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Old 01-31-2013, 10:42   #91
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"To limit the Second Amendment to muskets would be the equivalent of limiting the First Amendment to writing with quill pens. " Anonymous web poster

A link below to an organization (and links to reportedly 800 Mayors) that might benefit from reading the letter in the OP.

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Last edited by tonyz; 01-31-2013 at 14:31.
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Old 01-31-2013, 10:52   #92
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I like this post...

One of the comments on our letter on NY firearms.com.

"The Green Berets are good people to have on your side."
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Old 01-31-2013, 12:56   #93
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Thumbs up Everyone is on your side during the hurricane...

Originally Posted by cactijoe View Post
great letter on the 2nd. during the looting during several of the hurricanes here in florida i confronted looters in my hood with my m-16 with 30 rd mag. they got the message. well regulated militia me thinks. don,t think muzzle loader would have gotten the job done.

It's surprising how much safer our neighbors feel when we who govern ourselves and maintain our weapons are around during those times of emergency, yet have no idea "what possible reason" there might be for us to own them when the media hype begins. Perhaps this letter will bring some of them back to reason.

Outstanding letter gentlemen; it has been further disseminated.

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Old 01-31-2013, 13:22   #94
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I felt almost a sense of obligation to include this letter in a reply to my Congressman whom I've been in contact with recently. So I did . I'm not as well versed as you all are in these matters, and my writing style needs some polishing, but here is the reply to my Congressman I just sent out:

Congressman Hoyer,

I want to thank you for your response to my email. I would also like to present a few counter-arguments to some of your statements. Let me start with your initial statement of, and I quote, “The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut have compelled the nation to reexamine how we can avoid such a senseless tragedy from occurring again.” I will try to be brief.

To me, as a constituent, I fail to see why it took a mass shooting to spark the outcry of an Administration who prior to this event, did not seem to attend to the plethora of communities and victims lost to gang violence, stabbings, rape, drugs, people being struck and killed by drunk/drugged drivers, people killed by distracted drivers, etcetera. I understand everyone wants the senselessness to end, but being realistic, none of the proposed resolutions regarding firearms themselves will curb any of the aforementioned crimes to include crimes where a firearm is used.

I agree with more thorough background checks; however I disagree with [quote] “banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines”. The term ‘assault weapon’ itself is very misleading. Just because a firearm in its appearance, looks like a military or law enforcement issued firearm, it is not. Anyone can dress like a duck, but that does not make them a duck. A determined assailant can do just as much damage with 3 ten-round magazines as they could with a thirty-round magazine with little to no training. Even if firearms were abolished altogether, that would not stop criminals who are committed to do harm from illegally obtaining firearms to completing that goal. There are several examples around the globe that echo this statement.

I believe, as do many others, that the problem lies with so-called ‘gun control’ itself. Obstructing law-biding citizens from their inalienable right to possess arms just empowers criminals that much more to commit crimes. Most of the crimes which involve firearms occur in heavily legislated, gun-free metropolitan areas, and outlying areas. There are statistics from various sources which verify this. There are also other statistics that can be interpreted in either direction; be it in favor of further gun control, or against gun control in its entirety. My question to you Congressman Hoyer, is how are you interpreting these statistics, and how are you representing your constituents who have the common-sense approach of further gun control not being a viable solution?

I would like to propose solutions, however a more eloquent proposal has already been written by, and signed by, over one thousand active duty and retired members of the elite military organization, the United States Army Special Forces; also known as ‘Green Berets’. I have attached their open letter titled “Protecting the Second Amendment” to this email. I challenge you to read this letter, and to ponder the facts and solutions suggested therein.

In conclusion, I want to thank you again for your taking the time to read my correspondence, and I look forward to your reply. This is a very turbulent time in our Nation, and any decisions regarding the Rights granted to us by the U.S. Constitution should not be acted upon forthwith without due diligence and considerations of all the facts. Have a great day.


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Old 01-31-2013, 13:30   #95
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Well said!

The FBI UCR shows 12,644 murders took place in 2011. 323 of those were committed with rifles. That's only 2.5% of all murders and those were committed with every type and caliber of rifle. (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr...e-data-table-8) Some states collect more detailed information on semi vs. bolt vs. lever/pump rifles that would identify the number of semiauto rifles used in murders. In my state, less than a quarter of the rifles used in murders were semiauto (no information on what type of semi was collected). If we assume that 1/4 of the 323 rifles used in murders in 2011 were semis, there were less than 80 of these rifles used in murders, or 0.6%. Six tenths of a percent??!? This tiny number can't rationally be the basis for national policy or legislation.

