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Old 07-17-2020, 18:12   #1
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Cramps everywhere

It is hot here and I do a lot of work outside not because I have to but because I enjoy working outside. I sweat like crazy I will change t shirts at least 3 times a day and completely soak through my jeans or shorts. At a minimum I drink at least one gallon of liquids throughout the day. I have a home made gatorade concoction that I drink also. A gallon of it has 2 tsp's of salt , 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup corn syrup, 2 Tblsp lemon juice and a sugar free flavoring. I drink at least 1/2 gal. of this a day. At night I have also been drinking a cup of pickle juice, I heard this was good for curing cramps.

While working I am fine but at the end of the day I will eventually begin to get cramps everywhere. Tonight my wife had to cut my steak for me because my hands kept cramping up. From head to toe I cramp up, The leg cramps can particularly be very painful and last quite awhile.

Am I not getting enough salt to replenish my losses during the day? Are there foods I should be eating more of that would help? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Old 07-17-2020, 18:42   #2
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That sounds awful, I hope you get some good info to help alleviate this. Take care.
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Old 07-17-2020, 18:55   #3
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Eating bananas always helped me.

Also, I use these in the heat and humidity of summer - Amazon has them (worked in SE Asia summer heat/humidity, also). Must drink lots of water with them. I’m sure the docs here have better info.

“Medi-Lyte Tablets by Medique
Manufacturer: Medique Products
Tablets helps provide rapid rehydration and nutritional support for muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and more*
Each tablet contains Calcium 10.8 mg, Potassium 40 mg and Magnesium 12 mg
Tamper-evident foil packets with English and Spanish labeling
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
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Last edited by tonyz; 07-17-2020 at 18:58.
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Old 07-17-2020, 19:27   #4
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The current "flavor du juor" at work for oral re-hydration is Drip Drops (https://dripdrop.com/). I stumbled across them at an Expo on post and checked with my medics when I got back to the office. The medics confirmed the hype and provided the NSN (which doesn't do me a damn bit of good!). Not having access to them through the supply system, I had to go on line to get mine. I ordered a 24 piece sample pack and can tell you that I've been sufficiently impressed that half of it found its way into my range bag and I've used/given away most of that. I'll be ordering more soon. I find it significantly better than Gatorade and I've personally seen it work on incipient heat casualties. (Knucklehead kids that think they're inured to NC summer heat/humidity even when exercising strenuously!) Since I've started carrying/sharing the DripDrops in my range bag several members of my regular crew have also added them to their kit. Usual disclaimers, MOO, YMMV (but I think you'll benefit from checking it out).
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

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Old 07-17-2020, 20:43   #5
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You can get cramps from under hydrating and from over hydrating.... I work outside in 110 degree's here in Az and do not drink anywhere near that much.

We've had SFAS candidates stroke out from to much hydration too.

Not saying that's it but you have an imbalance of some type....you should get some blood work done when you are in that kind of distress.
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Old 07-17-2020, 20:47   #6
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NUUN and Hammer nutrition have drop in tablets that I find work GREAT on my long rides to prevent cramping. Cheap, effective and in my bug out bag. Sounds like you may be overhydrating?
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Old 07-18-2020, 05:34   #7
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try upping your potassium and magnesium levels?
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Old 07-18-2020, 11:48   #8
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Originally Posted by JimP View Post
try upping your potassium and magnesium levels?
I was thinking the same.
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Old 07-18-2020, 11:50   #9
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Pedialyte is another secret weapon.
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Old 07-18-2020, 12:06   #10
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Originally Posted by PRB View Post
You can get cramps from under hydrating and from over hydrating.... I work outside in 110 degree's here in Az and do not drink anywhere near that much.

We've had SFAS candidates stroke out from to much hydration too.

Not saying that's it but you have an imbalance of some type....you should get some blood work done when you are in that kind of distress.
I can appreciate what you are saying, I do not drink a gallon in a short period of time but over the course of 6-8 hours. I know it is hot in AZ, when you are working do you also sweat like crazy? From what I gather a persons body handles a lot of water per hour. Hard to find a consensus as to intake, eight 8 oz. glasses seems to be a rule of thumb but then again I read where you cannot drink too much, not buying that theory. I have to find a balance.

Perigrino: I got some Drip Drop will have to find a cheaper place to purchase other than Walgreens. Very pleasant taste, I need to define when I am dehydrated vs. no longer dehydrated. The box says an adult can have up to 16 8oz. serving per day that would be a gallon. At what point do you find yourself taking it? And how much do you take over any period of time.

Jim P Definitely will look into upping the magnesium and potassium levels. I have never been a nutrition follower, I just eat. Can I take supplements and have them be just as effective or do I need to get these nutrients from food?

