12-30-2016, 08:18
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Originally Posted by Badger52
I am so tired of hearing about this - NO, I don't have any knowledge of vanishing Walmart 18-wheelers.
You are a good man with a good reputation but I really wish you wouldn't insult our collective intelligence by pretending that you "don't have any knowledge" because it not only insults us, it hurts us emotionally that you can be so deceptive on a bulletin board full of your brothers in arms. Look at the picture I posted of the 18-wheeler loaded with military hardware in a Walmart parking lot !!!
...notice the empty Walmart cart corral in the lower right of the photo - its undeniable. These 18 wheeler trucks didnt vanish - they were simply rebadged and retasked as part of the WalMart/FEMA partnership
What better corporate master than Walmart for FEMA to partner with to establish their prison camps? Walmart has secretly been developing subconscious methods for running nationwide labor camps for years – everyone is just refusing to see the truth. Look at the facts…
-Walmart refuses to pay a living wage, conditioning the local community to survive with bare essentials
-Walmart refuses to recognize labor unions – removing the ability and capacity to resist “the man”
-Walmart limits consumer throughput by only opening two cash registers during peak hours, conditioning the local community to accept arbitrary control measures by forcing them to stand quietly in line for 30 minutes just to buy a quart of “Great Value” Chocolate Milk and a three pack of generic cellophane tape.
-Walmart conditions Americans to the presence of intrusion by having an employee scan your purchases electronically – then they have another employee looking in your cart as you leave the store.
-Walmart conditions the local community to accept mediocrity; consider the shopping carts with vibrating wheels that wobble and shake and force the cart to "drift to the left" while the consumer just blindly follows the cart towards the left side of the aisle.
-Walmart sells ammunition, but the popular calibers are always “out of stock” – this makes you “think” that they are supportive of the cause, without actually empowering or supplying relevant ammunition for the coming apocalypse. I mean seriously, who goes to Walmart to buy ammunition for a ‘300-Weatherby Magnum’ for their primary defense weapon? When was the last time you went to Walmart to pick up a few hundred rounds of ‘220 Swift’ to fight back a wave of UN storm troopers? Even if you ARE one of the patriots planning to defend the homeland with your bolt action 220-Swift, you will quickly be targeted and eliminated because the Mossy-oak camouflage jacket that you bought from the Walmart sporting good section has a florescent colored logo centered over your vital organs so the UN storm troopers will have an easier time targeting you during the war of the apocalypse.
-Walmart forces their employees to wear a uniform, conditioning the local community into a common appearance and removing individual identity. It ALSO conditions the consumer into adhering to a uniformed presence as a recognition of authority. Think about it, when the old man at the front door engages you, is he really helping you? NO. He is just conditioning you to politely respond to a challenge. It wont be long until, “ Welcome to Walmart” becomes, “ Show me your papers”
You all need to fight back against the sleeping giant of the military-industrial complex known as WalMart. That’s why I am doing my part now… who else do you think is leaving the packs of pork chops on the shelf in the tool section next to the Black and Decker cordless drills? Who else do you think puts a pack of tube socks on the same shelf as the Contadina tomato paste? Who else do you think has the courage to take 21 items through the express lane? Who else do you think has the balls to disregard the cart corral in order to abandon the wobble-wheeled shopping cart in the middle of a random parking space? Who else has the situational awareness to resist the challenge of the Walmart greeter by responding to his hollow and threatening "welcome to Walmart" with a defiant, " Fuck you old man - your wife is fat" ??
...I do. Thats who !!!
Think about it - the next time you pull into one of those ominous symbols of corporate opression known as Walmart and you see a neatly folded MacDonald bag with a half eaten happy meal and a small, half filled cup of flat, watered down Sprite sitting at the edge of a parking space just 4 paces from a trash can, you are going to think to yourself, " hm... Billy must have JUST left, these fries are still warm"
Fight the power !!!
Opinions stated in this post are solely those of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of The Department of Defense, The United States Army, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Screen Actors Guild, The Boy Scouts, The Good, The Bad, or The Ugly. These opinions are provided purely as overly sarcastic social commentary and are not meant to be used for mission planning or navigation.
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Last edited by Box; 12-30-2016 at 08:42.
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12-30-2016, 09:11
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Originally Posted by Billy L-bach
...packs of pork chops...