The UCR Five Year Trend graph (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr...offense-figure) shows that violent crimes dropped by 220,000 since 2007. This drop has occurred while the very firearms proposed for banning have become more and more popular for recreation, competition, hunting, personal defense. More importantly, both have occurred while the rates of murder have dropped since the expiration of the AWB. These out of date and out of touch politicians with their out of date and out of touch proposals want want to reinstate the failed AWB of '94 regardless of the data showing their solutions will not reduce violent crime rates. This can’t rationally be the basis for national policy or legislation.

The murder rate is at the lowest point in a generation, this has occurred since the failed AWB expired, the firearms to be banned and their magazines have become more popular for law abiding citizens and politicians can’t come up with any new ideas for identifying the root cause of violent crime and murder or for identifying real meaningful changes that will reduce the rates of murder or violent crime. There's no risk basis for trying to prohibit law abiding citizens owning, purchasing, or selling these firearms and their magazines.

Once again you gentlemen have done a service to the nation.

Last edited by hso; 01-31-2013 at 17:01.
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Old 01-31-2013, 17:04   #96
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It's about natural rights...

One man's thoughts on the subject at hand in a 2 minute YouTube video...

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.

Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Old 01-31-2013, 17:10   #97
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Originally Posted by tonyz View Post
One man's thoughts on the subject at hand in a 2 minute YouTube video...

Great video.

I agree, it's about natural rights.

Some people "get it".
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Old 01-31-2013, 19:49   #98
The Reaper
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Looks like we are not the only ones with a letter.

I like the way this is headed.


Attached Files
File Type: pdf SAFEActLetter.pdf (2.65 MB, 163 views)
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - President Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

De Oppresso Liber 01/20/2025
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Old 01-31-2013, 20:05   #99
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Originally Posted by The Reaper View Post
Looks like we are not the only ones with a letter.

I like the way this is headed.


Great letter...my favorite line (amongst so many great ones):

One need look no further than the embarrassment of New York’s Combined Ballistic Identification System that devoured $44 million in taxpayer money over 11 years to regulate lawful gun ownership and which resulted in no convictions of anyone for anything to illustrate the non-complicity of lawful gun-owners in recent events.
How tasty was that $44 million dollar turd?
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Old 01-31-2013, 20:27   #100
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Originally Posted by The Reaper View Post
Looks like we are not the only ones with a letter.

I like the way this is headed.


Agree, fine letter. I don't think they ever intended to get any push-back from someone who can be articulate, given their view of the peasantry they want to control. Such assumptions can be a critical mistake.
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Old 01-31-2013, 21:05   #101
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Originally Posted by The Reaper View Post
Looks like we are not the only ones with a letter.

I like the way this is headed.


Geez. They're still using typewriters in Saratoga County?

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Old 01-31-2013, 22:59   #102
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Originally Posted by The Reaper View Post
Looks like we are not the only ones with a letter.

I like the way this is headed.


Nothing like NY polecats

"The more that they understand the law and the more they hear about the law, the better they are going to feel because it has nothing to do with the legitimate ownership of a gun..."
- Gov. Cuomo

"You can’t give more ammo to the criminals."
- State Sen. Eric Adams when finding out that NYSAFE does not explicitly exclude LEO

Hmm, if this has nothing to do legitimate gun ownership, and a state senator admits that criminals don't follow laws(duh!) even though the entire intent of the bill was to prevent criminals from doing just that, then who does NYSAFE apply to?
"Crime is an extension of business through illegal means, politics is an extension of crime through *legal* means."

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Old 02-01-2013, 04:43   #103
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Originally Posted by BOfH View Post
then who does NYSAFE apply to?
New York Serfs Against Feudal Empires - we all know it's about control.
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."

The coin paid to enforce words on parchment is blood; tyrants will not be stopped with anything less dear. - QP Peregrino
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Old 02-01-2013, 06:33   #104
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Well said

I have been sending this letter on to others who need to read these well written lines regarding the rights that are ours. The challenges to the Constitution are more fierce than ever, and we have sworn an oath to protect and defend this Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I did not cease believing the oath when I took off the uniform and never will. Thank you.

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Old 02-01-2013, 10:13   #105
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To the QP's who drafted and signed the letter, thank you! I have sent a copy to all of my representatives (UT) in DC and I've encouraged many others to do the same. I also sent a "thank you" letter to my county Sheriff (for drafting and signing the letter from the Utah Sheriff's Association, and a link to the letter from the QP's.

"Honorable Senator Hatch,

Regarding the attack on the 2nd Amendment and the American people, I urge you to read this letter (below)from a group of over 1100 U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers (Green Berets, who's 19th SFG(A)is HQ'd in Utah). It is the one of the clearest explanations and most compelling statements in favor of protecting our natural right to keep and bear arms that I have read. I agree with it completely and ask you to fight for this cause against President Obama, Vice President Biden, Senator Feinstein and all those who seek to attack this right. I thank you for reading my email and the attached letter.

Michael Hayter"

(letter copied and link attached)

Last edited by Morumbi97; 02-01-2013 at 10:16.
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