I sent the YouTube link do my father [77th, 1st, 6th, 5th, Training Group]. He says:
I do recognize several friends especially “Bulldog” Smith, he was a classmate at OCS and SF Training. He is really involved with getting the Mountainyards moved and settled in NC. They have many special sales to assist them. I still have my M/Y bracelet. Oley Mize and I went to Vietnam on the same flight together. Our first night in Saigon he went to Tudor Street and I was assigned to watch out for him. Brass was afraid the VC would attempt to capture him because he was a MOH holder. Never saw him after that night. It was that way with most all SF personnel, we were scattered throughout Vietnam. Sorry some of my old CO’s weren't mentioned or shown. Like Col Raft CO 77th and Col Francis Kelly, my Group CO in ‘Nam. Some of the new training sure is interesting don’t think I could do it now though.
Well ... he's 83 -- I'd be surprised if he could do it now!