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Old 07-30-2019, 15:38   #1
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18X/REP-63 After Master's?

Good afternoon everybody. Long-time lurker, first-time poster here.

I'm about to graduate with my master's at a tier-1 university out here in Massachusetts (around December-time). The career field that I will be in can wait (privileged & grateful to graduate from this program) but IMHO it's now-or-never when it comes to me joining the military—specifically, trying out for SF. I'm considering enlisting in the NG with a REP-63 contract. I have zero interest in becoming an officer.

Not saying I'd make it through the entire pipeline but before I pull the trigger on joining & shipping to OSUT, I've got some moral considerations I'd appreciate answers to..

Informed answers would be appreciated! Though I'm majoring in something history/governance-related, I obviously don't have the practical knowledge, the experiences, or the day-to-day praxis to answer them wholly or informatively.

My intent with these questions come from introspection & whether or not I'd be doing the right thing (or on the track to doing the "right" thing). Here goes:

>I've interned during my undergrad years for a CEO who was a Army SpecOps officer.. he cherished the connections he's made through his time in but, in his words, "absolutely regrets" a lot of what he was forced to choose between when he was deployed in combat zones. My question: is US foreign policy today really about De Oppresso Liber? I absolutely admire this noble mentality: to free the oppressed. To protect those who cannot protect themselves. Stand up to the bullies. But is that what I/we'd be doing downrange?
>Individual soldier vs chain of command: how much control does one have between agency vs institution on a day-to-day basis? Let's say one was given an unconstitutional order on a fire mission to clear out a civilian Afghan village on faulty intel.. what'd be the the right thing to do and the practical scenario here?
>Will I/we be on the right side of history? e.g. Pentagon Papers.. regime change in Latin America in the the name of corporate interests.. Eisenhower's military-industrial complex warning.. etc. This is what makes me hesitate the most. But if this concern is assuaged, I'd believe much more strongly in joining.

Selfish reasons for wanting to join:

>Part of a brotherhood, that camaraderie—doing those special things with those special people within the purview of a greater mission of serving; make peace first, try peace second, door-kick if absolutely necessary is what attracts me to Army SF
>Serving the spirit of America
>Tuition assistance for an MBA
>Applied for a Naval ROTC scholarship straight out of high school, failed.. motivation re-surfacing through my studies.. it's now or never

Your input is appreciated! Anything else related to these matters is appreciated. Thank you.

EDIT: Spacing & grammar.

Last edited by crocteeth93; 07-30-2019 at 16:04. Reason: Spacing & grammar.
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Old 07-30-2019, 21:23   #2
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Speaking bluntly...

If you can't already look deep into the core of your being & find the answers to your own questions...you are definitely not cut out for this line of work.

You seem unduly worried about the opinions of others (both present day & future). You're supposed to possess your own beliefs by this stage in your life. Ones you can abide by, act upon, and live with. Be your own Man. The opinions of others matter little in the grand scheme of things.

History and geopolitics is a little messy. There are the stories written by the Victors, the ones written by the Losers, and the Truth found somewhere in-between. If you require clear delineations to set azimuths on your moral compass... the lifestyle is probably not your cup of tea. The real world of international affairs & human conflict is complicated and unjust. There are few good guys... on any side. For thousands of years it's been that way. As an SF Soldier, to achieve your far flung purposes, you must remain flexible... like Gumby's dick on a hot afternoon. It's mostly just business. When in doubt... American interests come first. That's not reflexive jingoism... just pragmatism hard at work.

Moral dilemmas? Yeah, you'll occasionally encounter those. Figure them out and stand by your actions. Hint: Do The Right Thing whenever possible. Have a Plan B when it ain't.

SF Life is not for the faint of heart, the overly sensitive, or those uncertain of their purpose in life.

You are
What you do
When it counts

-The Masao

Last edited by Astronomy; 07-30-2019 at 21:42.
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Old 07-31-2019, 01:47   #3
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Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.

"If you can't already look deep into the core of your being & find the answers to your own questions...you are definitely not cut out for this line of work."

Sorry if I didn't make this clear in my post.. I've just begun considering this life route and as a wise man once said: knowledge speaks, wisdom listens. Trying my best to listen rather speak. Again, most of these questions I've not thought about nor considered--would rather consider experienced input, like yours, than my own since I could be very wrong about aforestated route.

"You seem unduly worried about the opinions of others (both present day & future). You're supposed to possess your own beliefs by this stage in your life. Ones you can abide by, act upon, and live with. Be your own Man. The opinions of others matter little in the grand scheme of things."

Again, not the case.. but I think this is mis-communication in work.

Sincerely appreciate the rest of your post, particularly what you've cut out to be the SF archetype. Information I wouldn't have had had I not posted here!

Last edited by crocteeth93; 07-31-2019 at 01:51.
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Old 07-31-2019, 11:36   #4
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You're welcome.

SF operational environments are frequently murky & conflicted. If you aren't comfortable swimming in that kind of world, don't get in the water.

