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Old 11-12-2020, 10:37   #1
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Polish "Hooligans" Demonstrate

The moniker is applied by the National police to the Poles who demonstrate.
But participants, many of whom did not wear masks, waved Polish flags and chanted, “God, honour and homeland!

This year’s demonstration was organised under the motto “Our Civilisation, Our Rules” and its advertising poster showed a knight breaking a red-and-rainbow-coloured star, an apparent reference to communism and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) community.
Full story here.

"hooligans" - As Donald Sutherland would say:
"Always with the negative vibes, man..."

Considering the immediately previous women's demonstration over abortion law, it's easy to see we're not the only country with a deep divide in terms of traditional values vs. 20th century morals incorporated into national law, and the fight for both.
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."

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Old 11-12-2020, 11:54   #2
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Your post Badger sparked some curiosity.

So I started looking at writings supportive of the strike. There is plenty of material out there.

I took a few minutes looking at the various web pages to find out who might be behind the curtain.

Once you scroll through the articles and read enough...they themselves tell you who they really are and what is the end goal. I suspect that any crevice that can be pried open to sow division will be exploited by an age old movement.

Here is but an example:


The Polish women's strike is an anti-fascist struggle
October 30, 2020
Written by Reece Goscinski Published in Opinion


“As the movements progress, it is necessary for socialists to organise around systemic questions and develop a class-based orientation. Recent articles by David Harvey and Mick Wattam have argued the importance of aligning democratic values and critiques of capitalism to produce a more just society. Through the development of these ideas socialists can work to resist right-wing populism, advance socialist ideas through theory and practice, and produce a future better for all.”

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.

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Old 11-12-2020, 14:36   #3
tom kelly
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"A FUTURE" Better for All:

The 1000 year REICH, Marx,Engles, Stalin & Mao's Cultural Revolution, AOC, Bernie Sanders Green New Deal, wait & see what the future holds.
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Old 11-12-2020, 21:40   #4
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Originally Posted by tonyz View Post
Your post Badger sparked some curiosity.

So I started looking at writings supportive of the strike. There is plenty of material out there.
Yes, sir. Plus ca change... as they say. One can see that worldwide, it is still dikta to advance "the struggle" by aligning with something such as abortion, or trans rights, or... the next flavor of the day. Transmitting in the clear is not permitted because it scares the fish.
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."

The coin paid to enforce words on parchment is blood; tyrants will not be stopped with anything less dear. - QP Peregrino
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Old 11-14-2020, 11:31   #5
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An interesting quote. Marxism is mind/nation poison.

“The first battlefield is to rewrite history.

Anyone who know anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval.

Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

~ Karl Marx
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Old 11-14-2020, 12:58   #6
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Originally Posted by tonyz View Post
“The first battlefield is to rewrite history.

Anyone who know anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval.

Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

~ Karl Marx
He's been to Portland?
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."

The coin paid to enforce words on parchment is blood; tyrants will not be stopped with anything less dear. - QP Peregrino
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Old 11-14-2020, 13:11   #7
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Originally Posted by Badger52 View Post
He's been to Portland?
Splitting his time...Portland, Seattle, Berkeley...DC...etc., etc., etc.,

Oh my !

I’ve seen pieces of this quote before but not the entire thing.

Makes one think about all of the specialized departments created at major universities over the past 30 years. Women’s studies, gender studies, etc.,

It might be nice for young folks to pause for just a moment and consider that they just might being manipulated by Marxists for Marxists...it’s fascinating once you begin to look.

ETA: But one of the problems might be that Marxism, socialism, progressivism, etc., is no longer viewed as a threat to freedom by many young folks.
The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Last edited by tonyz; 11-14-2020 at 17:54.
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Old 11-14-2020, 19:09   #8
tom kelly
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Karl Marx:

The communist are NOT and NEVER will be benevolent dictators that will protect the rights of its citizens...History has bore this out many times in the past.
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Old 11-16-2020, 06:00   #9
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Originally Posted by tonyz View Post
It might be nice for young folks to pause for just a moment and consider that they just might being manipulated by Marxists for Marxists...it’s fascinating once you begin to look.

ETA: But one of the problems might be that Marxism, socialism, progressivism, etc., is no longer viewed as a threat to freedom by many young folks.
Sometimes they may not pause on their own to reflect. Had somewhat this discussion with #1 grand-daughter when she started college at a campus 40 miles away. She found she had to steer clear of some folks because "I'm already a bit too conservative for them." She's always been pretty solid; objectivity scares some off apparently.

However, with one of the BLM/Antifan tactics being to recruit "harmless" people to achieve legitimacy, we had a discussion - mostly me - about why they put their harmless pawns around them as an outer wall in their tactical street formations. She gets it now, but I wasn't going to let the conversation not happen. People need to have talks with their kids, even at the risk of being characterized incorrectly. But it needs to be said, and not backed away from. The other lesson she knows, for many years, is this:

"A socialist is just a communist that hasn't pulled their gun on you. Yet."

