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Old 04-25-2015, 09:32   #1
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Michael Conley Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud

Michael Conley Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud

Michael Conley of Canton Georgia, and Lawrence County / Bedford Indiana

This guy is extremely amusing. Was in the Army 42 years.....I don't think you can be in the Army 42 years as an SFC. (But he claims he was an E-8, 1SGT)

Claims he was a "Green Beret" but there's no records of him taking any courses at the USAJFKIMA (now SWC). He's never been to the Special Forces Qualification course.

SFC Conley also boasts of not one but two Silver Stars, 2x Bronze Star with V device, 2x CIB's etc

In Vietnam Michael Conley was a "Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic" but if you look at his records "someone" lined out "Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic" and replaced it with "Riflemen". I didn't realize there was a school for "Riflemen" in the Army, stupid me thought it was "infantrymen".

After winning the war in Vietnam Michael Conley returned to his normal MOS of "Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic". Good thing too as he was never trained an infantrymen before he went to war. (Only training he had up to that point was basic airborne school and auto repairman school.

Michael Conley also claimed he was present and fought to the death at the battles of:


As per his DD-214, his service in Vietnam was listed as follows:
10OCT67 63B2P* Whl Veh Mch* HHC 2ND BN (ABN) 506th INF FT CAMPBELL,KY (UNIT PCS)

XXDEC67 63B2P* Whl Veh Mch* HHC 2ND BN (ABN) 506th INF USARPAC RVN

25JUL68 63B2P* Whl Veh Mch* CO A 2ND BN (ABN) 506th INF USARPAC

26NOV68 -------- Casual ENROUTE TO CONUS

*NOTE: On his DD-214, RECORD OF ASSIGNMENTS, his “DUTY MOS” & “PRINCIPAL DUTY” are single lined-out with typed dashes. His “PRINCIPLE DUTY” is changed from “63B2P“ & “Whl Veh Mch” (Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic) to “Rifleman” as shown below

LINK: http://www.cherokeetribune.com/view/...2-year-service


"In 1968, he won a Bronze Medal for saving another life during what was called the “Battle on Bloody Ridge.”"

FACT: The Battle of Bloody Ridge (Battle of Dong A Tay) started in MARCH 1969 and lasted for approximately 33 days.

FACT: Mr. Conley had already been INCONUS for approximately 5 MONTHS by the time this battle took place as per his DD-214 RECORD OF ASSIGNMENTS.

CONCLUSION: Mr. Conley could not have taken part in this battle due to conflicting dates. (*SEE NOTE)

*NOTE: As seen below on the continuation of his RECORD OF ASSIGNMENTS, Mr. Conley was back at Ft. Bragg, NC with CO A, 47th Engr Bn (Cbt Abn) and had returned to his principal MOS duty of “Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic” or 63B2P on 17JAN69. 3 days later on 20JAN69, his Principal Duty was changed to “Tractor Operator” with the same unit.

BATTLE OF HAMBURGER HILL CLAIM (Battle of Dong Ap Bia/Hill 937)
LINK: http://www.ledgernews.com/cherokee_l...ffa296ca8.html


In the first year, he was involved in the Battle of Hamburger Hill, and later, the Tet Offensive.


Once afraid of fighting, loud noises and dying, after Hamburger Hill, Conley became calm and collected in the battle zone.

“I don’t know why it happened. I don’t know how it happened,” he said. “I’ve talked to psychiatrists about it, been told different things. I don’t know anything about music, but I felt like I was just a little guy up there with the sticks in my hand, just bringing it up and slowing it down.

FACT: The Battle of Hamburger Hill (Battle of Dong Ap Bia/Hill 937) was fought from 10MAY69 – 20MAY69. The Tet Offensive started on 30JAN68.

FACT: The 3rd Phase of the Tet Offensive ended on 23SEP68, 8 MONTHS prior to the Battle of Hamburger Hill (Battle of Dong Ap Bia/Hill 937).

