CSM(R) Scott "Andy" Anderson
Hey to all, met this CSM's son Jason in Roanoke VA. this past weekend, he has some serious "misses his father issues". CSM Scott Aderson retired in 1994 (with 22 years service) Dies Sept 2006 of skin cancer. Not sure if 1/1 was his last unit, I will also post in 7th Grp. Any info from some of you "old" guys would be appreciated. Thanks, CSM-H
PS: I have recieved several messages that state that "Andy's" last unit was 1/1.... So looking for 90's-94, any comments would be nice trying to put a "page" together to let his son know what his father was like...so far, outstanding comments!!
Last edited by CSM-H; 08-14-2012 at 06:13.
Reason: additional information added