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Old 05-18-2022, 17:59   #1
Surf n Turf
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Ukraine: military situation update with maps

Ukraine: military situation update with maps

Daily briefing from a Ukrainian perspective, with apparent accurate information, and decent OB latest information. Not hyper-partisan


Die Gedanken sind frei

Democrats would burn down this country as long as they get to rule over the ashes

The FBI’s credibility was murdered by a sniper on Ruby Ridge; its corpse was burned to ashes outside Waco; soiled in a Delaware PC repair shop;. and buried in the basement of Mar-a-Lago..
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Old 05-19-2022, 09:40   #2
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I poked around to see who or what is the owner of that "pay 2 play" UT site, nada.

I would hold off using it as quotable material.

I give it an E-3 rating until the source and ownership are validated.
Go raibh tú leathuair ar Neamh sula mbeadh a fhios ag an diabhal go bhfuil tú marbh

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Old 05-19-2022, 11:19   #3
Surf n Turf
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Originally Posted by JJ_BPK View Post
I poked around to see who or what is the owner of that "pay 2 play" UT site, nada.
I would hold off using it as quotable material.
I give it an E-3 rating until the source and ownership are validated.

Think you for trying to validate the “Source / Ownership of this site. I have been unsuccessful in that effort, and posted “for information only”.

On the surface it appears reasonable (but it would take little effort to mask bad actors). The site attempts some level of being even handed, but with a discernable tilt to the Ukrainian perspective.

I did find something interesting in a Community post:

The list of foreign volunteers in UA has been stolen by RU intelligence and posted for public view with full names and DOBs. This is perfect example of how leaky UA is - there are lot of RU spies/agents at the higher level in UA.. Update: here is easy to access source:

Ukraine: data of 700 foreign mercenaries made public
Hope this is helpful

Die Gedanken sind frei

Democrats would burn down this country as long as they get to rule over the ashes

The FBI’s credibility was murdered by a sniper on Ruby Ridge; its corpse was burned to ashes outside Waco; soiled in a Delaware PC repair shop;. and buried in the basement of Mar-a-Lago..
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Old 09-19-2022, 18:52   #4
Surf n Turf
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Originally Posted by JJ_BPK View Post
I poked around to see who or what is the owner of that "pay 2 play" UT site, nada.

I would hold off using it as quotable material.

I give it an E-3 rating until the source and ownership are validated.

This is the site that I referred to previously. Source and ownership are still not validated. Where reporting area is similar, data seems congruent with others coverage.

Interesting segment on the Ukraine Military situation and the corruption associated with Zelensky

I began by following a character named Androy Yermak, who ended up as Zelensky’s #1. There have been rumors for several years that his real “masters” resides in the Kremlin.

Hope you find this expose as lending some credence to the reporting;


Die Gedanken sind frei

Democrats would burn down this country as long as they get to rule over the ashes

The FBI’s credibility was murdered by a sniper on Ruby Ridge; its corpse was burned to ashes outside Waco; soiled in a Delaware PC repair shop;. and buried in the basement of Mar-a-Lago..
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Old 11-01-2022, 16:29   #5
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There was a recent post on SM that there are US Boots on the ground in Ukraine, also that there will be 6 N/capable B-52's headed for Australia... relocating assets before the election, while on alert for an Iranian attack against Saudi & US? Why, distraction, or preparing to act as a distraction to the election that will not be fair perhaps. Venezuela 2.0 coming our way?
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Old 02-20-2023, 21:54   #6
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So, the last post here was really about manipulation, well this on falls into the same genera of divide and conquer.
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