05-03-2015, 11:41
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Michael Conley Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud
Originally Posted by PRB
Can't find his book on Amazon....
I highlighted my fav part........ I really enjoy the fact he leads off with his biggest lie "a Green Beret", he totally left out his real MOS and title, "Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic"...
To Joe Public reading this, no E-7 serves 42 years.......and this liar and fraud "retired" as an E-7, not E-8/1SGT
This is a true story and after 42 years of Military History it encompasses much of my life as a soldier, a Green Beret, a Ranger and a Ranger Instructor. I have served as a team leader, a squad leader, a platoon Sargent, a Field First Sergeant in Iraq and served as the Senior Operations Non-Commissioned Officer in the Republic of Georgia and as First Sergeant and a NCOIC of a Mitt team in Iraq. I must surely tell the truth that all of my dreams have come true and some way on beyond what I could ever have hoped for.
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05-03-2015, 14:17
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Michael Conley Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud
Wow, this fraud has been in the news more times than any soldier I know!!! This "story" is ten years old.
"Conley has been trained as a Green Beret and is a desert warfare specialist"
And in this "story he even has "his own command".... damn good for a 56 year old, E-6 Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic!!!!!!..... (Funny no mention of Conley ever attending any "Green Beret" training, must be black ops classified Ultra-Oakley or something)
03.01.05 Soldier's story
Mike Lewis
March 1, 2005, last update: 12/31 @ 7:00 pm
Times-Mail Managing Editor
BEDFORD - Thanks to the American Red Cross, a soldier bound for Iraq got to visit his sick aunt and mother in Bedford.
Michael Conley, a 1966 graduate of Mitchell High School, is a science teacher and basketball coach in civilian life, working in Georgia. He's tasted some success. In 2002-2003, his Brandon Hall High School squad went 28-0 and won Georgia's Class AA state title.
A few weeks later, he was called into full-time duty with the Georgia National Guard.
"I've been on active duty since then," he said in a telephone interview from Bedford Regional Medical Center Monday.
Conley is a field first sergeant in the Guard. His mother, Laura Boone, 76, and his aunt, Alice Carter, 88, live in neighboring homes in Bedford.
"There's only about 12 feet between the houses," Conley said with a laugh.
But now both his aunt and his mother are ill. And that's where the American Red Cross steps in.
"I was able to get home because of Donna Eubank and the Red Cross here in Bedford," Conley said.
When people in the military face family emergencies, the Red Cross sends information to the commanding officer, who can send the soldier home.
"It's a 24/7 service for the Red Cross, anywhere in the world," said Betsy Henley of Bedford, the volunteer caseworker who handled Conley's paperwork.
"We have six volunteer caseworkers at the moment," Henley said. "We'd like to have more."
In Conley's case, he was able to come home for the weekend to visit Carter in the hospital. On Monday he was to meet with the physician handling his mother's heart condition.
It was a different world from where he had been, training for deployment to Iraq within 30 to 45 days.
Conley has been trained as a Green Beret and is a desert warfare specialist. His service has taken him to far-flung conflicts from Vietnam to Bosnia.
Now, at age 56, he has a command and is preparing troops for what they might face in Iraq.
"I've got my own command now, and they're good," he said. "My boys are good.
"I'm in charge of a company of 116 enlisted men and five officers. I'm in charge of all their training, their field training."
Getting back to those troops was also on the sergeant's mind as he visited with his aunt in the hospital Monday. He had planned his trip so he could have the longest possible stay with his family. That meant he faced a long drive back to the training station in Georgia starting this morning.
"I'm about 800 miles from Fort Stewart," he said.
Times-Mail Managing Editor Mike Lewis can be reached at 277-7258 or at mikel@tmnews.com.
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05-04-2015, 07:48
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Michael Conley Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud
The real story is that SFC Michael Conley presented his own nomination paperwork and was turned down by the U.S. Mountain Ranger Association. And I got that tidbit from the Chairman of the U.S. Mountain Ranger Association. Oh and there is no U.S. Mountain Ranger Association Hall of Fame........
This just gets better and better.
Canton man nominated for Ranger Hall of Fame after 42-year service
by Michelle Babcock
September 16, 2014 07:20 PM
After more than 40 years of military service, Canton resident and retired 1st Sgt. Michael Conley said he’s honored to be nominated for the U.S. Mountain Ranger Hall of Fame.
Read more: Cherokee Tribune - Canton man nominated for Ranger Hall of Fame after 42 year service
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05-04-2015, 12:18
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Couldn't help but notice that in the extracts of his records posted above, in
the upper right part (Awards and Decorations), you will find two
entries for the Special Forces Tab, two entries for the Ranger Tab, and two
entries for the Pathfinder Badge.
Obviously a poser.
Everyone knows that with the second award he would have received an oak
leaf cluster.
