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Old 12-28-2016, 06:21   #16
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Originally Posted by ROGUESABRE1 View Post
- Actually, I have posted my Introduction, at the place where "Introductions" are to be posted. I am not sure as to why you are not able to view it. So with that said, I am a 9th Generation American, American War-Fighter. Both Grand-Fathers on both sides of the "Tree" fought for the Virginia Regulars; one pensioned, one not pensioned, and one of them was an official Spy. I served with the 304th and buried Adam Kinser. 1st PSYOP Specialist to be killed in Combat. Kinser Hall (in Khandahar) is named after him. You guys (SF) lost 6 along with him. He was a good friend of mine, and a brother. -- -
WOW!! ROGUEONE, my apologies! I didn't realize who you were until I read your last post!! My apologies if I didn't have access to your intro. I only am cleared to a certain level of access here, and clearly your intro was classified higher than I am able to reach. I'll have to speak to someone, or perhaps you could vouch for me? Considering how famous you are in the PSYOP, oh excuse me, the MISO, or excuse me, the Special Operations Forces community, I'm sure a kind word or two from you will do the trick.

Are you single? I'd like to introduce you to my sister.
"It's not my aim, it's these damn crooked bullets,,,"

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Old 12-28-2016, 06:30   #17
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oye vey....
Out of all the places I've been, this is one of'em....
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Old 12-28-2016, 06:42   #18
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88 pages of absolute gibberish. What a fucking nut.
"Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag, puke, piece 'o shit, Private Pyle, or did you have to work at it?" - GySgt Hartman
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Old 12-28-2016, 07:57   #19
Trapper John
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Originally Posted by blue02hd View Post
WOW!! ROGUEONE, my apologies! I didn't realize who you were until I read your last post!! My apologies if I didn't have access to your intro. I only am cleared to a certain level of access here, and clearly your intro was classified higher than I am able to reach. I'll have to speak to someone, or perhaps you could vouch for me? Considering how famous you are in the PSYOP, oh excuse me, the MISO, or excuse me, the Special Operations Forces community, I'm sure a kind word or two from you will do the trick.

Are you single? I'd like to introduce you to my sister.
Blue you trying to gain points on Billy?
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Old 12-28-2016, 08:01   #20
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His bio is all Reserve PSYOP units. He makes no claims WRT AD PSYOP (or SF) affiliation. Only rarely does that even qualify as an SF "enabler". Certainly not bona fides to be a member of any "SOF" (let alone SF) brotherhood I'm aware of.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42B.C)
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Old 12-28-2016, 09:32   #21
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I'd say "What a maroon.", but he doesn't even qualify to be that IMHO ....

By the way, he's removed all doubt about whether he's a genius or an idiot (see my signature).

No one knows whether you're a genius or an idiot until you open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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Old 12-28-2016, 13:17   #22
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I say he just posts the Unabom...I mean, MISO manifesto here for all to see rather than sending us offsite.
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Old 12-28-2016, 13:26   #23
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Yup, schools out (between semesters) ...

Just like clock work, that these "warriors" show up here.
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Old 12-28-2016, 14:05   #24
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Originally Posted by Joker View Post
I scanned your drivel and have came to the conclusion 1. you are off of you medication, 2. should be on medication, 3. have bought into a gang of idiots.

I predict your stay here to be short. I was in 7th SFG from March '83 till March '01 and there was no 14th Bn. Get back on your meds.

Your dribble (as in slobber dribbling down your chin) is garbage and ludicrous. Great Britton is up to their ass (arse in their case) with foreigners nor do you offer any proof of your claims. All you have done is pull in some disconnected facts to try to make your shit look important and true.

Your use of our DUI and Prayer insults me. You were an enabler, you were not SF.

Be gone.

Kinda makes one wonder where the hell the other 11 battalions went?


As the former SF Command Special Projects NCOIC I would have known what happened to the other 11 battalions.

