12-15-2015, 09:31
Area Commander
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: The Black Hills of SD
Posts: 5,931
The A team in support of the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant
Not meaning to cause a rift amongst you Gents, but ....
The A team in support of the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant
There is a profound distinction between the importance of the Weapons Sergeant and all the other personnel on a Special Forces Team. There are 12 members with a number of different specialties, but aside from the Weapons Sergeants all the rest are essentially support. Detachments consist of a Captain, Warrant Officer, Intel NCO, Team Sergeant, and then the soft skills of Engineer, Commo, and Medic, with two of each. But the emperor of all he surveys, bestriding the Earth like a Colossus is the ramp-jumping, door-kicking, slim-waisted, barrel-chested, freedom-fighting Weapons Sergeant.
Rest of the "story" here ---> http://www.blackfive.net/main/2012/0...rt-of-18b.html
Non Sibi Sed Suis
It's Good To Be Da King !!!! Just ask NDD !!!!
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