SFC Henry was gray haired and grzzley when I met him. Here is what I remember about him.
He lied about his age and volunteered for WW II. He was in combat at age 17. He was "Glider Pilot" qualified. A little known fact is that a lot of the early combat jumps were from gliders being as they were cheaper to build than motorized air craft. He was an assistant machine gunner in the Rangers during the Korean War.
He had two tours with SF in RVN and there were names and places mentioned that I no longer remember that others would surely know.
He had a metal pin in one ankle from an old injury but I saw him one day pick up a guy's heavy rucksack and sling it up over his shoulder so it landed on top of his rucksack and choggy off holding it up there balanced with one hand. He carried those two rucksacks for nearly three miles up there in the White Mountains that day. Made my eyes bug out , being as I was straining with just mine.
He had spent a lot of time with 10 SFG in Bad Tolz and was about as German as a person could be without actually being German.
I really don't remember him being "tall" being as I am tall. What I remember is him being "bigger than life" and everything an SF trooper would want to be.