Originally Posted by ROCKY07
my name is rocky07 and i want to be a green beret.
Abracadabra - you are now a green piece of wool felt.
Read the stickies, follow directions, get your brain housing group out of your fourth point of contact.
Capitalizaton is used here, learn how to type. Use Special Forces or SF when referring to the men or the profession. Now move out and draw fire - you are a target.
Have a very SF day.
Could one of the mods move this to the correct area.
In the business of war, there is no invariable stategic advantage (shih) which can be relied upon at all times.
Sun-Tzu, "The Art of Warfare"
Hearing, I forget. Seeing, I remember. Writing (doing), I understand. Chinese Proverb
Too many people are looking for a magic bullet. As always, shot placement is the key. ~TR
Last edited by x SF med; 12-31-2006 at 15:35.