So his records would simply read:
Special Forces Tab, with OLC;
Ranger Tab, with OLC;
Pathfinder Badge, with OLC
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05-04-2015, 16:06
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Originally Posted by Team Sergeant
This is a true story and after 42 years of Military History it encompasses much of my life as a soldier, a Green Beret, a Ranger and a Ranger Instructor. I have served as a team leader, a squad leader, a platoon Sargent, a Field First Sergeant in Iraq and served as the Senior Operations Non-Commissioned Officer in the Republic of Georgia and as First Sergeant and a NCOIC of a Mitt team in Iraq. I must surely tell the truth that all of my dreams have come true and some way on beyond what I could ever have hoped for.
Those are some fine reviews gentlemen. 
Sure to be a best seller.
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05-18-2015, 10:00
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3x CIB, Green Beret Legend Michael Conley doubles down on lies and fraud
3x CIB, Green Beret Legend Michael Conley doubles down on lies and fraud
Conley refused to discuss his fraud medals and war claims with the news media. Terry Sorrells and Brad Bough of the Lawrence County Veterans Affairs Office had plenty to say, but too bad it was all wrong and neither of them have a clue what they're talking about.
And idiot Brad Bough is running for mayor of Bedford, Indiana a fine choice I'm sure. His defense of a complete fraud and his admonishment of a real veteran should come in handy for a possible future politician. Yeah Brad Bough, I spoke with the veteran that tried to tell you Conley was a fraud but all you did was call the veteran names and question his service to his country. Quality traits for a up and coming politician.
Good luck Bedford Indiana, you'll need it if you elect the idiot Brad Bough as mayor. Oh and hey Brad, if you want to question my service, medals or war claims just let me know. I (unlike fraud Michael Conley) would be happy to go over every medal and claim in detail and in public.
This Ain't Hell has the newest article on Conley and the idiots that support him......
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05-18-2015, 10:38
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Military service leads to prestigious nomination
Now we know why the Bedford Times-Mail didn't write about Conley's "self nomination" for the Ranger Hall of Fame. Roger Moon obviously didn't speak with the U.S. Mountain Ranger Association or he'd know there was no such nomination of Conley.......... as we now know it was all lies........ (I did contact the President of the U.S. Mountain Ranger Association and Conley's lies were confirmed)
Care to comment Mr. Moon or Times-Mail ?
Military service leads to prestigious nomination
By Roger Moon | Posted: Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:45 pm
Military service leads to prestigious nomination
Michael Conley
Former Mitchell resident First Sgt. Michael J. Conley described his nomination for the U.S. Army Mountain Ranger Hall of Fame as being “beyond my wildest dreams.”
He added, “I had never even thought about ever getting anything like this.”
“I feel more than anything that I have been humbled by the situation, for the men I’ve lost and the men I’ve worked with and have trained.”
Conley is one of five men who were chosen by the U.S. Mountain Ranger Association Nominating Committee. (One of the five died last week.) The final selection for the 2015 inductee into the hall of fame won’t be known until July 6.
Conley is the son of the late Robert H. Conley, who was a postal carrier in Bedford, and Laura Ellen Conley Boone, who lived in Lawrence County. Conley will be 66 in October. He is a graduate of Mitchell High School and returned to his hometown to ride in the Mitchell Persimmon Festival Parade with other veterans in 2008. At the time, he was less than a month away from retiring after having served in the Army for 42 years.
The hall of fame nominee boasts impressive military and civilian accomplishments that factored into his nomination. His resume and a list of his service-time medals are outlined in a summary prepared for Conley as part of the nomination process. Conley boasts a long list of connections to Lawrence County residents with military credentials.
cont: (behind a paywall)
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05-18-2015, 10:39
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What a macaroon.
Michael J. Conley is the author of Not Alone. This true  story encompasses much of his life as a soldier, a green beret, a ranger, and a ranger instructor. He has 42 years of military history. He has also served as a team leader, a squad leader, a platoon sergeant, a field first sergeant in Iraq, the Senior Operations Non-commissioned Officer in the Republic of Georgia, and a First Sergeant and a NCOIC of a Mitt Team in Iraq.
I guess he likes things in "2's" for that AR670-1 disaster of a uniform array - 2 x Tabs, 2 stars for CIB, 2 x SS, 2 x SM, 2 x BSM, 2 x ARCOM, 2 x skill badges...
Con-ley ~~~ Kismet.
“Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whisky bottle in the hand of (another)… There are just some kind of men who – who’re so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results.” - To Kill A Mockingbird (Atticus Finch)
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05-18-2015, 14:50
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What an idiot! Even the dumbest grunt that ever wore the uniform knows that the Ranger tab does not go over the CIB ....
I, with an Indiana State trooper, taught the Jackson County Water Rescue team (which includes Seymour) water rescue techniques back in the 80's. Apparently a lot has changed since then if nobody there can detect a bald-faced fraud ....
No one knows whether you're a genius or an idiot until you open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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07-01-2015, 09:37
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Michael J. Conley of Canton Georgia, liar and fraud
So while Michael Conley Special Forces / Green Beret Liar and Fraud has been out in his uniform lying to folks with a straight face the good people at NPRC went over his records with a fine tooth comb and we are now in possession of the results.
Silver Stars - Claims (2) but no documents of any sort.
