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Old 11-16-2017, 07:18   #1
Team Sergeant
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How political correctness destroyed Sweden.

How political correctness destroyed Sweden. (Then France, Germany, England etc………….)

And not a single mention of muslims as the cause.

Enjoy your “immigration” and do try to protect your livestock. Ponies lives matter.

Crime Wave Engulfs Sweden as Fraud, Sexual Offences Reach Record
Niklas Magnusson
‎November‎ ‎16‎, ‎2017‎ ‎5‎:‎20‎ ‎AM‎ ‎MST

Five of six types of crimes against individuals at record high

Annual Swedish Crime Survey shows increase in past two years

The number of Swedes who were victims of crimes such as fraud and sexual offences jumped to the highest level on record last year.

A survey by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention showed that 15.6 percent of people suffered one or more offences against the person (defined in the survey as assault, threats, sexual offences, robbery, fraud or harassment) last year. That’s up from 13.3 percent in 2015 and the highest number recorded since the annual Swedish Crime Survey started in 2006.

The number of offences against individuals “was at a relatively stable level 2005 to 2014, at 11.3 percent to 13.1 percent, but the last two years show an increase,” the council said in the report published this week. The crimes “that have had the clearest development in the past few years are harassment, fraud and sexual offences,” the agency said.

Of the six types of offences against the person, five of six rose to their highest level on record last year. The number of assault cases reached its second-highest level.

The number of victims of sexual offences rose to 1.7 percent in 2015 and to 2.4 percent in 2016 from an average of 0.9 percent between 2005 and 2014.
“Young women aged between 16 and 24 is the group that’s most subject to sexual offences, with 14 percent of young women stating that they were victims of at least one such crime during 2016,” the council said. “Among men in the same age group, 1.2 percent said they had been victims.”

Young women are also subject to harassment to a greater extent, the council said. They survey contains no answers as to why a certain type of crime increases, and analysis is needed to improve understanding of the reasons for the increase, it said.

Fewer than half of the crimes in the survey were reported to the police. Sexual offences, harassment and threats were the least reported while people most often notified the police of burglaries, the survey showed.

The number of property crimes against households, such as car theft and burglaries, rose slightly last year but is down compared with the level in 2006.

"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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Old 11-16-2017, 08:45   #2
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Notice they don't mention any information about the identity of the perpetrators. A major part of the problem...
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Old 11-16-2017, 08:53   #3
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[QUOTE=Team Sergeant;635269]How political correctness destroyed Sweden. (Then France, Germany, England etc………….)

And not a single mention of muslims as the cause.

Enjoy your “immigration” and do try to protect your livestock. Ponies lives matter.

LOL....I am going to start making signs to carry around saying "PONIES LIVES MATTER"....

You are 100% spot on, political correctness has been intertwined, and has wreaked havoc in European Nations. Especially now when these countries updated their immigration laws to allow an “open door policy”. Now more of those types of people have free access to introduce their form of Islamic Laws, crime, victimization and terrorist groups into European Countries. And they will try to destroy whatever is left of a free society; which appears to be null and void in Europe today.

When I used to travel to Germany in the early 80's, early 90's you saw a lot of Eastern Europeans flocking into Germany. The majority now is from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. And as you know, lurking within the mix of those immigrants are young impressionable males who are most likely on the “dark side”, and others who want to force their form of Islamic extremist BS on the people of Europe. Well this is what happens when you poke a hole in the flood gates; everything pours in and you do not have a clue on what you unleashed upon your society. Evil lurks when society lets down their guard, and they know now a days that those in charge will not do a damn thing to stop it from happening. Basically, they have shown why too much compassion in their cause of “changing hearts and minds” with their open door policies. It has made them dumb, blind, and incoherent to the reality of the situation that they themselves introduced.
“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.”

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Old 11-16-2017, 11:29   #4
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant View Post
How political correctness destroyed Sweden. (Then France, Germany, England etc………….)

And not a single mention of muslims as the cause.

Enjoy your “immigration” and do try to protect your livestock. Ponies lives matter.

Crime Wave Engulfs Sweden as Fraud, Sexual Offences Reach Record
Niklas Magnusson
‎November‎ ‎16‎, ‎2017‎ ‎5‎:‎20‎ ‎AM‎ ‎MST

Five of six types of crimes against individuals at record high

Annual Swedish Crime Survey shows increase in past two years

The number of Swedes who were victims of crimes such as fraud and sexual offences jumped to the highest level on record last year.

A survey by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention showed that 15.6 percent of people suffered one or more offences against the person (defined in the survey as assault, threats, sexual offences, robbery, fraud or harassment) last year. That’s up from 13.3 percent in 2015 and the highest number recorded since the annual Swedish Crime Survey started in 2006.

The number of offences against individuals “was at a relatively stable level 2005 to 2014, at 11.3 percent to 13.1 percent, but the last two years show an increase,” the council said in the report published this week. The crimes “that have had the clearest development in the past few years are harassment, fraud and sexual offences,” the agency said.

Of the six types of offences against the person, five of six rose to their highest level on record last year. The number of assault cases reached its second-highest level.

The number of victims of sexual offences rose to 1.7 percent in 2015 and to 2.4 percent in 2016 from an average of 0.9 percent between 2005 and 2014.
“Young women aged between 16 and 24 is the group that’s most subject to sexual offences, with 14 percent of young women stating that they were victims of at least one such crime during 2016,” the council said. “Among men in the same age group, 1.2 percent said they had been victims.”

Young women are also subject to harassment to a greater extent, the council said. They survey contains no answers as to why a certain type of crime increases, and analysis is needed to improve understanding of the reasons for the increase, it said.

Fewer than half of the crimes in the survey were reported to the police. Sexual offences, harassment and threats were the least reported while people most often notified the police of burglaries, the survey showed.

The number of property crimes against households, such as car theft and burglaries, rose slightly last year but is down compared with the level in 2006.

I'm with you TS. As you said in another thread, I"m done giving a f**k about Europe's self destructive behavior.
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