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Old 06-16-2020, 04:37   #1
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France sends the army into Dijon

France sends the army into Dijon as city is turned into a war zone by assault rifle-toting Chechen gangs mounting revenge attacks on Arab gangsters for beating of 16-year-old


How can this be? I though those weapons were illegal in France

"Military reinforcements were flooding into Dijon after Chechen gangs were filmed firing assault rifles in the air as they prepared to carry out 'revenge attacks'.

Horrifying videos released on social media show the well-armed masked men – who also brandish pistols – in the eastern city, 200 miles from Paris.

The hooded gang members are refugees from Chechnya – part of the Russian Federation which has been involved in two bloody independence wars over the past 26 years........."
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Old 06-16-2020, 05:31   #2
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Quelle horreur!

Some additional at Voice of Europe (Dailymail bombards me with ads & doesn't like my adblocker, so...)
Heading for one of the several phone videos (scroll down the article)
Chechens v Algerian Muslims. On the streets of #Dijon, France
June 2020
This is where we are headed. Import the third world become the third world.
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."

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Old 06-16-2020, 20:21   #3
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
How can this be? I though those weapons were illegal in France
Fully automatic weapons, weapons of greater than 20mm in caliber, and magazines with a capacity greater than 20 rounds (handguns) or 31 rounds (long guns) are illegal. Semiautomatic weapons converted from fully automatic and those with folding stocks are illegal to purchase as of August 2018, but previously owned ones may be kept, subject to the regular regulation on rifles.

Generally, other handguns, rifles and shotguns may be owned if you are over 18 and have a license, usually requiring affiliation with a local shooting range, a medical certification, and storage in a gun safe or gun room. There are also exceptions to allow people under 18 to use weapons with parental approval. There are certain limits on ammunition, generally around 1000 rounds in stock.

So, what the media insist on always calling "assault rifles", i.e. semi-automatic versions of actual military-style assault or battle rifles, are legal in France. The restrictions are a lot more onerous than in the U.S., but France not nearly as restrictive as other Western European nations. There are about 1600 shooting clubs in the country.
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Old 06-17-2020, 09:09   #4
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France could solve a lot of problems by allowing the Chechens to clean up the mess.
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Old 06-17-2020, 10:52   #5
The Reaper
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Originally Posted by bblhead672 View Post
France could solve a lot of problems by allowing the Chechens to clean up the mess.
Then how do you get rid of them?

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Old 06-17-2020, 14:57   #6
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"I found the crown of France lying on the ground and I picked it up with a sword." Napoleon.
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Old 06-18-2020, 09:46   #7
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Originally Posted by The Reaper View Post
Then how do you get rid of them?

Well, they're already sending the Army in. Could just postpone it by two weeks?
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Old 06-21-2020, 10:27   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
France sends the army into Dijon as city is turned into a war zone by assault rifle-toting Chechen gangs mounting revenge attacks on Arab gangsters for beating of 16-year-old


How can this be? I though those weapons were illegal in France

"Military reinforcements were flooding into Dijon after Chechen gangs were filmed firing assault rifles in the air as they prepared to carry out 'revenge attacks'.

Horrifying videos released on social media show the well-armed masked men – who also brandish pistols – in the eastern city, 200 miles from Paris.

The hooded gang members are refugees from Chechnya – part of the Russian Federation which has been involved in two bloody independence wars over the past 26 years........."
French Army has not been sent to Dijon.
Law enforcement units, including police Tier 1 unit RAID has been dispatched there.
RAID came with their black MRAP "Titus". But no action followed.
elders from both side made a deal.

https://twitter.com/raid_fipn/status...685145088?s=20 image of the Titus there.
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Old 06-21-2020, 12:16   #9
tom kelly
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Who is in charge in Dijon ? The Marcone Government, The Chechens, The Arabs ? This is coming to a city near you in the U S A, e g Seattle's CHOP Zone The protest leader DID NOT allow Police & EMS to enter the "Zone" to help 2 shooting victims one died and the other in critical condition in a hospital outside of CHOP. The Radical Liberal Democrat Mayor & the gutless Governor are permitting this to happen and get no criticism from the MSM or the DNC ....
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