Ineligible for SFAS
Last week I found out I will not be able to attend SFAS.
I commissioned in 07 through a military junior college and did two years in a National Guard infantry unit while finishing my bachelors. In 2009 I elected for active duty, and was branched everybody's favorite branch - chemical.
After completing OBC I was assigned to the 101st and deployed to Afghanistan.
At this time my ORB said I was a 09 YG. I thought that was incorrect, and ran this issue up to the BDE S1 and was told that I should be an 09 YG because I came on AD in 2009. When I got back a couple months ago I started putting together a packet as a 09 YG. At this time, my branch manager decided to change my ORB to make me an 08 YG.
Despite the recommendation from my chain of command, I was unable to get a waiver to apply as an out of year group candidate.
I know that SF has no problem recruiting high-speed combat arms officers with more experience and schooling than me. I harbor no illusions of being God's gift to SF, nor do I take it for granted that I could just stroll into the SF community. It is, however, a disappointment that I will not be able to see if I have what it takes to serve at the tip of the spear.
I am still looking into different routes into SF or a more challenging job in the Army. I would have been willing to go as an 18X, but that is not open to prior service at my rank.