Which BP cuff is more accurate?
I am curious to know whether the old manual cuff is more accurate than those Omron's that Docs seem to be using with more frequency?
Here is my situation.
Every time I am cuffed by one those electronic cuffs my BP goes something like this: 150/97.
Now when I get my pressure taken by the manual cuff I am around 130/80. My cardiologist uses the old method and tells me to not to worry. My PCP who uses the electronic monitor has put me on an additional medicine to get it lower.
I am active and do both jogging and rucking.
So I get flagged for high BP every time I go to my PCP. I told him this last time that I refuse to take any more heart medication to get it lower. I'm on Lisinopril 40mg for BP and for kidney protection (Type II Diabetic).
So basically what is your all opinion on this subject of which is more accurate?