FACT: Mr. Conley had already been INCONUS for approximately 8 MONTHS by the time this battle took place as per his DD-214 RECORD OF ASSIGNMENTS.

CONCLUSION: Mr. Conley could not have taken part in this battle due to conflicting dates.

*NOTE: As seen below on the continuation of his RECORD OF ASSIGNMENTS, Mr. Conley was back at Ft. Bragg, NC with CO A, 47th Engr Bn (Cbt Abn) and had returned to his principal MOS duty of “Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic” or 63B2P on 17JAN69. 3 days later on 20JAN69, his Principal Duty was changed to “Tractor Operator”.

Mr. Conley WAS NOT physically present in the Republic of Vietnam during either battle as evidenced by his Form DD-214 RECORD OF ASSIGNMENTS cross-referenced to the actual recorded and verified dates of both battles.

Ouch..... Michael Conley you're a bad liar and a fraud.

When asked about his Bronze Star's with V Device and 2x Silver Stars Michael Conley said he can't find them or the citations. Funny, I and a few other's cannot find any trace of them either......

As for his 2x CIB's, I'm not sure how a "Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic" with zero infantry training earns a CIB in Vietnam.
Michael Conley can you say "salting your records"..... it means you changed your records to "attempt" to reflect your legendary deeds. But as you can see they don't stand up under scrutiny.
Guess who is the guest speaker for the Lawrence County Vietnam veterans on May 9th in Bedford Indiana ? Green Beret, BATTLE OF HAMBURGER HILL, BATTLE OF BLOODY RIDGE Special Forces and 2x Silver Star recipient, First Sergeant Michael Conley!!!

I spoke with Terry Sorrells concerning the lying fraud Michael Conley and was also told by Mr Sorrells that he would get me Michael Conley's contact info so I could ask him some pointy "Green Beret" questions. Didn't happen. At the time I was not aware that Terry Sorrells and Michael Conley were BFF's.

At the time of this posting the go ahead has been given to Michael Conley to continue to be the "guest speaker" at the May 9th event.

I've also spoken with the local VFW Post 1686 Bedford IN, concerning Michael Conley and I've got no idea what they are going to do. I guess we wait and see.

Terry Sorrells Joins Lawrence County Veterans Affairs Office
Updated March 11, 2015 5:34 AM | Filed under: Politics


Sorrells is a retired military police officer and served as a Lawrence County commander and detective in the 1970s. He served 10 years with the department.
"His special expertise in developing a case for the police department and prosecutors will help when developing a case for a veteran to receive their benefits," said Lawrence County Veteran
Affairs Director Brad Bough.

Sorrells also updated the commissioners on the Welcome Home event scheduled for May 9th for Lawrence County Vietnam veterans.
The guest speaker will be First Sergeant Michael Conley, who served more than 42 years in the U.S. Army. He is also a Huron native.

"Conley is probably the most decorated Vietnam veteran in Lawrence County, earning two bronze and two silver stars and a purple heart," Sorrells says. "He also was in the U.S. Army Special Forces and a Mountain Ranger and was inducted into the Mountain Ranger Hall of Fame."

Bet you all didn't know this, Conley helped stand up Delta Force!!!!!!

"First Sgt. Conley would later become an Army Ranger instructor at the Army Training Center in Dahlonega, where he helped formulate what would later become Black Ops, or otherwise known as Delta Force." If it's in the ledgernews.com new it has to be true.

