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Old 03-12-2016, 14:47   #1
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Posts: 232
SAAF planes 'stolen' by departing pilots - Defence Minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula

So around here other than the country going up in flames and on the brink of a tribal war or race war or whatever you'd like to call it and the 50 odd murders per day, its actually a relatively quiet news week.

For your entertainment I bring you a story from our esteemed Minister of Defence who has a good story as to why there are no pilots to fly the 26 Gripen Multi-Role Fighter Jets:


Now there was a time when SAAF pilots were considered at least the equal of any in the world often going up against adversaries in much newer and more sophisticated machinery as well as negotiating their way around possibly the most heavily defended airspace of the period. Now that they have the machinery it appears that much of it has been destroyed by incompetent handling and maintenance or is in mothballs because of a lack of skilled personal to operate and maintain them. Of course there may be thousands of skilled whites who were more than happy to mentor youngsters into those roles but that would never do. Nothing less than a complete ousting of thousands of man-hours of experience and skill followed by the most absurd accusations of theft of fighter jets and transport aircraft to place them in museums. Even of the three shiny new submarines bought from Germany only one is allegedly still in operation. The Agusta 109 helicopters seem to have all but disappeared from the skies. TIA.

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