ROGUESABRE1 send this to Alex Jones and his idiots, he'll run with it for sure. Tell him it's connected to Jade Helm.......
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Old 12-28-2016, 14:35   #25
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Geeze, you guys are HARSH. Here's the facts. 304th PSYOP, 1999-2009, 328th CSH, 2009-2011, 353rd PSYOP 2011-2012; Special Operations Forces/USACAPOC - just like SOAR, just like RANGERS. (SOF)- - I don't need to defend my Great Grand-Fathers or their ACTIONS, WE'RE ALL DOING THAT, like it or not. - Look, I NEVER SAID I WAS - OR AM - S.F. - I said 7th Group, 14th Batt. Figured you were smart enough to know that I meant PSYOP, since I SAID I WAS A PSYOP GUY. - ** And I'm not here to argue or fight with men that I consider my American brothers. I'm just here to repsent what it is that I have to you for your review, as this is what I have found to be correct. RESEARCH IT FIRST, before you bite my head off. If you can validate that its bull-shit, I;ll thank you. But until then, Gentlemen,.. please. I'm here as your brother. I'm 48 and too god damned old to play playground name-calling fart-games. Thanks again.
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Old 12-28-2016, 14:36   #26
cat in the hat
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How dare you post this information before post master Gould is ready to strike.
You will be contacted soon and punished accordingly for your transgressions.
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"I know a lot of good tricks"

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Old 12-28-2016, 15:16   #27
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Originally Posted by ROGUESABRE1 View Post
Geeze, you guys are HARSH. Here's the facts. 304th PSYOP, 1999-2009, 328th CSH, 2009-2011, 353rd PSYOP 2011-2012; Special Operations Forces/USACAPOC - just like SOAR, just like RANGERS. (SOF)- - I don't need to defend my Great Grand-Fathers or their ACTIONS, WE'RE ALL DOING THAT, like it or not. - Look, I NEVER SAID I WAS - OR AM - S.F. - I said 7th Group, 14th Batt. Figured you were smart enough to know that I meant PSYOP, since I SAID I WAS A PSYOP GUY. - ** And I'm not here to argue or fight with men that I consider my American brothers. I'm just here to repsent what it is that I have to you for your review, as this is what I have found to be correct. RESEARCH IT FIRST, before you bite my head off. If you can validate that its bull-shit, I;ll thank you. But until then, Gentlemen,.. please. I'm here as your brother. I'm 48 and too god damned old to play playground name-calling fart-games. Thanks again.
Here I will put it in plain English. Post a proper intro or your next post will be your last. I am a lot older than you and there will not be any more nonsense from you. You're lucky you are still here.
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Old 12-28-2016, 15:20   #28
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Originally Posted by ROGUESABRE1 View Post
Special Operations Forces/USACAPOC - just like SOAR, just like RANGERS. (SOF)- .
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"It's not my aim, it's these damn crooked bullets,,,"

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Old 12-28-2016, 17:01   #29
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Hey ROUGUESABRE1, let me help you out of your self-dug hole...

1. We're not your fucking Brothers.

2. Post a proper intro as instructed (without all the sheepdog melodrama & historical allusion).

3. Nobody cares how old you are. Least of all those of us much older.

4. Breathlessly posted hyperbole as incentive for opening some random .pdf file is a violation of forum decorum, common sense, and best internet security practices. .PDF files are a common vehicle for delivery of malware/viruses. You've not been around long enough for anyone to trust you or your random file.

5. This is a Big Boy Room, not a conspiracy site. Type a coherent, reasonably grammatically correct, & plausible message if you wish to be taken seriously... regardless of your background or bona fides. Pretend you're at a staff briefing. One where you have only a minute or two to get your main point across to a very busy and distracted Battalion Commander. If it's interesting, important, and truly urgent... folks will hear you out.

6. Throw us a bone and post (in clear text; no links) a short Executive Summary of your document. One that does not require anyone risking their hard drive to open. Format should be BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front). Thesis Statement and supporting paragraph... followed by any relevant explanatory detail to outline your position and convince us why we should care. A paragraph or three should suffice.

