Old 06-20-2011, 08:49   #1
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Regimental Mess?

Just what the hail is a regimental mess? "Mess" to me means "chow." But it dont mean that anymore, in the current army. In the next generation it'll proly be the word to replace "command." That would mean teaching "Mess and Control" to officers and NCOs and we'd have "Change of Mess Ceremonies." Ha. Kidding.

Anyway, got word that 1st Gp just opened up a "regimental mess" facility. Its purpose is to be a social and professional center for 1st Gp. What does that mean? And do all groups have this, or are all getting it?

Also, 1st Group is asking for "SF historical and heraldry items," especially 1st Gp related, to go in this regi mess. Do any of youz know who to contact to get guidance on exactly what type of stuff they are looking for? T-shirts? Sweats? Team patches? It refs the group engineer as the occifer who opened the facility up on June 15th for viewing and operations. Is he the POC?
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Old 06-20-2011, 10:58   #2
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Interesting bit of Military History in a Regimental "Mess" that has changed through the ages and with the different services.

The usual ones were the Officers Mess, NCO Mess and the enlisted - oh, wait they had details to do.

In remote posts - and when you needed a pass to get off the post - they were the social clubs of the era. A place to "let your hair down" with your peers. But the mess had strict rules of conduct.

The increase in married troops, drinking age of 21 - and frowning on drinking in general just about killed off the Officers and NCO Clubs in the late 70's and 80's.

To get troops to come you have to offer them something they need.
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Old 06-20-2011, 14:59   #3
tom kelly
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Social Gathering Places in Fayetteville?

There was Caruso's, on the corner of Hay St. diagonal to the Train Station; and a few doors up was Rick's " You had to watch the flying beer bottles" and there was the preimer social houses on Gillespie St....in more recent times @ 5 years ago there was Cloud Nine....I have been in Fayetteville for All American Week this year June 22 thru June 28 and more recently on June 16 & 17 while on my way to the 1st SFG(Abn) 54 year reunion. I plan to return to Fayetteville on June 27 &28 after the SFA Convention. Does anyone know the more recent "Social Club's " in the Fayetteville area? Not similar to Huske Hardware House at 405 Hay St. Fayetteville,NC ....IF YOU KNOW, PM Me Regard's, tom kelly
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Old 06-20-2011, 15:39   #4
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Charlie Mike's

Originally Posted by tom kelly View Post
................ Does anyone know the more recent "Social Club's " in the Fayetteville area? Not similar to Huske Hardware House at 405 Hay St. Fayetteville,NC ....IF YOU KNOW, PM Me Regard's, tom kelly
If you're taking a cab back to the crib Charlie Mike's is a nice hang-out. Better with some PM work to friends and a few of them showing up.
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Old 06-20-2011, 16:57   #5
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Originally Posted by MoFo View Post
Just what the hail is a regimental mess?
That's pretty much what the original meaning was dating back to the Brits during the Napoleonic Wars.


I think it has evolved a bit to mean a gathering of the Regiment officers and senior enlisted at a dinner. The central idea is the same but in a full blown dress formal, sometimes with the ladies..


I think it is sometimes called Dining In..
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Old 03-09-2013, 23:28   #6
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What a mess...

The "Regimental Mess Facility" is where the GRP gym and GRP MED used to be in the compound. They gutted it and have converted it into a multi-purpose facility. On one side, they've got a briefing hall with huge flat-panel TVs wired in for death by PowerPoint. The other side of the place, you will truly appreciate - it's a no shit Irish pub looking joint. Right down to the dark wood finished bar and row of taps with whatever kegs are handy. The tables are crafted of wrought iron crossed-arrows and daggers with glass tops. The legs of the bar stools are wooden pieces shaped somewhat like the Tori Gate. Some memorabilia has trickled in and the place is certainly worth a visit if you're ever in the Lewis area.
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Old 02-04-2020, 15:12   #7
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Gents, The bar in the RMF is run and supported by SFA XVI. The chapter has our bi-monthly meeting/pot luck there. It was actually constructed in the 2005 time frame with the intent of being used as an ASO teaching facility. Where do you learn to talk to someone...in a bar...hey I've got an idea, let's build one...I figure everyone knows how it goes from there. Everything in the place is 1st Group centric and there were a whole lot of folks involved in various fashions. Hat's off to a certain commander who had the guts to say, build it! Hopefully he'll get another star before retiring. I do believe every SF unit should have something similar, where the guys can get promoted, change commands and responsibilities, retire and just gather to salute the organization and brothers we spent our youths in.
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Old 02-04-2020, 15:55   #8
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Originally Posted by MoFo View Post
do all groups have this, or are all getting it?
10th Group has had one for decades it is very small but good for important functions. like retirements where it is just the Company, family and friends.
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Old 02-04-2020, 22:19   #9
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Originally Posted by JJ_BPK View Post
That's pretty much what the original meaning was dating back to the Brits during the Napoleonic Wars.


I think it has evolved a bit to mean a gathering of the Regiment officers and senior enlisted at a dinner. The central idea is the same but in a full blown dress formal, sometimes with the ladies..


I think it is sometimes called Dining In..
Bingo(bullseye) on the Commonwealth lingo!

Dining in = wearing Mess Dress(formal uniform worn by Officers, SNCOs) with partners wearing civilian equivalent. Infrequent special occasions.

We have “The Mess” which is our all ranks dining only facility

Baggie’s Bar = in camp facility serving alcohol for junior enlisted

Corporal’s Club = in camp facility serving alcohol for junior NCOs.

Officers Mess which is a dining facility, bar, and accommodation for officers only and invited guests.

WO’s and SNO’s Mess which is a dining facility, bar, and accommodation for WOs & SNCO’s and invited guests.

The “Unit” has a really cool Mess(dining facility, bar, lounge) for everyone in the regiment and invited guests.

Australia and NZ are very much along the UK model, I must ask the Canadians when I see them next.

With the Aussie’s being far bigger they can even have a Mess just for a single corps or unit, such as Artillery/Gunners and 2CDO that I had the chance to eat at when visiting last year.

Besides eating and sleeping(where a Mess includes accommodation), I reckon the Mess represents the original gangster “safe space”, centuries before those words were ever put next to each other.

A place to learn, share, and unload over a few quiets.
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Old 07-05-2024, 00:31   #10
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A regimental mess is a social and professional center for unit members to gather and hold events. It's different from a dining hall. Not all groups have this, but 1st Group recently opened theirs.
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