some points on a two year follow up....
-how true was the advice given.
-did everything possible to get out of Fobbit-mode, along with getting the guys out, on the road and doing stints at the FBs/COPs. Success.
-avoided doopy BSC/SOTF details through productive alternatives
-a good number of the guys maintained physical fitness and very interested in attending selection now, which doesnt reflect anything i did, but the greater leadership and command climate that makes them want to stick around.
- interfaced not with TS, but TLs with success when afforded the opportunity. The O to O relationship was a great eye-opener with mini-mentorships.
-One challenge were leaders that had no conceptual idea how technology works. Most of what we can provide or establish couldn't be done within the 10 minutes they thought it should take.
-Another was the complete refusal for some folks to use the workorder system. We did fine, but could've eased the stress. ( Understand, there are some things that require immediate attention and those are the exceptions).
-Another frustration was getting beat up by GNCC, SOCOM, J6 for folks not adhering to the user agreements by trying to plug in their personal devices (computers, thumbdrives, etc...).
Some frustration with the majority of 18Es lack of interest in learning the trade, many were capable, but understandably they would rather kick doors. There were several that were top-notch and simply impressive. There are certain expectations that an 18E possesses within the MOS....there are cheat sheets too for crying out loud!!!
Never understood, rather, never saw the need to network with others (CJSOTF, 112th, etc...). That lesson was learned quickly by a good S6 by pausing and revisiting situations and tasks that were successful only due to the assistance or support of others.
Overall, the past two years were very successful, productive and a the best two years of my career. Had a great group of guys in the detachment and leadership throughout the BN. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The positives certainly outweigh the negatives.
There are some things i would have done different. Personal critiques abound, but like i mentioned, i think we do/did exceptionally well and credit much of that to our seasoned NCOs.