10-21-2017, 09:50
Area Commander
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Interesting election results in CZ
Some early results:
The centrist ANO party of billionaire businessman Andrej Babiš have scored a resounding success in the Czech general elections, taking 28.85 percent of the vote and coming first in all the country’s regions. The result is considerably higher than the 18.65 percent the grouping received in the last elections four years ago and leaves ANO with the possibility of forming a coalition with just one other party.
Also enjoying major success have been the anti-migrant Freedom and Direct Democracy party led by Tomio Okamura, who were not in the previous lower house but have come in on 10.7 percent. The other big winners were another newcomer to the Chamber of Deputies, the Czech Pirate Party, who also received 10.7 percent.
The traditional main right-wing party the Civic Democrats enjoyed a bump, climbing from 7.7 percent in 2013 to 11.2 percent this time out. The Communists, who took 14.9 percent in 2013, saw a falloff in support, picking up 7.8 percent this time out.
The major losers on a dramatic day for Czech politics were the leaders of the outgoing government the Social Democrats, who saw their support nosedive from 20.45 percent in 2013 to 7.3 percent.
The Christian Democrats saw a slight decline, taking 5.8 percent, compared to 6.8 last time out. The right-wing party TOP 09 appear reached the five-percent threshold for entrance to the lower house by the skin of their teeth, with 5.1 percent. Turnout was at 60.7 percent, a very slight rise on the figure for 2013.
Some in the region refer to parallels with our current POTUS.
From a previous article looking at the battleground:
The Czech Donald Trump or Silvio Berlusconi, maverick millionaire, political populist, mould breaker; these are all labels that have been tagged on to ANO leader Andrej Babiš.
There’s little doubt that, in or out of office, the 63 year old Slovak born businessman has been the dominant figure on the Czech political scene over the last four years thanks to his divisive character and abrasive style and the fact he still dominates the party, or movement as he prefers to call it, he created in 2011.
Then he signed up personalities from across the political spectrum, many disconnected or disenchanted with the traditional parties. Babiš added film and tv and media names and splashed out on a massive campaign for the 2013 parliamentary elections. The results made ANO the second biggest force in a transformed political landscape and left the traditional parties in shock.
Oh, and their micro-brews are apparently doin' good.
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