05-22-2016, 09:52
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Venezuela, a month left at best?
I give Venezuela 30 days before full blown anarchy. This is a good article, I'm surprised the progressive/socialist/communist "president" (dictator) has not clamped down on the media yet. I'm sure after the government starts killing it's own people that will happen.
I'm amazed that this is what half of "America" wants, a socialist government.
Anyone notice who's carrying the news on Venezuela? It ain't cnn, msnbc or even foxnews....... I'm guessing it's not a good idea to lead with a socialist catastrophe while an "American socialist hitlery clinton" is running for office.
Venezuela, where a hamburger is officially $170
Marc Burleigh
•May 20, 2016
Caracas (AFP) - If a visitor to Venezuela is unfortunate enough to pay for anything with a foreign credit card, the eye-watering cost might suggest they were in a city pricier than Tokyo or Zurich.
A hamburger sold for 1,700 Venezuelan bolivares is $170, or a 69,000-bolivar hotel room is $6,900 a night, based on the official rate of 10 bolivares for $1.
But of course no merchant is pricing at the official rate imposed under currency controls. It's the black market rate of 1,000 bolivares per dollar that's applied.
But for Venezuelans paid in hyperinflation-hit bolivares, and living in an economy relying on mostly imported goods or raw materials, conditions are unthinkably expensive.
Even for the middle class, most of it sliding into poverty, hamburgers and hotels are out-of-reach excesses.
"Everybody is knocked low," Michael Leal, a 34-year-old manager of an eyewear store in Caracas, told AFP. "We can't breathe."
- Shuttered stores -
In Chacao, a middle-class neighborhood in the capital, office workers lined up outside a nut store to buy the cheapest lunch they could afford. Nearby restaurants were all but empty.
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06-20-2016, 13:35
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant
I give Venezuela 30 days before full blown anarchy.
I like predictive analysis with a pretty well defined future state and a clear timeline, so I've been watching for this one after Team Sergeant made his prediction last month.
Solid call from what I read now at the 28 day mark!
Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation
"CUMANÁ, Venezuela — With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.
Venezuela is convulsing from hunger."
"In the last two weeks alone, more than 50 food riots, protests and mass looting have erupted around the country. Scores of businesses have been stripped bare or destroyed. At least five people have been killed.
This is precisely the Venezuela its leaders vowed to prevent."
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06-20-2016, 14:44
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Think it will be any different here?
Originally Posted by Maple Flag
I like predictive analysis with a pretty well defined future state and a clear timeline, so I've been watching for this one after Team Sergeant made his prediction last month.
Solid call from what I read now at the 28 day mark!
Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation
"CUMANÁ, Venezuela — With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.
Venezuela is convulsing from hunger."
"In the last two weeks alone, more than 50 food riots, protests and mass looting have erupted around the country. Scores of businesses have been stripped bare or destroyed. At least five people have been killed.
This is precisely the Venezuela its leaders vowed to prevent."
Keep a forward momentum.
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06-20-2016, 15:12
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Venezuela and Brazil both failing.
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06-20-2016, 15:16
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Originally Posted by tonyz
Venezuela and Brazil both failing.
Brazil is huge, needs more to fail before it falls into chaos. Which is not long if it continues down the corrupt socialist/communist path.
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06-20-2016, 16:39
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant
Brazil is huge, needs more to fail before it falls into chaos. Which is not long if it continues down the corrupt socialist/communist path.
From some reading I've done their previous prez had a pretty good model going & some success; Brazil was looked at as an example. Then came their current administration & no self-discipline on spending, or saving anything in the event of int'l market changes; kinda sounds familiar. (Their current prez is sidelined via impeachment.)
Now they're throwing people at trying to support the Olympics that they can't even pay...
I think you're right; they're not there yet but they are definitely on steep glide path.
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Last edited by Badger52; 06-20-2016 at 19:16.
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06-20-2016, 15:14
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Soon, very soon, there will be a trigger event...... I'd say the "trigger" will come from the "government"..... but it's a 50/50 call.
I feel sorry for the poor folk there...... cause the "elite socialists/communists are eating very well.
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07-12-2016, 22:01
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Could THIS be the spark ???
Venezuelan president puts armed forces in charge of new food supply system
Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro put the armed forces in charge of a new food supply system aimed at alleviating crippling shortages, ceding yet more power to a military apparatus that is already involved in everything from banking to imports.
