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Old 12-23-2005, 11:52   #16
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Anyone know the record on longest stay as a student at SWCS? I don't, that's why I'm asking.

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Old 12-23-2005, 11:57   #17
The Reaper
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Originally Posted by Doc
Anyone know the record on longest stay as a student at SWCS? I don't, that's why I'm asking.

I have seen guys at SWCS as students for as much as 36 months.

I figure a couple of late recycles for young Crip, and he can break that. After all, he has finished Phase 2 of 6 and he is past the one year mark already. As long as he doesn't get injured again

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - President Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

De Oppresso Liber 01/20/2025
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Old 12-23-2005, 12:19   #18
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Originally Posted by The Reaper
I have seen guys at SWCS as students for as much as 36 months.

I figure a couple of late recycles for young Crip, and he can break that. After all, he has finished Phase 2 of 6 and he is past the one year mark already. As long as he doesn't get injured again


Records were made to be broken.

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Old 12-23-2005, 14:46   #19
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Glad to know I am thought so highly of around here... lol.

Razor: As to my NR cert... Gotta get it back or I will be out of a civilian job when I do finish training. I am just trying to plan ahead.

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Old 12-23-2005, 15:09   #20
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Originally Posted by Surgicalcric
Glad to know I am thought so highly of around here... lol.

Razor: As to my NR cert... Gotta get it back or I will be out of a civilian job when I do finish training. I am just trying to plan ahead.

Wait, does that mean you aren't staying on the teams? For shame......

Have a good christmas brother.
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Old 12-23-2005, 15:15   #21
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Originally Posted by Aequitas
Wait, does that mean you aren't staying on the teams? For shame......

Have a good christmas brother.
I am a NG guy. When training is over I am going back to Ft Livingroom until my unit deploys, unless I leave my FD job and pick up something more interesting... I hope I make the 2007 deployment.

Merry Christmas to you as well.

"It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees."

"Its not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me" -Batman

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Old 12-23-2005, 15:31   #22
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You don't need to go back to the FD; just keep recycling the phases and time it so you finish the course just in time for a unit deployment. Given your history, no one would be any the wiser.

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas.
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Old 05-10-2006, 12:33   #23
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Post Just a heads up...

Originally Posted by Gordon
I am currently in the course now. When we first arrived we were told that anyone past or present who is 18D certified will be given the equivilant associates degree, sometime within this comming year, in an unspecified area... Come next monday I can have the details on what that is, and also a direct answer to your question about emt-p.
I'm in the process of trying to get into the University of California. I'm currently attending a community college and have an advisor from Berkeley...

I was only awarded a total of 15 credit hours, for all the training I attended while in the military.

Hopefully this info helps some you guys out.

Take care.
“It is better to have sheep led by a lion than lions led by a sheep.”

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Old 06-08-2006, 21:13   #24
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New to the forum but wanted to share my expierience as far as the NREMT-P thing is. I was in Phase III from 2004 to 05 and we recieved the SOCOM card but told us they were working on getting back whatever it was they needed for us to able to take the NREMT-P exam in the soon future along with the associates degree. Long story short, when I graduated the course I filled out the application had to get it filled out at the schoolhouse along with signatures from the EMS director and the Medical Director, sent it in with my money and it got sent back with a letter saying our course was not approved and therefore I could not take the exam! I called NR and they told me to call AMEDD. I called AMEDD down in Ft. Sam in TX and talked to the head of the EMS certification dept. who empathized with our situation and has had numerous calls about this topic but said their hands were tied and that suggestions have been made to the schoolhouse to get them back up to par to be able to test the NREMT-P. He told me I needed to call the EMS dept. of USSOCOM in FL and talk to them to see if this topic is being looked at or changed, which I did but the person I needed to talk to was not in at the time (CPT Briggs). The phone number is on the back of the SOCOM paramedic cards! I also read an interesting article on the internet from the SOCOM medical director just recently that stated they are going away from the National Registry standard and more towards the Combat Medicine Approach, which makes me think they will probably not go back which makes since as we need the medical training on what we will expierience in war more than civilian side of medicine and its protocols. But it does seem a shame that when a 18D gets out of active duty whenever they choose, or have to, that even though they went to an CoAEMSP approved Paramedic course, they will only be able to work as an EMT-B unless they go through a whole new program. So much for making a long story short, sorry! Just wanted to shed some light on the Picture that it has not happened as of yet!
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Old 06-08-2006, 21:23   #25
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Originally Posted by R71
New to the forum but wanted to share my expierience as far as the NREMT-P thing is. I was in Phase III from 2004 to 05 and we recieved the SOCOM card but told us they were working on getting back whatever it was they needed for us to able to take the NREMT-P exam in the soon future along with the associates degree. Long story short, when I graduated the course I filled out the application had to get it filled out at the schoolhouse along with signatures from the EMS director and the Medical Director, sent it in with my money and it got sent back with a letter saying our course was not approved and therefore I could not take the exam! I called NR and they told me to call AMEDD. I called AMEDD down in Ft. Sam in TX and talked to the head of the EMS certification dept. who empathized with our situation and has had numerous calls about this topic but said their hands were tied and that suggestions have been made to the schoolhouse to get them back up to par to be able to test the NREMT-P. He told me I needed to call the EMS dept. of USSOCOM in FL and talk to them to see if this topic is being looked at or changed, which I did but the person I needed to talk to was not in at the time (CPT Briggs). The phone number is on the back of the SOCOM paramedic cards! I also read an interesting article on the internet from the SOCOM medical director just recently that stated they are going away from the National Registry standard and more towards the Combat Medicine Approach, which makes me think they will probably not go back which makes since as we need the medical training on what we will expierience in war more than civilian side of medicine and its protocols. But it does seem a shame that when a 18D gets out of active duty whenever they choose, or have to, that even though they went to an CoAEMSP approved Paramedic course, they will only be able to work as an EMT-B unless they go through a whole new program. So much for making a long story short, sorry! Just wanted to shed some light on the Picture that it has not happened as of yet!
Hi. Welcome aboard. You need to do a couple of things (I'm in a really good mood, some Brothers called the Wrath of God [not allah, God] down on a terrorist asshat today).