Don't assume the kids get it - reinforce it.
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."

The coin paid to enforce words on parchment is blood; tyrants will not be stopped with anything less dear. - QP Peregrino
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Old 11-16-2020, 07:35   #10
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Originally Posted by Badger52 View Post
Sometimes they may not pause on their own to reflect. Had somewhat this discussion with #1 grand-daughter when she started college at a campus 40 miles away. She found she had to steer clear of some folks because "I'm already a bit too conservative for them." She's always been pretty solid; objectivity scares some off apparently.

However, with one of the BLM/Antifan tactics being to recruit "harmless" people to achieve legitimacy, we had a discussion - mostly me - about why they put their harmless pawns around them as an outer wall in their tactical street formations. She gets it now, but I wasn't going to let the conversation not happen. People need to have talks with their kids, even at the risk of being characterized incorrectly. But it needs to be said, and not backed away from. The other lesson she knows, for many years, is this:

"A socialist is just a communist that hasn't pulled their gun on you. Yet."

Don't assume the kids get it - reinforce it.
Good for you Badger.

It’s a good bet that most young folks won’t hear about the negatives of communism in grade school. By the time they get to college they will likely only hear about all the “positives” and that communism just hasn’t been executed properly.

I haven’t checked this guy’s math but it is generally illustrative of what we are dealing with...besides, if your a communist what’s a million here or a million there Komrade...I don’t see Venezuela on the list. Poland is number 22 but read the notes on Poland about ethnic cleansing. Anyway, here’s more of what the young folks don’t hear:

Communist Body Count
December 4, 2006 Scott Manning

The following estimates represent citizens killed or starved to death by their own Communist governments since 1918. These numbers do not include war dead. The governments are sorted by body count (highest to lowest).

All numbers are mid-estimates.

While this list is as complete as I have been able to determine, it is evolving. Some numbers are incomplete and there are still five Communist countries that have the potential to kill more of their citizens. Over the next year, each government will be profiled in detail on this website.

A detailed bibliography is listed at the end of this page. Feedback is more than welcome.

Communist Body Count: 149,469,610

Rank Country
1 People's Republic of China
Body Count: 73,237,000

1949-Present (57+ years and counting)R.J. Rummel originally estimated China's body count between between the years of 1949-1987 to be 35,236,000 (Rummel 1994). This excluded 38,000,000 million that died of famine during the Great Leap Forward. After the release of Mao: The Unknown Story, Rummel became convinced that the Chinese government was directly responsible for the famine, thus increasing his original estimate by 38,000,000 (Rummel 2005). 1,000 was added for Tienanmen Square in 1989 (Courtois 1999).

2 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Body Count: 58,627,000
1922-1991 (69 years)The body count only covers the years 1923-1987 (Rummel 1996).

3 Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
Body Count: 3,284,000
1918-1922 (4 years)This body count does not include the 6,210,000 killed in the civil war (Rummel 1996).

4 Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Body Count: 3,163,000
1948-Present (58+ years and counting)1,663,000 is attributed between 1948-1987 excluding the Korean War (Rummel 1994). 2,500,000 is the mid-estimate for those who starved to death between 1995-1998 (U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 2006).

5 Cambodia
Body Count: 2,627,000
1975-1987 (12 years)The body count estimate is complete (Rummel 1994). The offical country name was Democratic Kampuchea during Pol Pot's reign and then known as People's Republic of Kampuchea afterwards.

6 Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Body Count: 1,750,000
1978-1992 (14 years)The body count estimate is complete (Courtois 1999).

7 Vietnam
Body Count: 1,670,000
1975-Present (30+ years and counting)The body count covers the years 1945-1987 for Vietnam/North Vietnam and excludes 1,062,000 from the Vietnam War (Rummel 1994).

8 People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Body Count: 1,343,610
1974-1991 (17 years)The body count includes 10,000 political assasinations during 1977-1978, 1,000 children killed in 1977, 110 massacred in an Orthodox church in 1975, 80,000 during the civil war between 1978-1980, 250,000 that died in 1982 through Transit Camps, and 2,500 killed in a bombing raid (Courtois 1999). Another 1,000,000 is added for the famine during 1984-1985 (BBC News 2000).

9 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Body Count: 1,072,000
1945-1992 (47 years)The body count only covers the years 1945-1992 excluding 100,000 from the Tito Partisans between 1941-1944 (Rummel 1994).

10 Chinese Soviet Republic
Body Count: 700,000
1931-1934 (3 years)The body count only includes the Jiangxi and Fujian provinces (Chang 2005). Although Mozambique has 700,000 to its name, the Chinese Soviet Republic produced more bodies in a shorter time period and the estimate is low.

