19th Group / CH-47CRASH IN 2011?
Casey L. Gray, a candidate for Congress from the California 28th District (vicinity Burbank, CA) has established a web page in which he claims service in the 19th SF Group. Specifically, he makes the following claims:
- To be a 11B Sergeant E5, with a Ranger Tab, Static Line Airborne (Ft. Benning) and Military Freefall (Ft. Bragg, NC) qualified during a prior Navy term of service in Navy special operations.
- To be a member of the 19th SF Group.
- To have attended SFAS and being "SELECTED" (his capital letters). [But apparently never attended the Q course].
- To have attended Foal Eagle 2011 (an annual field training exercise conducted in Korea) as a member of the 19th SF Group.
- Being in a CH-47 Chinook crash while on Foal Eagle (that year, it was from February 28 - March 31, 2011) and sustaining severe injuries.
- Being medically retired in 2014 after being determined to be 100% disabled.
Can any members of the 19th SF Group confirm/deny any of the above?
Especially, I have been unable to find any record of a CH-47 crash during Foal Eagle, or anywhere else in the world during 2011 for that matter.
(Other than the infamous Chinook shoot down in Afghanistan in August 2011 that killed many SEAL team members).