Old 04-29-2021, 10:46   #1
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Ramón Montijo, fake Green Beret

Ramón Montijo was sent to http://guardiansofthegreenberet.com after a family friend saw him wearing Captain's rank on a Green Beret at a wedding. He knew him as 1SG.

Boy did that open a can of worms...
The initial email contained 2 pictures, one with him wearing 1SG rank and the other showing him wearing Captain rank on his beret at a wedding. The individual had always known him as a 1SG so a red flag went off. He also noticed he wore a Special Forces tab on one uniform but saw it missing at the wedding.
We felt that was enough to request records.
When records got back, not only did we see he wasn't a Captain in the US Army. He didn't earn most of what you see him wearing on his ribbon rack.

We contacted him via a phone call and the first call went south very quickly with him cussing us out. After that call, we sent him a link to our website and the next day texted him asking if he'd consider a second phone call with the stipulation all parties remain professional.
During the second call, he said he was "Grandfathered" into being a Green Beret while he was in the 12th SFG(A) yet had no orders confirming that nor could he remember who told him he was "Grandfathered". He said he was told the same thing while with 19th SFG(A) yet again had to orders and couldn't remember who told him that either.
Both phone calls can be heard in this link.

During the first call, he said he was in Vietnam. During the second call, he said he was "In a Country next door" that he can't talk about as they weren't supposed to be there. That's why he received no CIB or Purple Heart. (Those type MACV-SOG missions have been declassified for years and those guys all show a CIB and Purple Heart in their records if earned). Ramón added that he was told that they give out bronze Stars like candy nowadays so he could start wearing one.
He said he only wore it to a Special Forces Qualification Course Graduation Ceremony yet we also see him at a wedding and a Military ball in Saudi Arabia so we can only assume this has been done multiple times at a number of places over the decades.
He adds during the call @ the 17:40 mark that he felt he was entitled to wear the SF Tab, then at the 23:00 mark, he admits that had we not busted him, he'd still be wearing the fake uniforms in the future.

What he claims vs what was earned:
Captain (O-3): False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Combat Infantry Badge: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Bronze Star: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Purple Heart: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Army Commendation Medal: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Army Achievement Medal w/ 4 oak Leaves: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Army Good Conduct Medal: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Reserve Components Achievement Medal: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Humanitarian Service Medal: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
National Defense Medal: True
Vietnam Service Medal: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Armed Forces Reserve Medal: True
NCO Professional Development Ribbon: True
Army Service Ribbon: True
Overseas Ribbon: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon: True
Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal Ribbon: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Utah National Guard Emergency Service Ribbon: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Utah National Guard Achievement Ribbon: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
New Mexico National Guard Medal of Merit: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Special Forces Tab: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Master Parachutists Badge: True
Pathfinder Badge: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Special Forces Combat Patch: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Mexican Master Parachutist Badge: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Presidential Unit Citation w/ 3 Oak Leaves: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Vietnam Gallantry Unit Citation w/ scroll: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Republic of Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation: False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Air Assault Badge (During Phone call): False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Jungle Warfare (During Phone call): False, Military Records do NOT support that.
Expert Driver Badge: True
We have a standing offer to help Ramón correct his records and when/if this happens, we will edit the article immediately to reflect the corrected awards and decorations he was given credit for.
Ramón Montijo, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet.com hall of zeroes.
#RamónMontijo, #RamónVMontijo, #RamónVincenteMontijo
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Lo, there do I see my father. 
Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sister and my brother. 
Lo, there do I see the line of my people
 back to the beginning.
 Lo, they do call to me.
 They bid me take my place among them
 in the halls of Valhalla
 where the brave may live forever.
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Old 04-29-2021, 12:46   #2
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Let us pray...

Dear sweet Eight Pound, Six Ounce, Newborn Baby Jesus, don't even know a word yet, just a little infant, so cuddly, but still omnipotent, lying there in your little ghost manger, lookin' at your Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors and how to put all the medals on the wrong side of a uniform jacket...
...please bless this nut job and all the paratroopers that were lucky enough to leave his aircraft without falling victim to his special breed of crazy.

That is so much fake for a guy with a REAL set of master parachute wings on his chest and apparently a guy that left service as an E8. Every time I see one of these high functioning circus freaks it makes me wonder what is going on in the mind of that empty shell of free roaming crazy. This isn't a drug addicted PV2 that got booted out 11 months into an enlistment - its a person that seems to have spent a credible amount of time in the US Army that left service as a Master Sergeant. Seeing guys like this wearing E-8 rank makes it a lot easier for me to finally understand how I was able to keep slipping under the promotion-fence for so long.

He should run for elected office - based on current trends, he could make it all the way to the top.
Opinions stated in this post are solely those of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of The Department of Defense, The United States Army, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Screen Actors Guild, The Boy Scouts, The Good, The Bad, or The Ugly. These opinions are provided purely as overly sarcastic social commentary and are not meant to be used for mission planning or navigation.

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-Airplane Safety Briefing

Last edited by Box; 04-29-2021 at 12:48.
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Old 05-26-2021, 03:36   #3
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We had a guy (I won't name him here) that was SF/JM/Ranger/DIVSUP and running the SCUBA locker for 7th SFG sometime in the 90's.

He had never been to Dive school but did graduate DIVSUP. Apparently his picture from school disappeared when a certain SGM went to check it out.

The high functioning poser is out there, thankfully they are rare.
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Old 05-26-2021, 06:53   #4
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Originally Posted by Hacksaw View Post
We had a guy (I won't name him here) that was SF/JM/Ranger/DIVSUP and running the SCUBA locker for 7th SFG sometime in the 90's.

He had never been to Dive school but did graduate DIVSUP. Apparently his picture from school disappeared when a certain SGM went to check it out.

The high functioning poser is out there, thankfully they are rare.

3rd Group SCUBA team Team Sergeant in the 1990's had not been to scuba school. Harder than woodpecker lips - you could ice skate on this guys chest - he could run to the sun and back without breaking a sweat...
...but wore a fraudulent scuba bubble and got caught and tossed out of group

Then went back to big Army and made E9 faster than most SF guys.
God Bless America.

Even real deals can be fake some times.
Opinions stated in this post are solely those of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of The Department of Defense, The United States Army, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Screen Actors Guild, The Boy Scouts, The Good, The Bad, or The Ugly. These opinions are provided purely as overly sarcastic social commentary and are not meant to be used for mission planning or navigation.

"Make sure your own mask is secure before assisting others"
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Old 05-26-2021, 13:41   #5
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Originally Posted by Hacksaw View Post
We had a guy (I won't name him here) that was SF/JM/Ranger/DIVSUP and running the SCUBA locker for 7th SFG sometime in the 90's.

He had never been to Dive school but did graduate DIVSUP. Apparently his picture from school disappeared when a certain SGM went to check it out.

The high functioning poser is out there, thankfully they are rare.
I was there at the time. The entire affair was an interesting insight into human nature. Definitely did not attend SFUWO; did attend and (just barely) pass Dive Sup. Though in all fairness he did attend the USMC equivalent of a PADI course before coming to SF (which did not prepare him for the duties assigned/expected hence why one of the guys his leadership style had alienated started digging and everything subsequently came to light).

To quote PT Barnum: "You can fool some people all the time and you can fool all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time." Eventually the truth will out.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42B.C)
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