One aspect of Special Forces training is the development of a highly sophisticated sense of awareness; we call it SA or situational awareness. In order to survive in our world it’s a must have piece of the intelligence pie.
Nick, you don’t have any SA, zero, nadda, zilch, less than zero. Had you a lick of sense you would not be peeing in water you wish to drink from later in life. I can almost guarantee you will never attend SFAS, not in this lifetime anyway. You’ve shown us your true colors and in our desire to keep the Special Forces gene pool clean we’ve taken the liberty of forwarding your name to the Special Forces Schoolhouse.
Little boy, the closest you will ever come to a real Special Forces soldier is when you sign on here under a new screen name and that screen name sits in close proximity to a real “Quiet Professional”.
Should you desire to once again post on this website I will be forced to take the following action:
1. I will call you mom and inform her that you’re being a real pain in the ass.
2. I will call your school and ask to speak with the school principal, I’m sure he’d like to know just what sort of student you are fast becoming.
3. I will email every, SEAL, Ranger, Special Forces, and Special Operations website I can think of and inform them of your crappy wannabe attitude. (Trust me, most of them know about this site and many know who I am and they will listen to what I have to say.)
The choice is yours, post again to test my resolve.
Team Sergeant