Thanks for reminding me. Note to self: need to work trade-agreement with Iowa if we're ever gonna do BBQ 3-Ways. (Hogs are scarce down in them parts, 'cept for the wild ones.)
"Civil Wars don't start when a few guys hunt down a specific bastard. Civil Wars start when many guys hunt down the nearest bastards."
The coin paid to enforce words on parchment is blood; tyrants will not be stopped with anything less dear. - QP Peregrino
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12-30-2016, 09:12
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Originally Posted by Billy L-bach
You are a good man with a good reputation but I really wish you wouldn't insult our collective intelligence by pretending that you "don't have any knowledge" because it not only insults us, it hurts us emotionally that you can be so deceptive on a bulletin board full of your brothers in arms. Look at the picture I posted of the 18-wheeler loaded with military hardware in a Walmart parking lot !!!
...notice the empty Walmart cart corral in the lower right of the photo - its undeniable. These 18 wheeler trucks didnt vanish - they were simply rebadged and retasked as part of the WalMart/FEMA partnership
What better corporate master than Walmart for FEMA to partner with to establish their prison camps? Walmart has secretly been developing subconscious methods for running nationwide labor camps for years – everyone is just refusing to see the truth. Look at the facts…
-Walmart refuses to pay a living wage, conditioning the local community to survive with bare essentials
-Walmart refuses to recognize labor unions – removing the ability and capacity to resist “the man”
-Walmart limits consumer throughput by only opening two cash registers during peak hours, conditioning the local community to accept arbitrary control measures by forcing them to stand quietly in line for 30 minutes just to buy a quart of “Great Value” Chocolate Milk and a three pack of generic cellophane tape.
-Walmart conditions Americans to the presence of intrusion by having an employee scan your purchases electronically – then they have another employee looking in your cart as you leave the store.
-Walmart conditions the local community to accept mediocrity; consider the shopping carts with vibrating wheels that wobble and shake and force the cart to "drift to the left" while the consumer just blindly follows the cart towards the left side of the aisle.
-Walmart sells ammunition, but the popular calibers are always “out of stock” – this makes you “think” that they are supportive of the cause, without actually empowering or supplying relevant ammunition for the coming apocalypse. I mean seriously, who goes to Walmart to buy ammunition for a ‘300-Weatherby Magnum’ for their primary defense weapon? When was the last time you went to Walmart to pick up a few hundred rounds of ‘220 Swift’ to fight back a wave of UN storm troopers? Even if you ARE one of the patriots planning to defend the homeland with your bolt action 220-Swift, you will quickly be targeted and eliminated because the Mossy-oak camouflage jacket that you bought from the Walmart sporting good section has a florescent colored logo centered over your vital organs so the UN storm troopers will have an easier time targeting you during the war of the apocalypse.
-Walmart forces their employees to wear a uniform, conditioning the local community into a common appearance and removing individual identity. It ALSO conditions the consumer into adhering to a uniformed presence as a recognition of authority. Think about it, when the old man at the front door engages you, is he really helping you? NO. He is just conditioning you to politely respond to a challenge. It wont be long until, “Welcome to Walmart” becomes, “Show me your papers”
You all need to fight back against the sleeping giant of the military-industrial complex known as WalMart. That’s why I am doing my part now… who else do you think is leaving the packs of pork chops on the shelf in the tool section next to the Black and Decker cordless drills? Who else do you think puts a pack of tube socks on the same shelf as the Contadina tomato paste? Who else do you think has the courage to take 21 items through the express lane? Who else do you think has the balls to disregard the cart corral in order to abandon the wobble-wheeled shopping cart in the middle of a random parking space? Who else has the situational awareness to resist the challenge of the Walmart greeter by responding to his hollow and threatening "welcome to Walmart" with a defiant, "Fuck you old man - your wife is fat" ??
...I do. Thats who !!!
Think about it - the next time you pull into one of those ominous symbols of corporate opression known as Walmart and you see a neatly folded MacDonald bag with a half eaten happy meal and a small, half filled cup of flat, watered down Sprite sitting at the edge of a parking space just 4 paces from a trash can, you are going to think to yourself, "hm... Billy must have JUST left, these fries are still warm"
Fight the power !!!
Dammit....I knew it! Thanks for the intel report.