11 People's Republic of Mozambique
Body Count: 700,000
1975-1990 (15 years)100,000 civilians murdered between 1986 and mid-1988 (Young 1991) and 600,000 starved to death between 1975-1985 (Courtois 1999).

12 Socialist Republic of Romania
Body Count: 435,000
1947-1989 (42 years)The body count only covers the years 1947-1987 (Rummel 1997).

13 People's Republic of Bulgaria
Body Count: 222,000
1946-1990 (44 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997).

14 People's Republic of Angola
Body Count: 125,000
1975-1992 (17 years)The body count only covers the years 1975-1987 (Rummel 1997).

15 Mongolian People's Republic
Body Count: 100,000
1924-1992 (68 years)The body count only covers the years 1924-1987 (Rummel 1997).

16 People's Socialist Republic of Albania
Body Count: 100,000
1946-1991 (45 years)
The body count only covers the years 1944-1987 (Rummel 1997).

17 Republic of Cuba
Body Count: 73,000
1961-Present (45+ years and counting)The body count only covers the years 1959-1987 (Rummel 1997).

18 German Democratic Republic
Body Count: 70,000
1949-1990 (41 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997).

19 Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia
Body Count: 65,000
1948-1990 (42 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1968 (Rummel 1997).

20 Lao People's Democratic Republic
Body Count: 56,000
1975-Present (31+ years and counting)The body count only covers the years 1975-1987 excluding 47,000 war dead (Rummel 1997).

21 Hungarian People's Republic
Body Count: 27,000
1949-1989 (40 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997).

22 People's Republic of Poland
Body Count: 22,000
1948-1989 (41 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997). Excludes 1,585,000 from ethnic cleansing between 1945-1950 (Rummel 1994).

23 People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
Body Count: 1,000
1969-1990 (21 years)The body count only covers the years 1969-1987 (Rummel 1997).

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.

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Old 11-16-2020, 08:03   #11
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Funny how so many of those successful regimes use the word "democratic" as part of their tag-line.
...and people - the most oppressive governments are always the loudest about serving "the people"

If history teaches anything - its that the instant you see something called "The Democratic Peoples Republic" of anything - you had better turn tail and run like your ass is on fire because them Democratic Peoples Republics will straight fuck you up.

Broad Brush?

You bet your sweet ass
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Old 11-27-2020, 08:22   #12
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Currently, the situation in Poland is very tense. In Poland, all power is in the hands of one man who has the features typical of a dictator and a psychopath - an old man who has no woman, no family, no children, he doesn't do anything himself (he has servants), he lives alone only with a cat! It is difficult to understand and complicated, it is tragically grotesque!

I was born in the 70's. I remember the end of communism in Poland. As a young boy, I fought in protests and was repressed by the communists. I am the father of two daughters. Now I don't want my daughters' lives to be decided by a man who has no idea about the real life of family and women. My whole family takes part in women's protests and supports the women's strike.

But I want to write to the community "Professional Soldiers" - how in a few seconds you can lose your honor, respect, trust in the Police or a soldier!
Last week, the Polish government used an elite anti-terrorist police unit called BOA ("BOA" - Bureau of Anti-Terrorist Operations of the Police Headquarters) to brutally pacify women, BOA is part of the ATLAS group of the European organization associating the AT group). The BOA unit did not have any identifiers at the time of the attack. People thought it was an attack by fascists - the women called the police for help!

The link below is a video showing one of the many pacifications of women by the elite police anti-terrorist unit BOA:

Now the Polish government is engaging military reinforcements - military police to protect ideologically important objects and people. People are beginning to fear that to pacify the protests, the Polish government will use elite military special forces such as GROM (known for its secret operations in Iraq and Afghanistan), which may lead to another comromation of the Polish army!

In 1989, Poland regained its freedom. During this time, we have been working hard to build democracy! The last 5 years in Poland have been destroying democracy by populists and "people of freedom" with a Bolshevik and fascist mentality, which also destroys the trust and image of people in police and army uniforms!

In such situations, the question is always how far can a human in uniform, acting under the orders of the controversial government and political party, go - can he fight against citizens and freedom?

I would like to point out that the protests of women are peaceful and have nothing to do with the nationalist-fascist demonstrations of hooligans fighting on Independence Day!

Last edited by tetar; 11-27-2020 at 09:11.
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Old 11-27-2020, 14:47   #13
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"The Hooligans" !

Peaceful Protests, Hooligans, and The MAN with a cat, sounds like a shit storm is on the agenda. ALL IS QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT...for now...
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Old 11-28-2020, 14:14   #14
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Yeah "peaceful protests" under the pretense of a mainstream "cause" in this case "women's rights" er um, abortion... sounds familiar. Might want to look in the mirror again, you might be redder than you think.
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