ROTC to Warrant?
I'll go ahead and introduce myself before I begin... I'm an Army ROTC Cadet at Florida State University. I actually just joined in April (I originally had plans to enlist under the 18X after I graduated). I'm a Russian major and will likely start taking Arabic in the fall.
While recently attending Leadership Training Camp in Ft. Knox I was able to speak with a few people about different possibilities about serving in a Team.
The one that interested me the most was that I could turn decline my commission as an Army officer after graduation and recieve a Warrant Officer slot. I heard this from several different sources.
To me however, it doesn't sound quite right, I very well may be wrong but I thought Warrant Officers were previously Enlisted personel who got slots to go through Warrant Officer School. Not to mention it doesn't seem right that a person with only ROTC experience and no actual military experience could get a slot.
If any of you have any information about this whatsoever it would be greatly appreciated. I've looked online for the past 2 days and have come up empty handed.
Thank you.