Old 03-16-2006, 14:05   #1
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SCAR first impressions...

I recently had the opportunity to check out the SCAR-L and SCAR-H. I didn't get to fire it, and only had a few minutes to handle it and look it over before someone with a heavier collar than me got a presentation on the system. I have seen all the internet buzz, but I was wondering if any of you guys had the chance to fire it, or had any favorable/unfavorable impressions of the SCAR system. I didn't like the stock, it is very bulky but does have a good range of adjustment, and provides a decent cheek weld. There was a thread on SOCnet where it was discussed, but I didn't get the impression that anyone had actually messed with it yet at that time. I like the familiarity of having the same manipulation process for both the 7.62 and 5.56 weapons. Any other impressions/ideas/opinions?
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Old 03-16-2006, 14:19   #2
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For what its worth I sat in on a group Q&A discussion with the USASOC CSM and got the impression that the USASOC preference is for the HK entry.
Smoke and mirrors.....
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Old 03-16-2006, 16:14   #3
The Reaper
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I have handled both as well, and still prefer the HK 416 and its 7.62 big brother over the jazzed up FNC.

Sorry to see the SASS project go the way it did.

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Old 03-16-2006, 18:17   #4
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No experience with it, but I am interested - civilian version said to be out in a year. As for the HK416, the video review of the Blackwater shootout... all the reviewers gave it a thumbs up. I was impressed with what I saw in it, clean running and reliable. Last I heard HK wasn't selling to us civilian dogs though. Maybe they'll at least sell us uppers in the future...
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Old 03-16-2006, 19:22   #5
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Originally Posted by Chris
No experience with it, but I am interested - civilian version said to be out in a year. As for the HK416, the video review of the Blackwater shootout... all the reviewers gave it a thumbs up. I was impressed with what I saw in it, clean running and reliable. Last I heard HK wasn't selling to us civilian dogs though. Maybe they'll at least sell us uppers in the future...
I'm stashing some re-up money in hope of getting a 416. If not, I won't be heartbroken if I have to get a Leitner-Wise.
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Old 03-16-2006, 22:16   #6
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I wouldn't play wiht a SCAR even if TR gave it to me.

Agree on the SASS contract 100% TR, wish it had gone another direction.
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Old 03-17-2006, 16:40   #7
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Originally Posted by PSYRGR
For what its worth I sat in on a group Q&A discussion with the USASOC CSM and got the impression that the USASOC preference is for the HK entry.
The USASOC CG and CSM came to my ANCOC class and somebody asked about the SCAR. The CG said that the SCAR was on hold and that they were leaning toward the HK. Unfortunately he has a nasty habbit of talking in circles so I am not sure exactly what the status is.

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Old 03-19-2006, 14:57   #8
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Thanks for the info, good to know. I have talked to guys using the 416 currently are pretty happy with it. The less change the better, so the 416 fits the bill in that regard. The learning curve is virtually nonexistant since it's a drop-in replacement for the M4 upper. The 417 looks like a good system as well, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one for a range session.

Last edited by M4Guru; 03-19-2006 at 15:01.
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Old 03-20-2006, 10:59   #9
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There is a reason why Reed Knight has one of the biggest (expensive) private machinegun collections in the world.
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Old 04-11-2006, 18:58   #10
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I have two 416's assigned to me. I have a 10in and a 14.5 inch. They both run like a dream.

I went to Germany for the HK armorers course reciently and during the 416 class I admitted that it was the first time that I had taken the handguard off of a 416. I had been issued my 10 inch 10 months prior and the gas piston system is under the hand guards.... so I had NEVER cleaned my operating system!

I did not purposefully ignore it, I guess it was just muscle memory from the M-4A1 and NOT removing the RIS/RAS.

So I had fired thousands of rounds (5-10,000) and deployed to sandy places twice in 10 months and the only stoppages that I ever had on my weapon were magazine related.

Reaper, REF the 417: You are correct that current PROTOTYPES that are hand built are STUPID expensive! Each of these weapons is hand made to ensure the capability of redesigning the production line if any major ergonomic issues arise during developmental testing with the selected users.

Once that gun goes into full production, we are thinking that it will be only 20-30% of the cost of the weapon now.

My last MK-11 from Crane cost me $10,000.00 anyway, so what is really expensive?!

Ah Reed Knight and KAC...... we could talk for days, but in the end the conventional boys have no SASS capability currently and despite the XM-110's "issues" I believe that it will eventually work itself out. I hope that soldiers don't have to die to make that happen.

SCAR: I have friends and former co-workers that shot it at the down select for Crane. They said that it was the ONLY game in town (there was no HK submission). I was on the phone daily with them while they were in Cali for the "over the beach BS" and they continued to praise the "gun that was running circles around everything else out here". They could not tell me which gun it was but they said that from the first day that they started shooting that there was a single weapon that stood out above the rest.

I concur with the "manprint" (ergonomics) issues of the SCAR but much like the AK-47.....that bitch will run for days.

Good discussion guys. Thanks for letting me play.
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Last edited by Basicload; 04-11-2006 at 19:02.
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