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Old 09-09-2022, 07:06   #1
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10th Anniversary of Benghazi

Insightful article regarding events and personnel involved with the calamity that was Benghazi. Not that cloak and dagger political diplomacy has ever been black and white, when you sum up the people involved and see the context of their behavior then and since it leaves little doubt about how dubious that chapter was. A larger question is have those strategies evolved into what we see today on a broader scale. Specifically I refer to behind the scene political agendas let alone the pay to play model so embraced by the current pirates…

"It is because they have so much to give and give it so lavishly...that men love the mountains and go back to them again and again." Sir Francis Younghusband


By Dand

"In the school of the wilds,there is no graduation day"Horace Kephart
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Old 09-09-2022, 08:10   #2
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The more I learn about the things I learn, the more I learn that the things I learn aren't really worth learning.

Ten years of 'drip drip drip' information about the things that went on within the orbit of the Benghazi fiasco just prove that ignorant mindless people with self serving goals are only going to elect ignorant mindless people with self serving goals.

It is stunning to a degree that simply cannot be quantified with human words to try and digest just how many names in that article are still in charge of fucking up this great nation.

It is stunning to a degree that simply cannot be quantified with human words to try and digest just how many names in that article are still able to stand in front of a camera on worldwide television and JUDGE people that think there should be accountability in government.
...and do so with a straight face.

It is stunning to a degree that simply cannot be quantified with human words to try and digest just how many aMEriKan citysins still think these mother fuckers are virtuous and worthy of our unquestionable loyalty.

For I know that the hypnotized never lie...
...Don't get fooled again, no, no
Opinions stated in this post are solely those of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of The Department of Defense, The United States Army, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Screen Actors Guild, The Boy Scouts, The Good, The Bad, or The Ugly. These opinions are provided purely as overly sarcastic social commentary and are not meant to be used for mission planning or navigation.

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Old 09-09-2022, 11:28   #3
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Originally Posted by Box View Post

For I know that the hypnotized never lie...
...Don't get fooled again, no, no
An inveritable who’s who…
"It is because they have so much to give and give it so lavishly...that men love the mountains and go back to them again and again." Sir Francis Younghusband


By Dand

"In the school of the wilds,there is no graduation day"Horace Kephart

Last edited by Golf1echo; 09-09-2022 at 12:04.
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Old 09-09-2022, 17:13   #4
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Originally Posted by Box View Post
….that ignorant mindless people with self serving goals are only going to elect ignorant mindless people with self serving goals.
You have definitely identified the crux of the matter. I’ve seen many conservative parents ship their kid off to government schools and universities, to become a mindless, woke socialist.

I’m a GS employee, and from my vantage point, conservatives are extremely hard to come by in the government ranks….. Seems everyone has drank deeply from the Kool-Aid. I believe that the voting base is going to continue to deteriorate.

I’m becoming more and more concerned about the future of our republic. I’m really starting to question if this is part of a well planned and executed effort to destroy us from within.

Whatever happened to the “Vast right wing conspiracy” that was supposed to take over the world?
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Old 09-09-2022, 18:09   #5
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Originally Posted by sg1987 View Post
I’m really starting to question if this is part of a well planned and executed effort to destroy us from within.

Way too many "coincidences" for the what's going on to be an accident or mere happenstance. You might also consider that if this were accidental or mere happenstance TPTB would take corrective e measures to remedy the problem(s)....however they are doing everything in their power to exacerbate the problem(s).

Also keep in mind that they have and do telegraph their intent and they are not shy about it. Watch for an October Surprise that will send the country over the edge.
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Old 09-09-2022, 20:10   #6
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Originally Posted by sg1987 View Post
I’m really starting to question if this is part of a well planned and executed effort to destroy us from within.
There is NEVER a time when I read something like that where my thoughts don't immediately go to an article published waaaay back in May of 1966 titled, "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" I never miss an opportunity to beat this into the ground like a scratched record that you can't fix...

The article was written by two professors at Columbia University:
Richard Cloward and Frances Piven
...more commonly known to us evil conservative conspiracy nuts as "The Cloward Piven Strategy"

Richard Cloward brainwashed little collegiate heads full of much for almost 50 years - married Frances Piven to create an unholy alliance of brainwashers that has been responsible for a gross perversion of academia across the last 7 decades of American 'higher education' in our university system.

Their article lays the groundwork for democratic politicians to methodically and deliberately orchestrate a sociopolitical crisis that would eventually crash the economy to an extent where there would be almost no choice but to rely on the federal government to create a universal income and a democrat control marxist state. Democrats have been rabblerousing toward that goal ever since and following the Cloward/Piven call for a 'climate of militancy' the same way they follow Saul Alinksy's 'Rule for Radicals'

Catastrophic mismanagement of things like Benghazi are just distractions from the bullshit they are pulling here at home. Smoke and mirrors - like Penn and Teller doing magic tricks on a global scale - except instead of entertainment the result is the tragic loss of human life in exchange for little bitty expansions of political control.

Don't believe me though - I'm just another source of misinformation on the internet.
Don't take my word for it - I can't be trusted to provide intellectual honesty without deliberately injecting my own shameful, sarcastic, hypocritical, unapologetic political bias that poorly masquerades as 'satire'.

Do your own reading. Learn about this farcical mythology known as "The Cloward Piven Strategy" and then reflect on your findings. Balance them against what has been outwardly and proudly prosecuted as democratic domestic policy over the last 50 years...
...then make your own decisions. Think for yourselves.

In the meantime, with regard to your question if this could be "part of a well-planned and executed effort to destroy us from within ??."

Yes, it is.
Opinions stated in this post are solely those of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of The Department of Defense, The United States Army, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Screen Actors Guild, The Boy Scouts, The Good, The Bad, or The Ugly. These opinions are provided purely as overly sarcastic social commentary and are not meant to be used for mission planning or navigation.

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Last edited by Box; 09-09-2022 at 20:24.
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Old 09-22-2022, 15:27   #7
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There were more military reinforcements sent to Martha's Vineyard than were sent to Benghazi.

One is full of people hostile to the United States and had some people that weren’t supposed to be there, the other is in Libya……
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Old 09-26-2022, 09:20   #8
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That's because our government are idiots and unworthy of their positions.
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-Benjamin Franklin

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