Like to add US Army Physical Security Support Element - Berlin (USAPSSE-B). The unit was located in Building 817 at Roosevelt Barracks. The element was embedded within the Berlin PM office. Date of activation was 16 April 1984 - deactivation was 15 August 1990. As a former retired member of Det 'A' I had the opportunity and also access as a civilian to support the unit in security and other matters.
Would like to add the following info in re of my last (above) contribution USAPSSE-Berlin
This is the Unit's History (unclas): Terrorism and its threat to Americans has long time been a concern of the United States. To counter this threat and enhance the security of government facilities, the US Army developed, organized, and activated the United States Army Physical Security Support Element-Berlin (PSSE-B) on 16 April 1984, and tasked to analyze and conduct facility vulnerability surveys. The USA Physical Security Support Element-Berlin since its activation, has had a significant impact on the security of US personnel living and working overseas. During its short tenure, PSSE-B has conducted in excess of 100 extensive vulnerability surveys and analyses of military installations, government quarters, and US Embassys in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The information furnished in these surveys and analyses has provided important data needed to secure facilities against those intent on destruction and injury to our fellow citizens, Living up to our motto "Fuer die Sicherheit", the members of PSSE-B continue to dedicate their time and resources to the welfare and safety of our felllow Americans.
This Unit History was published on 01 June 1990 during the last Change of Command Ceremony before the unit's deactivation on 15 August 1990
Last edited by Hilmar Kullek; 09-04-2009 at 14:55.