First of all you need to fill out your profile. Then read the rules and all the stickies. Then you need to go to the Introductions thread and introduce yourself.

And please, please, please - use paragraphs.
Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimal food or water, in austere conditions, training day and night. The only thing clean on him is his weapon and he made his web gear. He doesn't worry about what workout to do - his ruck weighs what it weighs, his runs end when the enemy stops chasing him. This True Believer is not concerned about 'how hard it is;' he knows either he wins or dies. He doesn't go home at 17:00, he is home.
He knows only The Cause.

Still want to quit?
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Old 06-15-2006, 06:05   #26
Tex Tackleberry
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I was reading up on the 18D forums and came across this one that I have some but un-verified information.Realizing that I am a Volunteer firefighter/EMR in Jacksonville,Fl; I come across SOCM students from all branches.

Usally our(civilian) EMT-B through EMT-P are required for "ride a long" and clinical training before they test for NR. We(firefighters) are under the impression that you(18D students) were here for experiance and NR requirements.I come across the instructors every now and then and I will try to confirm my info ASAP.

It isn't much input though it might be some what helpful. By no means am I trying to step out of my lane,understanding that I am only a DEP and not a soldier.
I just wan't to learn, give it to me straight.
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Old 06-15-2006, 07:55   #27
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Originally Posted by Tex Tackleberry
I was reading up on the 18D forums and came across this one that I have some but un-verified information.
You should have stopped here. Period.

We do not deal in hearsay, rumor mill, scuttlebutt, I heard that she said that her cousin was sleeping with a family member of one of the guys who failed out of the course garbage...

Got it?

Primum non Nocere
"I have hung out in dangerous places a lot over the years, from combat zones to biker bars, and it is the weak, the unaware, or those looking for it, that usually find trouble.

Ain't no one getting out of this world alive. All you can do is try to have some choice in the way you go. Prepare yourself (and your affairs), and when your number is up, die on your feet fighting rather than on your knees. And make the SOBs pay dearly."
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Old 06-15-2006, 08:34   #28
Tex Tackleberry
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Understood.No excuse.
I just wan't to learn, give it to me straight.
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Old 02-10-2007, 19:45   #29
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Originally Posted by The Reaper
...We have high hopes that you can be a first time go at Phase III.

Your hopes weren't misplaced Sir; first time go.

Which one of you lost the bet on my recycle?

"It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees."

"Its not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me" -Batman

"There are no obstacles, only opportunities for excellence."- NousDefionsDoc

Last edited by Surgicalcric; 02-10-2007 at 20:01.
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Old 02-10-2007, 21:42   #30
The Reaper
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Originally Posted by Surgicalcric
Your hopes weren't misplaced Sir; first time go.

Which one of you lost the bet on my recycle?

Holy Necropost, Batman!

What are we at Crip, 31 months to complete the first three phases?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - President Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

De Oppresso Liber 01/20/2025
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