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"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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Old 04-25-2015, 13:16   #2
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God, what a tool!
"Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag, puke, piece 'o shit, Private Pyle, or did you have to work at it?" - GySgt Hartman
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Old 05-01-2015, 16:51   #3
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Michael Conley

Michael Conley, you are one big pile of shit!
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Old 05-01-2015, 17:02   #4
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You'd think a guy that actually served in uniform would realize he's walking on the graves of those that earned the Regiments reputation.
You'd think.
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Old 05-01-2015, 19:43   #5
The Reaper
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Originally Posted by PRB View Post
You'd think a guy that actually served in uniform would realize he's walking on the graves of those that earned the Regiments reputation.
You'd think.
Pat, I wonder if many of these people are not sociopaths and don't care what effect their behavior has on others.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - President Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

De Oppresso Liber 01/20/2025
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Old 05-02-2015, 08:39   #6
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Michael Conley Green Beret liar and fraud

Originally Posted by PRB View Post
You'd think a guy that actually served in uniform would realize he's walking on the graves of those that earned the Regiments reputation.
You'd think.
Terry Sorrells and the Lawrence County Veterans Affairs Office would disagree with you. Terry Sorrells says his BFF Michael Conley has "earned" the right to speak at the Lawrence County Vietnam Veterans gathering in Bedford Indiana on May 9th.

This is after Terry Sorrells told me on the phone that he also could not understand how and why Michael Conley could not find any paperwork regarding his Silver Stars, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and 2x CIB's. Funny, we could not find any paperwork either. What I did find was someone that altered the bottom feeding scumbags records and I wonder who that might have been.....
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Old 05-02-2015, 09:56   #7
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TS....any emails or phonecons need doing just sent the numers/addresses.
I sent one to a paper prior to this posting but no response.
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Old 05-01-2015, 17:18   #8
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Scum-bag POSER..

I will relay to the original requester..

Thanks TS
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Old 05-02-2015, 08:30   #9
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Conley Still At It

Conley is still creating stories about himself and enlisting folks to perpetuate his lies. His latest is a retired high school English teacher and a state legislator from Kennesaw. See http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story...o-be-proud-of?
I am checking with North Georgia College to see if he has a master's in physics and chemistry from that school. Probably another fabrication.
His alleged nomination to the Ranger Hall of Fame by the Mountain Ranger Association has been denied by the chairman of that association.
Conley should seek some help from a psychiatrist. He is one sick puppy.
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Old 05-03-2015, 07:53   #10
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Michael Conley Contact Information

Conley lives at Canton GA 30115-2744.
Folks might be interested in his book, Not Alone just released. I submitted a review on Amazon. This loser continues his myth.
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Old 05-03-2015, 09:24   #11
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Originally Posted by Ranger50 View Post
Conley lives at Canton GA 30115-2744.
Folks might be interested in his book, Not Alone just released. I submitted a review on Amazon. This loser continues his myth.
Yeah, he's not "alone" there are thousands of military frauds in the USA.

I do love the 42 years of active duty.......

I know dozens of E-7's that served 42 years.....

Michael Conley not only a Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud but a pathetic loser.
"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:01   #12
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Is there a Link to his 214?
Martin sends.
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Old 05-03-2015, 10:20   #13
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Team Sergeant posted info from his DD214 but no link.
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Old 05-03-2015, 11:30   #14
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Originally Posted by Ranger50 View Post
Conley lives at Canton GA 30115-2744.
Folks might be interested in his book, Not Alone just released. I submitted a review on Amazon. This loser continues his myth.
Can't find his book on Amazon....
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Old 05-03-2015, 11:41   #15
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Michael Conley Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud

Originally Posted by PRB View Post
Can't find his book on Amazon....
I highlighted my fav part........ I really enjoy the fact he leads off with his biggest lie "a Green Beret", he totally left out his real MOS and title, "Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic"...

To Joe Public reading this, no E-7 serves 42 years.......and this liar and fraud "retired" as an E-7, not E-8/1SGT


This is a true story and after 42 years of Military History it encompasses much of my life as a soldier, a Green Beret, a Ranger and a Ranger Instructor. I have served as a team leader, a squad leader, a platoon Sargent, a Field First Sergeant in Iraq and served as the Senior Operations Non-Commissioned Officer in the Republic of Georgia and as First Sergeant and a NCOIC of a Mitt team in Iraq. I must surely tell the truth that all of my dreams have come true and some way on beyond what I could ever have hoped for.
"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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