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Old 10-05-2021, 12:12   #1
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Going Rate for Tactical Shooting Instruction

What is the going rate for tactical shooting instruction?

I understand it will depend on the qualifications of the instructor and that one often gets what she/he paid for.

My question stems from a pricing I got for a private tactical shotgun training where the instructor is charging $300 cash for three hours of instruction - which does not include ammo and I am using my own shotgun.

This seems a bit high for me, but I am new to such shooting and would like to know if this is a "typical" rate.

Please respond. Thanks.
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Old 10-05-2021, 18:17   #2
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Dan Broko's charges around 275 per day per student. = 4-5 hours of range time per day.

Gunsite has a good course it works out to around 60 bucks per hour.
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Old 10-27-2021, 19:34   #3
Ambush Master
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I know several Folks that have been through Gunsite and they are all VERY competent Guns and they speak very highly of the Courses!!
Martin sends.
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