotional intelligence gives us power over morality. In the ambiguous world of conflict, doing the "right" thing has no global consent. As Astronomy mentioned, different versions of history will be broadcast by each group, and even within those groups no two people will feel the exact same about the events they believe transpired. It is all subjective and you can't please everyone.

Those that sleep warm at night beneath blankets of degrees tend to have a self-imposed comprehension of how things should go and tend to think their way out of situations. It's easy to cop out when actions have no consequence.
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Old 09-11-2019, 23:48   #22
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Originally Posted by Astronomy View Post
The funny thing was that Schmuckatelli evidently thought his not-yet-completed Masters program would stand out as something unusual in SF circles.

An organization where every entry level enlisted 18 MOS is theoretical commissioning material (in terms of required GT score thresholds for both tracks).

BAs are common as dirt in the 18 MOS Career Field. Down in the trenches, holding a Masters is not unusual at all, whether the holder be commissioned or enlisted. I've known several serving SF NCOs with PhDs or Professional Doctorates. Including an enlisted Reservist M.D.. Also several lawyers (Juris Doctor), and graduate degree holding Civil Engineers, College Professors, Physiologists, Historians, Political Scientists, etc.

The problem with believing that you're the smartest (or most highly educated) person in the room... is that it often ain't so.

The OP was All Talk. No Walk. He won't attempt Selection. Seen that type before. Many times.
Yeah that is presumptuous of the nitwit.......off the top of my head just on the NCO side of the house a few guys come to mind a guy with a medical doctor degree from John Hopkins medical school who is a Engineer Sgt, Another guy just retired with a Masters degree in Actuarial Science while serving, Another friend in the National Guard with a JD and a practicing lawyer, my most recent company commander just completed his Phd while serving...I say while serving because of the time, complexity and effort required in everyday SF activities as well as deployments amongst other things that's IMO pretty God Dang impressive specifically the mathematical horsepower needed to succeed in actuarial science and these are only a few of the guys I know or have heard of but there are many many more who just love the job and have turned their backs on their prior endeavors....some of the smartest guys I knew had no college degree just brilliant minded humble men with no academic aspirations
“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.” –Rudyard Kipling, The Law of the Jungle, The Jungle Book.

Last edited by WarriorDiplomat; 09-12-2019 at 12:11.
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Old 09-12-2019, 07:41   #23
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"hey bitches - I got a masters degree"

"hey new guy - shut the fuck up and finish picking up brass"

at least thats how it used to be
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Old 09-12-2019, 20:44   #24
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Originally Posted by Box View Post
"hey bitches - I got a masters degree"

"hey new guy - shut the fuck up and finish picking up brass"

at least thats how it used to be

Oh yeah. And that's how it should be.
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