If you entertain personal doubts or moral qualms... you will not succeed at this endeavor.
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Old 07-31-2019, 11:48   #5
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Again, thank you for your input. Understood.
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Old 08-01-2019, 01:17   #6
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Sir, with all due respect, you think too God damn much.
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Old 08-01-2019, 09:03   #7
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Hah. Think like men of action and act like men of thought, no?

Appreciate your perspective though, no matter how minor it is.

Last edited by crocteeth93; 08-01-2019 at 09:05. Reason: Appreciation
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Old 08-01-2019, 11:16   #8
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Appreciate your perspective though, no matter how minor it is.
Perhaps you have a need to get in the conversational last word, perhaps you think this is a place for repartee, or perhaps you think the QPs commenting here want to be your buddies...

None of that is appropriate or true. I took your last comment as a pointed barb. I imagine my esteemed GB colleague did too. (BTW: He just gave you solid & valuable advice.)

On Teams, you'll encounter people with degrees & intellect easily more impressive than your own. Count on it.

A simple "Thanks" (without editorial commentary) was the appropriate response. Words matter. In your case...use fewer of them.

Otherwise, I predict that you're going to find yourself bounced out of here very swiftly.

Last edited by Astronomy; 08-01-2019 at 14:21.
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Old 08-01-2019, 11:32   #9
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Again, you're mis-interpreting my intentions.


I am sorry if my adverb use of "minor" offends you.


Speaking bluntly..

I don't know you, aside from your qualifications, and you barely know me (nor my qualifications).. you taking my last comment as "pointed barb" is you being overly sensitive (I also predict that this statement will have you fuming--and yes, this is a "pointed barb"). From an anecdotal standpoint, you remind me (and that SpecOps CEO, who's done equally impressive things as you have) strikingly of an SF Major we had the displeasure of running into together--one of the stark traits being his hatred of "snowflakes" while exemplifying over-sensitivity to his ego himself.

Lead with your ego and let the bullshit roll, 'rah?

"you'll encounter people with degrees & intellect easily more impressive than your own. Count on it."
> I hope their intellects accumulate to more than yours. As I'm counting on it.

I'm actually a former 0331 (post-9/11), honorably discharged.. and somebody who just has happened to reflect upon my time post-service. Yeah, most of my first post is a lie but the considerations remain. Frankly, your type of over-sensitivity with respect to your ego is the reason I, and many others 03xx, EAS'd. I'm sure your brothers on here are willing to stick up for you, as my brothers are for me..

For somebody who finds over-sensitivity a trait unsuitable and insufferable for SF, it's ironic that post-service you've become its epitome.

Bounce me "out of here" quickly if one man's mis-interpretation of a |INTERNET FORUM COMMENT| is all it takes...

Though I sincerely appreciated some of your initial comments, it's incredibly bizarre how emotionally reactive you are to a stranger's comments online. Retirement affects all differently, I guess.

Last edited by crocteeth93; 08-01-2019 at 13:01.
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Old 08-01-2019, 14:08   #10
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Yeah, most of my first post is a lie...
Amazingly stupid admission. Not only poor SA, but no integrity. This sub-forum isn't fucking Twitter.

Among other things, it's for questions from people earnestly considering accession into SF.

You aren't. You never will.

Last edited by Astronomy; 08-01-2019 at 14:35.
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Old 08-01-2019, 14:30   #11
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Originally Posted by crocteeth93 View Post
.... Yeah, most of my first post is a lie ...
"Somebody should put that quote on a T-shirt:
Muslim phrase: "Aloha Snackbar!"
English translation: "Draw, Mother-F*cker!""
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Old 08-01-2019, 17:36   #12
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Gotta' get a few digs in every time he posts now.

You guys have a lot more patience than I do.
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Old 08-01-2019, 18:34   #13
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Just another troll flapping his cock-holster. Unremarkable and ignorable. We see them here from time to time. Briefly.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda... but never will.

Free advice for folks actually contemplating a SOF career: Your social media/internet posts live forever. Army SF (and US SOF in general) is a small world. An interconnected world of people who've known one another for years. The internet shots you take in supposed anonymity will come back to haunt you. Because you never know who's already read them... or will read them.

Maybe someone tasked with reviewing your future Selection packet... or Security Clearance. Or your future Team Sergeant. Or SGM/CSM. Like I mentioned... It's a Small World. Not the Walt Disney one.

As always, honest inquiries get answered in a similar manner by the QPs on this forum. If you are serious about trying on the Job, folks here will attempt to help you navigate that path.

If not, don't waste your time. Or ours. Instead, go hang out at other forums. Places where folks who never served a day in Army Special Forces... will gladly tell you all about it.

Last edited by Astronomy; 08-01-2019 at 18:37.
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Old 08-01-2019, 18:59   #14
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Guy's such an arrogant jackass he managed to get banned in 6 posts and 4 days. That must be some kind of record . . .

Last edited by HardRoad; 08-01-2019 at 19:07.
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Old 08-01-2019, 19:38   #15
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He never even heard it on short final...

I Love Happy Endings.
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