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Old 07-13-2004, 19:19   #1
Roguish Lawyer
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Gaza's Killing School



Children as young as 10 are being recruited to fight for the Palestinian cause.

Sky News has gained access to a young people's camp in Gaza, where the only lesson taught is how to kill Israelis.

Sky's Middle East Correspondent Emma Hurd said the camp, at an undisclosed location, had been set up to drill children in the ways of war.

The recruits, some of whom are dwarfed by their AK-47 assault rifles, are taught how to carry out ambushes.

They are also made to do an obstacle course, crawling under barbed wire and leaping through hoops of fire while their instructors fire live bullets overhead.

Hurd witnessed one training session in which a militant, dressed as a Jewish settler complete with yarmulke skull cap, was ambushed in his car.Gunmen pulled the "settler" from his vehicle and Hurd was told if this had been real he would have been killed.

She spoke to two 10-year-old recruits.

One of them, Mustafa, said he wanted to shoot down Israeli aircraft and blow up tanks.

The camp is run by a group called the Popular Resistance Committee, which said the next generation of Palestinians needed to know how to fight the Israeli "occupation".

The boys even "graduate" at the end of their training, receiving a certificate from the camp commander.
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Old 07-13-2004, 19:32   #2
The Reaper
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Well, they are about as fair-minded as the NEA.

Except for the guns, of course.

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Old 07-13-2004, 20:00   #3
Jack Moroney (RIP)
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Re: Gaza's Killing School

Originally posted by Roguish Lawyer


Children as young as 10 are being recruited to fight for the Palestinian cause.

We recruited and trained kids about that age also, but then the lightning god was on our side. Haven't had much luck figuring out how to attach pictures so I will apologize in advance if this doesn't come out

Jack Moroney
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