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Old 02-05-2012, 06:51   #16
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Originally Posted by mark46th View Post
Funny- They can have sex with farm animals but not eat them?
Unlike Europeans who seem to enjoy sex with them and eat them, too - the best of both worlds for a zoophile.

"Guilty of what? Where's the evidence?" Burp! "Excuse me - I just had some cabrito."

My translation below of the article from Friday's Frankfurter Rundschauer newspaper.

And here's what the USA has to say about it.

Overview of State Bestiality Laws


And so it goes...


Verbot von Sex mit Tieren gefordert
Frankfurter Rundschau, 3 Feb 2012

Auch Tiere werden sexuell missbraucht. Es gebe mittlerweile sogar Tierbordelle in Deutschland, sagt die hessische Landestierschutzbeauftragte Madeleine Martin. Sie fordert ein strengeres Tierschutzgesetz.

Die hessische Landestierschutzbeauftragte hat ein schärferes Verbot von Sex mit Tieren gefordert. Nötig sei ein strengeres Tierschutzgesetz, sagte Madeleine Martin am Freitag in Wiesbaden. Bislang seien Tiere nicht ausreichend vor Missbrauch geschützt. „Es steht unter Strafe, Tierpornografie zu verbreiten, aber die Tat selbst nicht.“ Das Tierschutzgesetz könne nicht ausreichend vor Zoophilie - so der Fachausdruck für sexuelle Handlungen von Menschen an Tieren - schützen.

„Es gibt mittlerweile Tierbordelle in Deutschland“, sagte Martin. Der Sex mit Tieren werde für bestimmte Menschen immer akzeptierter, es sei sogar schon verharmlosend die Rede von einem „Lifestyle“. „Der Missbrauch scheint rapide zu steigen und das Internet bietet eine zusätzliche Verbreitungsplattform.“ Ein Mann aus Hessen habe beispielsweise über eine Internetseite Bilder und Anleitungen zu Zoophilie angeboten, doch eine Verurteilung sei im Nachhinein sehr schwer gewesen schläge und Tritte bei der Vergewaltigung von Tieren seien im Nachhinein kaum nachweisbar.

1969 sei der Tiermissbrauch mit Einführung des Tierschutzgesetzes aus dem Strafgesetzbuch gestrichen worden. „Zoophilie muss im überarbeiteten Tierschutzgesetz komplett verboten werden“, forderte Martin. Bundesverbraucherministerin Ilse Aigner (CSU) hatte im Dezember angekündigt, dass 2012 eine Neufassung in Kraft treten wird.

Ban Called For Sex With Animals

A Hessian animal protection officer has called for a sharper ban to having sex with animals. "More stringent animal protection laws are needed," Madeleine Martin said Friday in Wiesbaden. "Until then animals are not adequately protected from abuse. It is illegal to spread animal pornography, but not the act itself." The Animal Welfare Act can not adequately protect them from Zoophilia - the technical term for sexual acts with animals by humans.

"There are now animal brothels in Germany," said Martin. Sex with animals will always be played down as an accepted lifestyle for certain people. The abuse seems to be rapidly increasing and the Internet provides an additional means of distribution. A man from Hesse has, for example, created a website on zoophilia with pictures and instructions, but a conviction for it has subsequently been very difficult to obtain because signs of serious abuse such as punches and kicks common in the rape of animals are barely detectable afterwards.

Sex with animals was banned until 1969, when the animal protection law was introduced, but failed to include a specific ban on zoophilia. "Zoophilia should be banned completely in the revised Animal Protection Law," asserted Martin. Federal Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) announced in December that a new version of the law will come into force in 2012.
“Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whisky bottle in the hand of (another)… There are just some kind of men who – who’re so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results.” - To Kill A Mockingbird (Atticus Finch)

“Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.” - Robert Heinlein
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Old 02-06-2012, 00:13   #17
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
So are shite Muslims good Muslims or not?

I personally do not have a problem with Shite Muslims or Sunni Muslims. Both have good & bad ideaologies, like catholics, protestants, mormans, jews etc;

Shite Islam is looked down upon in KSA due to the fact that Islam was founded on Sunni principles. No such thing as Shite existed so most of the Islamic countries look at Shite Islam with disgust.

Shite Islam focuses more on the prophet mohammed's grandson Hussein, like christians focus on Jesus.

Sunni Islam firbids this as they were men, and feel men shouldnt be worshiped. Only god.
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