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Old 02-11-2021, 21:34   #16
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Gypsy, I had the same thing happen back in Aug. '20 when I was clearing branches after a storm. Got one foot caught in the smaller branches of a large branch & didn't realize it until I started to walk away. Came down hard on edge of road pavement. Hurt like a mutha. I thought I might have broken a rib; but x-rays showed no break.

Used NSAIDs (Indocin 75 mg. - prescription). Didn't think of the patches. But as others have said, it will take 4-6 weeks for the pain to completely subside. Sorry for your injury. Rest up and heal. Take good care of yourself.

p.s.: I don't want to fall on ice - I don't bounce as well as I used to.
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Old 02-12-2021, 14:56   #17
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I too bruised up some ribs last year getting groceries out of the back of the SUV. Foot slipped and I came down on the tailgate.

It took a looooong time to heal and I was in a lot of pain for about 2 weeks befor it STARTED to heal.

All advice is spot on.

Go get some BBQ! I hear eating ribs helps with rib healing!
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Old 02-12-2021, 19:00   #18
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Originally Posted by Stobey View Post

p.s.: I don't want to fall on ice - I don't bounce as well as I used to.
Ouch! I didn't bounce either, hope you're all healed up!

Originally Posted by miclo18d View Post
All advice is spot on.

Go get some BBQ! I hear eating ribs helps with rib healing!
Hope you're healed up. That is some sound advice right there, nothing better than some baby backs!

The Salonpas patches are definitely helping. This will be a lay low weekend I look forward to some rest and relaxation.
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Old 02-13-2021, 17:38   #19
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Originally Posted by Gypsy View Post
The Salonpas patches are definitely helping. This will be a lay low weekend I look forward to some rest and relaxation.
That's good to know, and glad you're on the mend. Not like the weather in our AO is beckoning many to want to run outside & play...
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Old 02-14-2021, 10:16   #20
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Originally Posted by Badger52 View Post
That's good to know, and glad you're on the mend. Not like the weather in our AO is beckoning many to want to run outside & play...
It is waaaay too cold for me. I like winter in general but this is crazy! Stay safe and keep warm!
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Old 02-14-2021, 20:48   #21
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Sorry for your fall, Gypsy, and for the fact that, at first, I misread you post as being Braised Ribs in the Guerilla Gourmet thread. Heal quickly!
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Old 02-15-2021, 19:23   #22
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Originally Posted by PSM View Post
Sorry for your fall, Gypsy, and for the fact that, at first, I misread you post as being Braised Ribs in the Guerilla Gourmet thread. Heal quickly!
You made me check my spelling! Thank you!
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Old 08-08-2024, 15:40   #23
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Wasn't sure this thread would still be around, but since it is I thought I would share a little saga over the past three years since I fell.

After this fall, my knees kept buckling under me and I continued to fall every few days for several weeks. I went to physical therapy because I thought when I collapsed I hurt my knees. First visit with the physical therapist she said you need a neurologist.

I won't bore you with all the details of the Odyssey of the past three years blood tests for so many different conditions, muscle biopsies, spinal tap, MRIs on my back and my brain the list goes on and on. I was exhausted emotionally and physically and now I know why... this disease is almost impossible to diagnose.

Finally on May 17, 2024 I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological autoimmune disease called CIDP.

For those of you who do not know this is an extremely rare autoimmune disease and my body is attacking the protective fatty sheath around my nerves.

Sure, the one place I need fat I don't have it!

I went from bad to worse, couldn't walk without a walker actually got hospitalized for about a week because my leg stopped working, stopped driving, stopped being able to come and go as I please and losing your independence is one of the worst things that I think could happen to a person, at least it is for me.

Well, I made a fortune selling my car so I guess that was a plus

I just started IVIg treatments and next week will be my third infusion of six. My neurologist said not to expect any noticeable improvements until after the third or fourth treatments however I am happy to report I have a bit less numbness in my hands and my feet and my legs and although the nerve pain is still pretty intense it's not as bad.

My neuro never gave up on me but I have found a neuro at the University of Chicago that has specialized in CIDP both in research and in treatment as her sole focus for years. I will be making an appointment with her soon to make sure I'm getting the best possible treatments.

It took me a while to go from feeling hopeless to hopeful, but now am focused on being very positive and praying to go into remission so I can be an active person again.


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Old 08-08-2024, 16:47   #24
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Hope you make a complete recovery Gypsy. I'll think positive karma for you.
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Old 08-08-2024, 19:00   #25
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Great news, keep up the fight. You have to keep pushing to get the Docs to find out what is wrong. Glad you’re on the right path.

Hope your back on your feet soon.
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Old 08-08-2024, 19:01   #26
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Get well soon, Lorene.

Glad that you were able to find the cause.

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Old 08-08-2024, 19:05   #27
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Best Wishes

Here is wishing you nothing but the best in your treatment and your recovery! Sometimes these things take time to sort out. Godspeed!
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Old 08-09-2024, 05:11   #28
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Wish you all the best; the "keep pushing for the most knowledgeable doc" advice above is solid. Treat yourself to one of those skillet burritos from the other thread. Thank you for sharing the news.
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Old 08-09-2024, 05:55   #29
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Best wishes for a full recovery!
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Old 08-09-2024, 06:01   #30
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Prayers out for continued positive progression and full recovery.
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