Now I just want to know where all of the WalMart 18-wheelers full of .22LR ammo are hidden. How the hell can WalMart order 5 billion rounds of .22LR and only have 200 on the shelf each week?
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”
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12-30-2016, 09:59
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Originally Posted by Billy L-bach
Entire Post!
I am awestruck! I hadn't put the pieces together and was completely missing the big picture. You've forced me to check my prejudices. I've obviously become trapped in complacency; all my perceptions shaped by Normalcy and Confirmation biases. Now I have to scrub everything and start over from a clean slate - questioning everything I thought was already settled fact.
Dammit! My world was so comfortable until you opened my eyes. I'm not going to get a decent night's sleep for months.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42B.C)
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12-30-2016, 10:24
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Cow mutilations are up.
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12-30-2016, 11:15
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As a former CAPOC guy I just threw up a little. Even in CAPOC we didn't have crazies this crazy. Or as crazy as the alleged 2LT Scott Bennett - who is an "Analyst" for Iranian Press.TV. The guy goes around wearing SOCOM paraphernalia and posting uniform pics online.
Check out the 5th image in the imgur album - There are no PSYOP CW4s anywhere in the world.
More here:
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12-30-2016, 11:39
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Originally Posted by Brush Okie
Not are there any Lt's in CAPOC that are 37 or 38's. If you see a butter bar in a CAPOC unit he/she is admin not CA or Psyop. I did see one exceptoin in the mid 90's. He was a guy that did 10 years in 1st group as an NCO, got out and came back in as an officer. They made an exception for him.
Also true. And I never met any of them claiming to be a "Psychological Warfare Officer", much less on an Iranian state owned propaganda network.
My Location: Always Moving
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01-01-2017, 20:44
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No disrespect intended
QUOTE: - "Hey ROUGUESABRE1, let me help you out of your self-dug hole...
1. We're not your fucking Brothers." --
Well Sir, although I personally find this remark a little out of line, if not more-so out of professional character, I don't really know what to say back to you. Other than, following this remark, I'd like to thank you for the sound advice and professional guidance in matters concerning presenting relevant information to this community in the format that you'd like to see it presented in. That, I can respect. I'll go through the site more thoroughly as time permits in an effort to deploy files correctly.
But this whole, "we're not your fucking Brothers", thing... So if we're both bleeding for the same Flag and the same Country, defending the same children and their future freedoms, - but your not my brother - then who's brother are you? .. It's a rhetorical question that does not require a response. I think that you understand where I'm coming from and I know that you get the point.
There's enough of this "divide and conquer" crap being pumped down the throats of this entire Nation at this point in time. So much so, that it makes me sick to my stomach.. I fear for my Grand-Children. If it's one thing that you and I should not be doing, its not talking to each other in this manner. - Outside of the Muslim people, who have already sworn me as their eternal enemy, I'll lay down my life for anyone; to include you Sir, any-day. With that said, once again I appreciate the guidance. Good shit. Thank you! - I'll put it to work.
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01-01-2017, 21:00
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Originally Posted by Brush Okie
Not are there any Lt's in CAPOC that are 37 or 38's. If you see a butter bar in a CAPOC unit he/she is admin not CA or Psyop. I did see one exceptoin in the mid 90's. He was a guy that did 10 years in 1st group as an NCO, got out and came back in as an officer. They made an exception for him.
Wow, no that's not the right Scott Bennett. Scott Bennett I'm referring to is a whistle-blower. His Congressional 80 page Report can be found on-line. Further he conducted a 2.5hr video interview on project camelot (that's the way it's spelled) one word, dot, org.
He worked for SOCOM and was sent to CENTCOM to find out how ALQUIDA was being funded. Short story is, his team found that the Union Bank of Switzerland was responsible. When he filed his report with command, he was arrested while on Post, and charged with having an unregistered weapon in his base housing. Further, was handed off to the civilian authorities and thrown in jail for 3 years. Kind of like a Civilian COP giving a speeding ticket to a tank and throwing the tank-driver in jail for doing his job. This Scot Bennett that I'm referring to is the real deal. you might want to know that with what he found this war could have been closed out 7 years ago. Not to mention, you might want to hear him tell you what Hillary and Obama did with the UB of Switzerland thereafter.
