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Old 06-19-2006, 03:03   #8
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Sunny San Antonio
Posts: 123
Originally Posted by Doc
Does anyone have a preference for what inhaled nasal spray they use and/or prescribe???

Sir, I use two different ones depending on how bad off the patient is. Bear in mind I can only give what my preceptor will allow me to, so sometimes that ties my hands, but very rarely. For just a straight decongestant I reach of Genasal with VERY detailed instructions to only to take it for three days. I've never had a patient have a "rebound" reaction to it, but I am told it's bad. Has anyone seen this? Why give Goldline Genasal instead of Afrin brand? My pharmacy stocks one and not the other, that's the only reason.
If I suspect allergies to be the cause then I reach for Flonase. Again I talk the patient to death about how long it takes for this stuff to kick in and to stick with it. I've had patients go as long as a week before they saw any effects. Consequently I tell the patient not to take it just on the days they think they need it, but for the whole allergy season so the levels stay up in their system. That piggybacks on regime compliance that you mentioned. I’m a really simple person, I like simple solutions. A GYN doc told me one time that she tells her patients to attach their BCP’s to their toothbrush with a rubber band. As long as the patient brushes their teeth everyday they will “remember” to take their BCP’s. I like it, I’ll steal it. I tell my allergic rhinitis patients to do the same with the bottle of corticosteroid. It’s hard to grab a toothbrush with a bottle attached to it and not remember why it’s there.
Are there faster acting corticosteroids out there that would be suitable for allergies? Time for me to call my pharmacy and look it up on-line. I don’t run across many drug reps out here in the woods.

Edited--because I can't spell. . .

Last edited by AF IDMT; 06-19-2006 at 03:06.
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