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Old 12-01-2017, 09:17   #1
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Turkey Rejects "Moderate Islam"

Turkey Rejects "Moderate Islam"


The final word "..."Islam is the last divine religion sent to the entire humanity. All of the former religions lost their validity when Prophet Mohammed, the last pearl of the sequence of prophets, was sent as a prophet and the Koran was sent as the last divine book. Hence, according to Islam, it is unacceptable to evaluate Islam on the same level as Judaism and Christianity and to engage in 'interfaith dialogue' by saying that former religions continue to be 'true religions.' To bring Islam, the last and only true religion, next to other religions does not comply with Islam's uniqueness and superiority in the eyes of Allah."..."

In other words it's us or them - there is no peace between us.
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Old 12-01-2017, 09:35   #2
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So, the home of the Ottoman Empire and birthplace of the Ummah has formally issued a stance on the Islamic faith.

I guess the democratic apologists were wrong; who knew..............

In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning - scientists are baffled - experts have concluded that for the first time in 24 hours the sun will be setting in the west latter today.
...activists are stating that this cycle is contributing to global warming.
Opinions stated in this post are solely those of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of The Department of Defense, The United States Army, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Screen Actors Guild, The Boy Scouts, The Good, The Bad, or The Ugly. These opinions are provided purely as overly sarcastic social commentary and are not meant to be used for mission planning or navigation.

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Old 12-01-2017, 15:22   #3
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Turkey Rejects "Moderate Islam"


The final word "..."Islam is the last divine religion sent to the entire humanity. All of the former religions lost their validity when Prophet Mohammed, the last pearl of the sequence of prophets, was sent as a prophet and the Koran was sent as the last divine book. Hence, according to Islam, it is unacceptable to evaluate Islam on the same level as Judaism and Christianity and to engage in 'interfaith dialogue' by saying that former religions continue to be 'true religions.' To bring Islam, the last and only true religion, next to other religions does not comply with Islam's uniqueness and superiority in the eyes of Allah."..."

In other words it's us or them - there is no peace between us.
And liberals/leftists/ostriches everywhere tell them they are wrong and just need to be peaceful. If all the Muslims in America got up tomorrow morning and decided Turkey is right, I don't think I've stocked enough ammo.
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