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Old 05-22-2016, 09:52   #1
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Venezuela, a month left at best?

I give Venezuela 30 days before full blown anarchy. This is a good article, I'm surprised the progressive/socialist/communist "president" (dictator) has not clamped down on the media yet. I'm sure after the government starts killing it's own people that will happen.

I'm amazed that this is what half of "America" wants, a socialist government.

Anyone notice who's carrying the news on Venezuela? It ain't cnn, msnbc or even foxnews....... I'm guessing it's not a good idea to lead with a socialist catastrophe while an "American socialist hitlery clinton" is running for office.

Venezuela, where a hamburger is officially $170

Marc Burleigh
•May 20, 2016

Caracas (AFP) - If a visitor to Venezuela is unfortunate enough to pay for anything with a foreign credit card, the eye-watering cost might suggest they were in a city pricier than Tokyo or Zurich.

A hamburger sold for 1,700 Venezuelan bolivares is $170, or a 69,000-bolivar hotel room is $6,900 a night, based on the official rate of 10 bolivares for $1.

But of course no merchant is pricing at the official rate imposed under currency controls. It's the black market rate of 1,000 bolivares per dollar that's applied.

But for Venezuelans paid in hyperinflation-hit bolivares, and living in an economy relying on mostly imported goods or raw materials, conditions are unthinkably expensive.

Even for the middle class, most of it sliding into poverty, hamburgers and hotels are out-of-reach excesses.

"Everybody is knocked low," Michael Leal, a 34-year-old manager of an eyewear store in Caracas, told AFP. "We can't breathe."

- Shuttered stores -

In Chacao, a middle-class neighborhood in the capital, office workers lined up outside a nut store to buy the cheapest lunch they could afford. Nearby restaurants were all but empty.


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Old 05-23-2016, 17:58   #2
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First the beer

First the beer - and now Coca-Cola

Production of Coke halted in Venezuela for lack of sugar


"May 23 (Reuters) - The Venezuelan bottler of Coca-Cola has halted production of sugar-sweetened beverage due to a lack of sugar, a Coca-Cola Co spokeswoman said on Monday.

Venezuela is in the midst of a deep recession, and spontaneous demonstrations and looting have become more common amid worsening food shortages, frequent power cuts and the world's highest inflation.

Production of sugar-sweetened drinks has stopped, but output of diet drinks such as Coca-Cola light and other zero-sugar beverages continued, spokeswoman Kerry Tressler wrote by email. The local bottler, Coca-Cola Femsa SAB, said it would issue a statement later on Monday.

"Sugar suppliers in Venezuela have informed us that they will temporarily cease operations due to a lack of raw materials," Tressler added."
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Old 05-24-2016, 10:12   #3
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Price of corn flour in Venezuela soars 900 percent

Price of corn flour in Venezuela soars 900 percent


"Caracas (AFP) - Venezuelans on Tuesday woke up to discover that the government-controlled price of corn flour -- used to make corn patty arepas, a staple of local cuisine -- has risen 900 percent.

The socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro had kept the price of corn flour frozen for 15 months at 19 bolivares a kilogram (two pounds).

But late Monday the government's Superintendent of Fair Prices increased the price to 190 bolivares a kilo, or $19 at the government rate used for imports such as medicine and scarce food...."

And the hits just keep on coming.
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Old 05-24-2016, 10:18   #4
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How you know you live in a failed system....

Superintendent of Fair Prices

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Old 05-24-2016, 14:47   #5
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Scary thought is what happens to the rest of the world when the derivatives bubble bursts?

This could be all of us in short order.
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Old 06-20-2016, 13:35   #6
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant View Post
I give Venezuela 30 days before full blown anarchy.
I like predictive analysis with a pretty well defined future state and a clear timeline, so I've been watching for this one after Team Sergeant made his prediction last month.

Solid call from what I read now at the 28 day mark!

Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation

"CUMANÁ, Venezuela — With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.

Venezuela is convulsing from hunger."

"In the last two weeks alone, more than 50 food riots, protests and mass looting have erupted around the country. Scores of businesses have been stripped bare or destroyed. At least five people have been killed.

This is precisely the Venezuela its leaders vowed to prevent."

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Old 06-20-2016, 14:44   #7
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Think it will be any different here?

Originally Posted by Maple Flag View Post
I like predictive analysis with a pretty well defined future state and a clear timeline, so I've been watching for this one after Team Sergeant made his prediction last month.

Solid call from what I read now at the 28 day mark!

Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation

"CUMANÁ, Venezuela — With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.

Venezuela is convulsing from hunger."

"In the last two weeks alone, more than 50 food riots, protests and mass looting have erupted around the country. Scores of businesses have been stripped bare or destroyed. At least five people have been killed.