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01-01-2017, 21:54
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Staying on Point
Gentlemen, I honestly appreciate the guidance that your providing for me and you'll have to forgive me for my lack of understanding in relation to your protocols here, I mean no ill will toward anyone. We're all wearing the same color and defending the same Flag and every last thing that it stands for.
With that, I'd like to stay on point in relation to the SM pertaining to the individual outlined in my (eh-hem) Report; albeit, long-winded and presented in the worst possible format.
The Subject Matter goes by :FEDERAL-POSTAL-JUDGE :Russell-Jay: Gould. He and his Global Corporate Partner, :FEDERAL-POSTAL-JUDGE  avid-Wynn: Miller broke the mathematical interface between math & grammar in 1986 and filed the publishing of those documents with the United Nations and every Agency on this Rock. Within 24 Hours NSA was on their doorstep asking if they had any idea what they'd just done to this planet.
I've since spent the past 5 years with these two Gentlemen in an effort to completely comprehend what it is that they indeed have accomplished, that - were these men to be lying about - would have either already been killed for, or thrown into a box long ago for masquerading and impersonating Federal Postal Judges,... just for starters.
The highlights of this incredible story are detailed within my report. Wherein it is articulated that :Russell-Jay: Gould is the ACTUAL, FACTUAL Postmaster General of this Nation, AND THEN SOME.
Here is a message from him to you guys. -
Gentlemen, he is informing you here, that he LEGALLY and LAWFULLY Court Marshalled both Bush and Cheny for Treason at the locations listed above and has asked that you use your Clearance to access the TONS of Video Footage of these Court Marshallings, as there were PLENTY CONDUCTED BY HIM IN Washington DC. - He also asks if you could please send him a copy for his private collection.
I shit you not. I know what all of this sounds like, trust me, its like tin-foil-hat wearing horse shit, but TRUST ME, I'm urging you, if it's one thing that you do, look into this guy (or both) and PLEASE PROVE ME TO BE A TIN-FOIL-HAT WEARING WEIRDO.
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01-01-2017, 22:29
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Originally Posted by ROGUESABRE1
Wow, no that's not the right Scott Bennett. Scott Bennett I'm referring to is a whistle-blower. His Congressional 80 page Report can be found on-line. Further he conducted a 2.5hr video interview on project camelot (that's the way it's spelled) one word, dot, org.
He worked for SOCOM and was sent to CENTCOM to find out how ALQUIDA was being funded. Short story is, his team found that the Union Bank of Switzerland was responsible. When he filed his report with command, he was arrested while on Post, and charged with having an unregistered weapon in his base housing. Further, was handed off to the civilian authorities and thrown in jail for 3 years. Kind of like a Civilian COP giving a speeding ticket to a tank and throwing the tank-driver in jail for doing his job. This Scot Bennett that I'm referring to is the real deal. you might want to know that with what he found this war could have been closed out 7 years ago. Not to mention, you might want to hear him tell you what Hillary and Obama did with the UB of Switzerland thereafter.
Scott Bennett? I remember the actions of that shit head. He never worked at SOCOM. SOCOM does not send it's personnel to work at CENTCOM. Nor did this shit head do what you stated he did. You are as big of a piece of shit as this fraud is. You give trolls a bad name.
Get back on your meds.
Prosecutors: Army reservist inflated role with military
As a newly minted officer in the U.S. Army reserves, Scott Allan Bennett received rave reviews from his superiors at the 11th Psychological Operations Battalion during his first evaluation as a 2nd Lieutenant. Bennett, a personnel officer, was lauded, among other things, for devising a system to ensure evaluations were done on time. He was recommended for promotion. "His future with the Army is unlimited," wrote one superior officer. Then came the lies, prosecutors say.
