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Old 02-04-2013, 15:24   #241
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Western Minnesota
Posts: 4
B co 3rd 10th, Ft Devens
72 to 75
Lived with Hoppy off base in Ayer
Looked up Zambori a few years back in Northern Fl
Team Sgt Trussel
Anybody know what happened to David Hahn

Thanks bring back old memory's.
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Old 02-18-2013, 23:16   #242
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Based on a rusty memory ....

Co B, 10th SFGA 1971-1972; MOS 31542. It was either ODA 21 or ODA 24, don't remember alot because it only had me as the Det Cdr and a SSG 11F. We served as fillers for training (Indiantown Gap, Summer ROTC Camp and a flyaway DA training mission to attack a missile base on Eglin AFB. Otherwise, I spent mos of my time working on updating the area study for our UWOA in a certain country.

Memories of 10th Group: Ski training at Sunday River, ME; the big tree in the middle of Turner DZ that you had to avoid; learning to slack rope rappel on the tower behind Group Headquarters; the Group Dining-In where the field grade officers attended wearing, not dress or mess blues, camouflage tuxedos; and my NCO teaching me how to pick locks.
No one knows whether you're a genius or an idiot until you open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Don't know where I'm goin', but there's no use in bein' late.
I've never been lost. I've been a mite confused at times, but never lost.
I'm not lost! I know where I am; I just don't know where everybody else is.
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Old 03-03-2013, 20:39   #243
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Geez, guess I missed the thread too. Good to see you at the graduation last year.
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Old 03-11-2013, 13:34   #244
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Just reported to 1-10. A co. Glad to startup my career here.
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Old 06-15-2023, 09:39   #245
Join Date: Apr 2015
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Checking in

ODA7 79-81 Senior Medic Bad Tolz GL Team
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Old 06-20-2023, 17:36   #246
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 493
Welcome back.

Maybe you were still there (on ODA-7) when (then) SGT Paul Tompkins arrived on that team? I was his replacement at doing the Purgatory driver stint for COL Holt. Served on ODA-4 (MSG Don Williams) after completing that short Det Europe gig. A-1-10 from 81 - 83.

Good times. Best peacetime assignment location I ever had.
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