Last edited by Astronomy; 12-28-2016 at 17:59.
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Old 12-28-2016, 18:42   #30
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Okay, research. All of 5 minutes to debunk your crazy BS flag theory:

Gold fringe border

There are a variety of ideas put out regarding the meaning of the fringe on the flag. The most important one from a constitutional perspective is the claim that that flag with fringe is a flag that indicates admiralty law is in effect wherever that flag is displayed, such as in a court room. If true that would mean that courts which have a fringed flag (which is almost all courts in the land) are not Constitutional courts (Article Three Courts) but Admiralty Courts where Constitutional provisions do not apply but rather Admiralty law prevails. Now take that idea and put it together with the clear reality that most of our courts are not following the Constitution as ratified by our founders, but some other form of unconstitutional law such as international law, and you can see why this idea has gained legs in the patriot community. Thus this theory would help us understand the other wise infuriating and treasonous actions of the judicial branch. So the theory claims we are under martial rule and admiralty law, some would date that from The War to Prevent Southern Independence, others from World War I or World War II; it matters not according to this theory because the end result is that today we are no longer under the Constitution but under martial law and the fringed flag is but one demonstration of that reality.
But such a theory has one gigantic problem, there has been no legal suspension of the U.S. Constitution, it is still the supreme law of the land. Even though it is violated daily in Washington D.C. and all across this land, it still is the law and can and must still be enforced by all those who take an oath to uphold it – whether military folk or politicians. So even if the above theory were true, and the quote below I believe dispels that idea, the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land even when grossly violated as it is in our day. And our duty as citizens is to educate an ever widening circle of Americans on the true meaning of our Constitution so that we can restore the Republic. I think the Admiralty law theory brings despair and hopelessness to patriots who are told we have no way to restore America.

Some researchers have concluded,

"There is no record of an Act of Congress or Executive Order which either prescribes or prohibits the addition of fringe, nor is there any indication that any symbolism was ever associated with it. The use of fringe is optional with the person or organization displaying the flag."

This additional quote is from the book “So Proudly We Hail, The History of the United States Flag” Smithsonian Institute Press 1981, by Wiliam R. Furlong and Byron McCandless.

"The placing of a fringe on Our Flag is optional with the person or organization, and no Act of Congress or Executive Order either prohibits the practice, according to the Institute of Hearaldry."

Fringe is used on indoor flags only, as fringe on flags on outdoor flags would deteriorate rapidly. The fringe on a Flag is considered an ‘honorable enrichment only’, and its official use by the US Army dates from 1895. A 1925 Attorney General’s Opinion (34 Op. Atty. Gen 483) states:

"the fringe does not appear to be regarded as an integral part of the Flag, and its presence cannot be said to constitute an unauthorized addition to the design prescribed by statute. An external fringe is to be distinguished from letters, words, or emblematic designs printed or superimposed upon the body of the flag itself. Under law, such additions might be open to objection as unauthorized; but the same is not necessarily true of the fringe."

So it appears the gold trim is generally used on ceremonial indoor flags that are used for special services and is believed to have been first used in a military setting. It has no specific significance and its use, from what I understand, is in compliance with applicable flag codes and laws. To conclude, gold fringe is used on the flag as an honorable enrichment only. It is not regarded as an integral part of the flag and its use does not constitute an unauthorized addition to the design prescribed by statutes.

-- Pastor David Whitney

Rev. David Whitney has been teaching the Christian heritage and history of our country with Institute on the Constitution for over a decade where he serves as Senior Instructor. David is an Honors Scholar graduate from Rutgers University with a Masters Degree from Denver Seminary. A minister for 32 years, he is currently the Pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church of Pasadena, Maryland. As an member of Clergy, Activist and Radio personality David has appeared in Washington Times, on Voice of America, Fox, ABC, NBC, CSPAN, BBC, and more...
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles." — Jeff Cooper
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