CIB - Earned (2) but can't stop there and claims (3)
Soldiers Medal - He earned (1) but claims (2)
Bronze Star - Earned (1) but claims (2)
Purple Heart - Earned (1) but in one newspaper article claims (3)
Parachutist Badge - Record Shows "Parachutist" but he wears the Master Parachutist Badge
And absolutely no records of attending the Special Forces Qualification Course.
This is how you take a decent army career and throw it in the trash. This is also how you get arrested for falsifying government documents. I doubt anyone will waste their time on Conley, well, except his idiot friends Terry Sorrells and Lawrence County Veteran Affairs Director Brad Bough.
Michael J. Conley of Canton Georgia, and Lawrence County / Bedford Indiana you are a legend in your own mind.
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08-30-2015, 17:54
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Someone that attended the 11th Grp reunion last week said this Conley showed up.
He said he was still making the same false claims.
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12-10-2017, 09:33
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Vietnam vet honors comrades (FAKE NEWS)
More FAKE NEWS from Shannon Ballew and the Cherokee Tribune & Ledger News, 521 E Main Street Canton, GA.
Michael Conley a liar a fraud and a bottom-feeding scumbag.
Vietnam vet honors comrades
Shannon Ballew Nov 9, 2017
CANTON — Vietnam veteran Michael Conley could be called a hero, but he doesn’t see it that way. A Cherokee County resident, he says he is just an ordinary country man.
Conley, 68, who has served in the military with two tours of Vietnam in the 1960s among others and in various leadership roles, has been invited to be the guest speaker at the Canton Chili Cook-off in conjunction with the Veterans Day Parade on Saturday at 12 p.m. in Cannon Park.
His last deployment was to Iraq in 2005 at the age of 52. As a first sergeant, in addition to training the Iraqi army, his job was to bring his soldiers home safely, he said.
“Saving peoples’ lives and bringing children home became my job,” Conley said. “Bringing your loved ones home was my mission.”
Conley served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969 before going to ranger school, where he was selected for the Merrill’s Marauders Award. He later served as a Special Forces Green Beret in the late ‘70s.
The veteran said he had extraordinary respect for those who served in the military during World War II.
“There are veterans of World War II who are still alive. Some are in hospitals, in Alzheimer’s or nursing homes. Their road in life is short. My road is getting narrow, but still bumpy. These guys need someone to stand in front of them who has been there, who did what they did during the war for our country, the Great War,” he said. “After these guys fought World War II, we’ve never won another war. They were the heroes.”
Originally from Indiana, the veteran’s military career brought him to Georgia, working in places including Fort Benning, where he liked the climate. After his service to his country, he tutored chemistry to undergraduates at Chattahoochee Technical College. He will return to Fort Benning Dec. 16 to speak to service men and women in training.
When he retired from the military in 2009, Conley received the Meritorious Service Medal for his leadership and service of more than 42 years.
“For over 40 years as leader in the army, [Conley] maintained his focus on the soldiers as the military’s most important asset. He set the example as a warrior before the conception to lead an army into the next century,” the award reads.
After his Vietnam tours, Conley struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder. It can be difficult to know if a veteran is dealing with PTSD, he said.
“There are a lot of veterans walking around that will tell you, ‘There’s nothing wrong with me.’ But if a car backfires while he’s driving down the road, he’s likely to duck. He could live next door to a neighbor who has no idea what he’s been through, who thinks it’s funny to drive up his driveway and knock off nine or 10 rounds at a time,” Conley said. “Most of the veterans I know will go to the Veterans Day parade, but we probably will not go to Fourth of July. The Fourth of July, watch it on TV with the sound on mute. Your body can’t stand the noise.”
The veteran recalls a time he lost one of his soldiers in Iraq, and he comforted the man’s wife.
“A lady in Dalton beat me on the chest,” Conley said. “Her husband had suffered for nine years after touring Iraq, and he died. I had said, ‘I hope to bring them all home alive.’ But he had been in an explosion. I let her beat me, I let her cry on my chest. I put my arms around her. She could not cry tears any more than I did, except the boys never knew it.”
The retired first sergeant said that spouses and families sacrifice just as much as those who serve. Since retiring from Chattahoochee Tech, he plans to spend more time with his family.
“[I am] going to take care of the wife and the horse and the little doggy. I’m going to take a vacation or two to see the leaves fall, stop and smell the roses,” he said. “[My wife] doesn’t need to see me march off to wars any more, she needs to see me come through a door.”
Asked what he would like to see people do to support veterans, Conley said it’s simple: “You should do something nice every day.”
Conley continues to actively serve at Antioch Christian Church, where the congregation sent letters and care packages during his last tour. He also rides with the Patriot Guard Riders to the national cemetery to honor those who have given their lives in military service. He’s also a member of American Legion Post 45, which is holding the parade Saturday.
“We want to honor veterans for their many sacrifices and pray for peace,” Conley said.
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06-29-2024, 07:32
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GuardiansoftheGreenBeret.com just got an email asking if he's a legit GB.
He or one of his friends has nominated him for the Georgia Military Hall of Fame and is trying to get help from a Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army in "Getting his records corrected" to add all his fake claims.
What a true case of Stolen Valor.
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