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Old 07-11-2017, 13:45   #1
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70-year-old Swedish woman is facing up to four years in prison

A 70-year-old Swedish woman is facing up to four years in prison for complaining on Facebook about migrants defecating in the streets.


"...She’s being dragged into court and threatened with jail for a two year old Facebook post which is factually correct.

While the Western media and leftist “human rights” groups will whine about attacks on free speech in places like China and Russia, in Sweden and Germany they’re throwing people in prison for writing “anti-migrant” Facebook posts..."

Post the truth - go to jail.
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Old 07-11-2017, 14:41   #2
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Political correctness, appeasement and Muslims accomplishing together what Stalin and Hitler could not pull off in Europe.
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Old 07-11-2017, 14:50   #3
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This is why elections are so important the U.S. was on the verge of this type of insanity during the last election. Those folks in Sweden and Germany had better get their collective heads out of their asses and take control of their countries back.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
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Old 07-11-2017, 15:38   #4
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Originally Posted by cbtengr View Post
This is why elections are so important the U.S. was on the verge of this type of insanity during the last election. Those folks in Sweden and Germany had better get their collective heads out of their asses and take control of their countries back.
If you take into account this on going Russia circus and the Anti-Trumpers the US has only doven deeper into the insanity in some respects.

Last edited by Paslode; 07-11-2017 at 16:43.
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Old 07-11-2017, 16:00   #5
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Embrace the chaos. Don't deny the darkness - nourish yourself with it. We are already in the same state - just look to places like Denver that have LEGALIZED shitting in the street to make life less stressful on illegal immigrants. Dont kid yourselves - America is the rest of the world. Liberals have already greased all of the right palms. They just make sure that the more serious bits of "in your face" transformation aren't given more than the requisite amount of airtime. National morality and public decency have been dead for a generation - good people just refuse to admit it because it is too depressing. What's more important is forcing people into compliance.

The only thing more efficient would be if the Swedish government decided to simply shoot this woman in the street as an example to the rest of the populace. Dont they understand that they are subordinate to their government?

Quiet yourself old woman, your thoughts are not your own !!
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Old 07-20-2017, 20:13   #6
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Originally Posted by bblhead672 View Post
Political correctness, appeasement and Muslims accomplishing together what Stalin and Hitler could not pull off in Europe.

You can't say they didn't try....funny how the Stasi a communist/socialist secret police force were better than the Gestapo at doing the same basic thing..... is this something in the culture? the DNA? The Germans seem to just keep allowing ideological dictatorial types in power.....The Europeans baffle me how they have no sense of culture or will to preserve their way of life....
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