Writing a short class on how to conduct an AAR. Mainly geared towards CQB/Shoot House training. Anyone have any info or a POI class already written up.
Apreciate any info
Sounds like a s#*t sandwhich, but I'll fight anyone, I'm in.
Have the main points. Just working on the specific guidlines for flat range/shoot house portion of an AAR. This is what I started with. Most is just common scense discusion points. Just making sure I don't leave something out.
1. Conducting a Shoot House AAR.
a. Cover everything from the breach point to the command of safe/hang.
b. Start with the overall operation then work your way down to team, element and individual performance.
c. Walk shooters thru the shoot house to demonstrate AAR points for clarity
Sounds like a s#*t sandwhich, but I'll fight anyone, I'm in.