Bill Vallee is a Green Beret in 20th Special Forces Group and currently serving on his 4th deployment for the U.S. Army. He was recently informed by his wife that their home outside Worcester, Ma caught fire. Bill's wife and three sons were not inside, but they lost the family dog and many belongings to fire and water damage.
We are raising money to help with the cost of relocating his family and to replace some of the belongings lost. Being separated from a loved one for months at a time is hard enough, without having to deal with moving your family and unexpected financial concerns. We are hoping to ease some of the stress on the Vallee family through donations. We would appreciate any donations you could make to help our fellow brother and his family out.
From the men of ODA 2135, C Co, 1st Bn, 20th Special Forces Group, we sincerely thank you for your help.