The head of the armed forces, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, will be in charge of transporting and distributing basic products, controlling prices and stimulating production, according to a decree published Tuesday in the official gazette.
“All the ministries, all the ministers, all the state institutions are at the service and in absolute subordination” to Mr. Padrino’s so-called Great Sovereign Supply Mission, Mr. Maduro said in a televised address Monday night.
The elevation of Mr. Padrino makes him among the most powerful people in the socialist government, reducing the influence of Vice President Aristóbulo Istúriz, Industry Minister Miguel Pérez Abad and other ministers who held various economic roles.
“This is now a completely militarized government,” said Luis Manuel Esculpi, a security analyst in Caracas and former head of the armed forces commission in the congress. “The army is Maduro’s only source of authority.”
Since coming to power three years ago, Mr. Maduro has relied increasingly on the armed forces as a spiraling economic crisis pushed his approval ratings to record lows and food shortages led to lootings. Generals are already in charge of state companies importing the bulk of Venezuela’s food; they run the country’s largest bank, a television station and a state mining company.
The armed forces have swiftly repressed all opposition rallies as well as the food riots that flare up daily across the country.
“Maduro is giving the keys to Miraflores [presidential palace] over to a military leader who is unable to confront the economic crisis,” said opposition deputy Julio Borges. “What this means is more roadblocks, more corruption and less production.”
Fox news link with video ... http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/07...ly-system.html
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07-13-2016, 07:31
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....you mother fuckers will eat what we tell you to eat
Maybe Darth Vader Ginsburg and Sean Penn should move to Venezuela
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07-13-2016, 07:55
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Originally Posted by Sdiver
Could THIS be the spark ???
Isn't this the same type of thing that led to Operation Gothic Serpent?
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07-13-2016, 11:23
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Originally Posted by BryanK
Isn't this the same type of thing that led to Operation Gothic Serpent?
Venezuela is a 3rd world socialist/communist country.
Somalia is not even rated as a "civilized" nation. (The left-wing will say otherwise.)
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07-18-2016, 21:20
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Suffering under socialism continues.
Jul 17, 8:02 PM EDT
SAN ANTONIO DEL TACHIRA, Venezuela (AP) -- More than 100,000 Venezuelans, some of whom drove through the night in caravans, crossed into Colombia over the weekend to hunt for food and medicine that are in short supply at home.
It was the second weekend in a row that Venezuela's socialist government opened the long-closed border with Colombia, and by 6 a.m. Sunday, a line of would-be shoppers snaked through the entire town of San Antonio del Tachira. Some had traveled in chartered buses from cities 10 hours away.
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07-19-2016, 04:59
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Guess none of the lofty-thinkers want to contemplate a 70-yr old woman hauling along her grand-daughter in a quest to acquire food.
Oddly silent: As Venezuela decays, Hollywood socialists and ‘first-world idealists’ bite their tongues
The tragic plight of Venezuela has become undeniable: its brand of socialist populism ruined its economy and society.
“Venezuela has become the world’s most visibly failing state,” Francisco Toro wrote in Vox. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this. Not so long ago, Venezuela’s socialist revolution attracted its share of fellow travelers — first-world idealists hungry for the next earthly utopia. Those folks are thin on the ground these days.”
Those first-world idealists have rarely admitted their mistakes. They run the gamut from economically illiterate journalists to Hollywood directors to the leader of the British Labour Party.
The time for mockery of illogical policy in the name of “the people” and “anti-imperialism” passed long ago. Venezuela is a brutal reminder of national decay.
Non-MSM link about Hollywood ostriches
For the most part, crickets...
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."
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03-27-2017, 11:04
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Has it been a month yet? Ten fingers says ten months and carry a few toes is another week. Hmmm...
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03-27-2017, 11:25
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Originally Posted by MR2
Has it been a month yet? Ten fingers says ten months and carry a few toes is another week. Hmmm...

This could drag on a lot longer. Leftists don't admit failure or concede power unless forced to at the muzzle of a gun. Venezuela won't recover without bloodshed - a lot of it. I'm watching to see if I can recognizable the triggering event/tipping point when it happens and to determine if it's a unique event (special circumstances applicable only in Venezuela) or something with broad implications, replicable in other environments, that can be incorporated into a 21st Century "theory of revolutionary war" and put to practical application elsewhere.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
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