Looking for IPB/IPOE checklists, etc..
I am looking for any and all unclassified Intelligence Preparation of the Battle Space/Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment checklists/guides.
I am writing a new portion of a training course for Air Force Rescue Intelligence personnel.
If you have these items in a classified format, please PM me and I will pass my SIPRNet address.
Dennis M. Cahill, Captain , NMANG
Chief of Intelligence 150th OG/OGI
2251 Air Guard Rd
KAFB, NM 87117
DSN 246-4397 Comm: 505-846-4397
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.—The United States of America Pledge of Allegiance