Hello Gentlemen,
I searched this topic and found multiple post about it, however I am wondering if they are outdated? Is it possible to go straight from commissioning to SFAS as an 18A?
The reason I ask is because after some research it seems that this is a possibility. On goarmy.com it says 18A is a "Entry Level" position (
http://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jo...s-officer.html) and on the SORB site it states that the requirement is the applicant, "Must be in the pay grade of 0-1 / 0-2". (
http://www.bragg.army.mil/sorb/SF_criteria.htm #1 under additional officer requirements).
I hope I am not out of line posting this as my second post. In addition, I hope I am not grossly mistaken on the topic and if I am I apologize. Finally, I would like to that the QP's that run this site for all of us to benefit from and the contributors that make this the best site for information.
Thank you for your input!