Old 08-29-2013, 11:52   #1
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Tabata workout

I'm curious if anyone has utilized the Tabata idea, especially in a Crossfit-type program. I'm just finishing up another program, and I'm trying to get a regimen that I can pair with running that will work everything in a functional manner without being too much of a time crunch. Also, interested in what type of gear you used.


ETA: Here is a link to a video which makes this look like a really efficient workout. http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/work...T-Together/et/
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Last edited by craigepo; 08-29-2013 at 13:46.
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Old 08-29-2013, 12:49   #2
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We actually use the Tabata program quite a bit at the CrossFit gym that I go to. Here is the last Tabata work out we did.

We started off with a 1 mile run

They broke it into 4 minute round, each minute dedicated to a certain exercise

It was 1 minute Push Ups 20 second high intensity, 10 second rest

Next minute was 1 Minute Box Jumps 20 seconds high intensity, 10 second rest

Next minute Pull ups 20 seconds high intensity, 10 second rest

Next Minute Burpees 20 seconds high intensity, 10 second rest

Total 4 minutes

Run 800 Meters

Then repeat Tabata, finish off again 1 mile run.

In a nutshell in those 20 seconds do as many reps with as much intensity as possible.

We've mixed up the Tabata before with Kettlebell Swings, Tire Flips, Deadlifts, Squats etc. I hope this helps.
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Old 08-29-2013, 14:12   #3
Old Dog New Trick
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We do this at work all the time. The program we use are based on the 1-minute rotation (20-seconds work, 10-seconds rest, repeat X2.) Usually incorporate seven to ten exercises with or without an apparatus or other equipment. With a 400m run or incline treadmill at 5mph between sets. Sets are repeated three to five times depending on available time but usually last an hour or less. It can be a smoker!

There a few good "Tabata Timer" apps for iPhone. We have a nice big digital clock timer that keeps us on track.
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Old 10-14-2013, 08:48   #4
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Originally Posted by Old Dog New Trick View Post
We do this at work all the time. The program we use are based on the 1-minute rotation (20-seconds work, 10-seconds rest, repeat X2.) Usually incorporate seven to ten exercises with or without an apparatus or other equipment. With a 400m run or incline treadmill at 5mph between sets. Sets are repeated three to five times depending on available time but usually last an hour or less. It can be a smoker!

There a few good "Tabata Timer" apps for iPhone. We have a nice big digital clock timer that keeps us on track.
Thanks for the G2. The tabata timer app is a great piece of gear. Cost about $3.00, works like a charm.

This tabata stuff is the real deal. I've been using some stuff around the farm, sledgehammer and a railroad tie, as well as one of those chin up/dip/pushup/ab stands. Brutal workout. I'm wearing a heart rate monitor, and find the tabata workouts do a great job of maxing out the heart rate, in addition to whatever muscle groups you're hitting.
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Old 10-25-2013, 09:44   #5
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The whole point of Tabata is to increase VO2 max and anaerobic capacity; a bastardization of tabata is what you typically get in CrossFit gyms. Think of it like this - you need to be moving as fast a humanly possible and sucking wind like your going to die in order to reap the benefits. Think heavy power snatches, or running with a weighted vest on a steeply inclined treadmill.

Here is a link to the abstract of the original study

Note where it says - 170% of VO2 Max.

If you just want to do some kind of interval training go for it; a minute on minute off is good. Tabata's 20sec on 10sec off is not some magic recipe for fitness unless your doing it as intended.

Good luck.

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Old 09-02-2015, 22:17   #6
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Now that is a brutal Tabata workout!

Develop massive strength first, then you'll really be able to train your endurance.

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Old 09-03-2015, 05:36   #7
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Originally Posted by GratefulCitizen View Post
Now that is a brutal Tabata workout!
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Old 02-20-2016, 15:20   #8
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I use tabata 3 times a week for my kettlebells training. It's normally a 10 min session with 1 min on 30 sec off. I do double bells for lunges, squats, squat press, overhead squat etc. I find it's improved my strength and my running is easier. It's a good way to blast out some exercises before work.
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Old 02-25-2016, 22:10   #9
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I have used it with running/sprinting, rowing, and biking, as well as kettlebell swings and jump squats. The jump squats are particularly brutal, but I have gotten great results every time I've used the Tabata method.
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