I appreciate all the replies, thanks!
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Old 07-18-2020, 12:49   #11
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As Jim p said, sounds like an electrolyte imbalance. Your homemade concoction sounds just like real Gatorade....that is a shit product. The sugar in insanely bad and corn syrup? Bro, call Wilford Brimley and get his advice on avoiding die-uh-bet-us!

Magnesium is my go to, when I’m feeling dehydrated and having muscle problems. Potassium is also good.

A ringers lactate IV would contain these

130–131 mEq of sodium ion = 130 mmol L−1
109–111 mEq of chloride ion = 109 mmol L−1
28–29 mEq of lactate ion = 28 mmol L−1
4–5 mEq of potassium ion = 4 mmol L−1
2–3 mEq of calcium ion = 1.5 mmol L−1

You can get most of those as pill form supplements.

You can also add in

Thiamine 100 mg (or just a Vit B complex)
Folic acid 1 mg (also a B vit)
Multivitamin for infusion (MVI), 1 ampule
Magnesium sulfate 3 g

Which is called a “banana bag”

None of these contain sugar. Vascular (IV) dextrose will actually draw water out of your cells, where it is needed and into your vascular spaces.


My personal drink when I feel dehydrated is:

Glass with 1 lemon or lime squeezed in, a 1/2 tsp table salt and water to the top. Then I take a magnesium supp and a B complex.
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Old 07-18-2020, 17:09   #12
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Great reply micro18d! After several heart issues, triple bypass, stents and heat related issues, the sugar and corn syrup play hell with my body and I avoid them in all their forms. I don't know if it helps but I also have about a half cup of prune juice and a teaspoon of molasses per day to replace what I am discharging from drinking water. All natural juice and blackstrap molasses, (no sugar or corn syrup).

Best wishes,

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Old 07-18-2020, 19:31   #13
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Originally Posted by cbtengr View Post
---- Peregrino: I got some Drip Drop will have to find a cheaper place to purchase other than Walgreens. Very pleasant taste, I need to define when I am dehydrated vs. no longer dehydrated. The box says an adult can have up to 16 8oz. serving per day that would be a gallon. At what point do you find yourself taking it? And how much do you take over any period of time.

I found the best place to get it is on line directly from DD. Aside from the initial discount for opening an account, they have all kinds of incentives including percentages off and free shipping at certain price points. In the summer when exerting myself (doesn't happen often but when it does!) I monitor hydration by frequency and color of urination. I do my best to never get to the headache stage, let alone cramps. Learned that lesson the hard way 40+ years ago in pre-scuba when the only options were salt tabs (BAD idea!) and lots of bananas with breakfast. I agree with the others, you have an electrolyte imbalance; probably not from over-hydrating (hyponatremia). You should probably get it checked out.

And for the rest of us - did a match today and gave one of the guys on my squad a DD to ease his hangover symptoms. He reported significant relief w/i 30 minutes. FWIW - he was already familiar with the product, just didn't have any in his range bag, something he'll probably correct in the near future (because I sincerely doubt he's going to stop partying ).
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

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Old 07-19-2020, 07:43   #14
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Originally Posted by miclo18d View Post
As Jim p said, sounds like an electrolyte imbalance. Your homemade concoction sounds just like real Gatorade....that is a shit product. The sugar in insanely bad and corn syrup? Bro, call Wilford Brimley and get his advice on avoiding die-uh-bet-us!

Magnesium is my go to, when I’m feeling dehydrated and having muscle problems. Potassium is also good.

A ringers lactate IV would contain these

130–131 mEq of sodium ion = 130 mmol L−1
109–111 mEq of chloride ion = 109 mmol L−1
28–29 mEq of lactate ion = 28 mmol L−1
4–5 mEq of potassium ion = 4 mmol L−1
2–3 mEq of calcium ion = 1.5 mmol L−1

You can get most of those as pill form supplements.

You can also add in

Thiamine 100 mg (or just a Vit B complex)
Folic acid 1 mg (also a B vit)
Multivitamin for infusion (MVI), 1 ampule
Magnesium sulfate 3 g

Which is called a “banana bag”

None of these contain sugar. Vascular (IV) dextrose will actually draw water out of your cells, where it is needed and into your vascular spaces.


My personal drink when I feel dehydrated is:

Glass with 1 lemon or lime squeezed in, a 1/2 tsp table salt and water to the top. Then I take a magnesium supp and a B complex.
Thanks for the advice concerning Gatorade type drinks, no more of those for me. Is the lemon or lime juice just for flavor or is it also beneficial? I have to plead ignorant when it comes to balanced nutrition, I will work on that. The only symptoms of dehydration I ever have are the cramps, no headaches or light headedness . Thank you to all who have added their thoughts.
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Last edited by cbtengr; 07-19-2020 at 07:46.
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Old 07-19-2020, 08:38   #15
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For magnesium, I use Mag 64. It is available over the counter. I take one in the morning and one in the evening...
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