Even before his evaluation was done, Bennett wrote an email to his civilian employer, military contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, seeking a position at MacDill Air Force Base. In the email, Bennett inflated his role with the Army. In the email, introduced this morning at Bennett's federal trial on charges that he lied his way onto housing at MacDill Air Force Base, Bennett told Booz Allen Hamilton officials that he was a "psychological operations officer" with counterterrorism experience and an "Islam analyst" who had worked with U.S. Special Operations Command and the State Department. He wrote that he had a secondary military specialty as a personnel officer. But that wasn't true, Lt. Col. Joel Droba, an Army reservist and commander of Bennett's battalion, testified. Bennett was not a psychological operations officer, had not undergone the training, and served in a support role as a personnel officer. And Bennett never had any orders from Special Operations Command during his tenure with the battalion. Army Lt. Col Frank Harrar, aide de camp to Special Operations Command chief Adm. Eric Olson, later testified that Socom had no record of contracts with Bennett. In January, 2010, Booz Allen Hamilton approved a contract for Bennett to work as a counter-threat finance analyst at the Joint Intelligence Operations Center at U.S. Central Command. Later that month, investigators say that after arriving at MacDill on a flight with Special Operations Command commander Adm. Eric Olson, Bennett told base housing officials that though he didn't have all the documentation he needed to move onto the base, he was an aide to the admiral, was on a secret mission and needed housing immediately. Housing officials allowed him to move in despite not having provided copies of his orders or a military pay stub. Then at about 2 a.m. on April 23, he showed up at the Dale Mabry gate and was stopped for a routine security inspection. An inspection of his car found two knives and an empty gun holster. Bennett denied having more weapons when asked by a guard. Bennett, according to investigators, appeared confused during the encounter, and Tampa police were called in. Police found a concealed weapon on Bennett and upon inspection of the car found a loaded handgun, three more knives, a box of throwing stars, a large machete, a collapsible baton, a sling shot with BBs and mace. Bennett also had a stun gun and had concealed weapons permits from Utah and Virginia. After being released by police, Bennett returned to the gate, where he was arrested and read his rights. Bennett refused a request by Air Force police to inspect his base housing, and investigators obtained a search warrant through a military court. Once inside Bennett's housing, investigators found seven loaded firearms, 9,389 rounds of ammunition, numerous knives, an electric stun gun and a collapsible baton in addition to other weapons and unnamed prohibited material. Under MacDill regulations, Bennett was supposed to report any weapons and ammunition. According to investigators, he failed to do so. Bennett was fired by Booz Allen Hamilton shortly after the incident at the gate. The DUI charges against Bennett were dropped by state prosecutors after Bennett, 40, was charged with one count of making a false statement on a matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the government, one count of wearing his uniform without authorization and one count of violating a defense property security agreement by storing weapons and ammunition in his apartment without permission of the base. Bennett has pleaded not guilty. The prosecution is scheduled to rest its case early tomorrow and it may go to the jury Thursday afternoon. Defense attorneys would not say whether Bennett will take the stand. Shortly after the incident at the Dale Mabry gate, Droba wrote a second annual review of Bennett, who is still in the reserves, but has been stripped of his access to MacDill and his top secret security clearance. While he was still performing his military duties in an exemplary fashion, Bennett failed the honor and integrity portions of the review. "Did Lt. Bennett discredit the Army?" a prosecutor asked Drobna this morning. "In my opinion," he replied, "yes."
You need to pick you friends better.
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01-01-2017, 22:40
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Originally Posted by ROGUESABRE1
...:Russell-Jay: Gould...
Oh hell, this MFer is crazier than you!
1997 – Present (20 years):PLANET-EARTH OF THIS NOW-SPACE:
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01-01-2017, 23:09
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Originally Posted by Trapper John
 Blue you trying to gain points on Billy? 
Alright, who is this? - Nobody here knows that I call everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, Billy.
Trapper John, sounds familiar. ...that you Wade? ...Nobody calls me Billy except the guys from my unit. And nobody but the guys from my unit would even know that, Billy. ...So who are you? - Or, was that.. just a fluke?
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01-01-2017, 23:15
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Ok, seriously.... Is it time yet? I think this show has run its course.
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01-01-2017, 23:22
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Originally Posted by Defend
As a former CAPOC guy I just threw up a little. Even in CAPOC we didn't have crazies this crazy. Or as crazy as the alleged 2LT Scott Bennett - who is an "Analyst" for Iranian Press.TV. The guy goes around wearing SOCOM paraphernalia and posting uniform pics online.
Check out the 5th image in the imgur album - There are no PSYOP CW4s anywhere in the world.
More here:
IS IT NOT ILLEGAL TO IMPERSONATE A MILITARY OFFICER? - IF THAT IS THE CASE -(or should be) - how in the hell is he getting on National News Networks to field questions and provide his PROFESSIONAL MILITARY OPINION, as a PSYOP OFFICER... without going to jail?
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