This is precisely the Venezuela its leaders vowed to prevent."

Keep a forward momentum.
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Old 06-20-2016, 15:12   #8
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Venezuela and Brazil both failing.
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Old 06-20-2016, 15:14   #9
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Soon, very soon, there will be a trigger event...... I'd say the "trigger" will come from the "government"..... but it's a 50/50 call.

I feel sorry for the poor folk there...... cause the "elite socialists/communists are eating very well.
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Old 06-20-2016, 15:16   #10
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Originally Posted by tonyz View Post
Venezuela and Brazil both failing.
Brazil is huge, needs more to fail before it falls into chaos. Which is not long if it continues down the corrupt socialist/communist path.
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Old 06-20-2016, 16:39   #11
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant View Post
Brazil is huge, needs more to fail before it falls into chaos. Which is not long if it continues down the corrupt socialist/communist path.
From some reading I've done their previous prez had a pretty good model going & some success; Brazil was looked at as an example. Then came their current administration & no self-discipline on spending, or saving anything in the event of int'l market changes; kinda sounds familiar. (Their current prez is sidelined via impeachment.)

Now they're throwing people at trying to support the Olympics that they can't even pay...

I think you're right; they're not there yet but they are definitely on steep glide path.
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Last edited by Badger52; 06-20-2016 at 19:16.
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Old 06-20-2016, 16:49   #12
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Huge, with socialists/communists in high office...and running for President...are we still talking South America?
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Old 06-20-2016, 18:22   #13
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Vin Scully nails it on-air during a Dodger's game: http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/18/le...oadcast-video/

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Old 06-21-2016, 07:42   #14
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Originally Posted by tonyz View Post
Huge, with socialists/communists in high office...and running for President...are we still talking South America?
I agree, but unlike Brazil and Venezuela our military is sworn to defend the Constitution and not the president, senate or congress. While I believe the current socialist/muslim administration has the Department of Homeland Security , the DOJ, FBI, IRS, EPA etc. in their pocket by placing incompetent and spineless individuals in leadership roles, (who will say and do anything barry soetoro asks them to do like change, omit, delete the facts in an islamic terrorism attack), barry soetoro does not control the military.

In Central and South America's the corrupt socialist/communist leadership has full control and support of the military right up until their military leaders realize that the population has had enough and that their lives are now at stake because of the corrupt socialist/communist dictatorship. Then and only then will the SA military change sides and assist the "people" in ousting the current socialist/communist dictatorship and install a new corrupt socialist/communist dictatorship. Rinse and repeat.

Also, the people of SA lead hard lives, no EBT cards, no obama phones, in Central South America its work or starve. (Hence millions of them coming north). They are not going to put up with the socialist/communist corruption when their kids are starving. That's when they will revolt by the millions. Venezuela is days away from such a revolt and I'd bet barry soetoro's koran that the Venezuelan "leadership" has a plane sitting and ready to fly its "leaders" to Cuba as soon as the revolt begins. (Along with billions of Venezuelan gold.) This is socialism/communism , corrupt and brutal.

Here in the USA we tend to blame everything else instead of the real problem, socialism and corruption. We blame guns, hate speech, domestic terrorists, climate change, the EU, military industrial complex (WTF that is I'll never know), education, the wealthy, lack of diversity, lack of safe space, George Bush, micoaggression, assault weapons, we blame everything but the real problem, socialism.

The only reason barry soetoro and his incompetent followers do not attempt to nationalize the food industry, banking, airlines etc is because a few million patriots will say "NO" and say no with force. And IMO this is the real reason for the left-wing, socialist, progressive, communist grab for Americans guns, disarm the public and you control the sheep.

I do like the masked attempts at creating economic chaos in the American economy like the left-wing socialist democrats forcing the American banks make subprime low interest loans to individuals that didn't have a snowballs chance in hell to pay them back. This is how American socialism works, insidiously gnawing at the very fabric of a strong free society until it collapses under its own burdens, then blaming everything except what really brought us down.

IMO the only thing standing in the way of an "American Venezuela" is the patriots of this great country and the socialists/communists know it.

Food for thought, just imagine what life in "America" would be like if the United States Military acted like a South American military....... interesting no?
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Old 06-21-2016, 07:57   #15
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Great food for thought TS.

"IMO the only thing standing in the way of an "American Venezuela" is the patriots of this great country and the socialists/communists know it."

This sentence 'bout sums it up nicely for me.

The current presidential election may be the Nation's tipping point - certainly for the make up of The Supreme Court.

Back to Venezuela - they are in a socialist-made world-of-hurt - your observations are spot on.
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