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Old 01-28-2004, 16:01   #1
Quiet Professional
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Colorado Springs
Posts: 4,523
House Rules for this Forum

Welcome to the Professional Gear Forum! The intent of this forum is to serve as place to discuss past, current and future gear-related topics that you feel could help a soldier in doing his job, or making his life in the field easier. This can be anything from helmets to boots, PDAs to alcohol pens. Whatever you believe would be relevant to the purpose of this forum.

AIRSOFTERS/HOBBYISTS PLEASE NOTE: Many of you have first-hand exposure to new or non-standard gear that the average soldier may not, so feel free to pass along your knowledge. However, realize that this forum exists to primarily assist members of the military, so be up front about your experience. Don't say a vest comfortably carries 12 loaded rifle magazines without explaining that your magazines were loaded with plastic BBs rather than live ammunition. Explain that the "FTX" during which you tested a new rucksack was conducted over a long weekend, and the rucksack was never dropped from the tailgate of a 5-ton truck or sat upon for hours by three different people during that time. Lastly, don't be offended if a member with 10 years experience in light infantry units takes issue with your assessment of a piece of gear or a particular configuration you prefer. Feel free to discuss your opinion, but keep in mind the "real world gear use" experience level of other members.

Lastly, everyone please take note that there are both medical and weapons-specific forums in this BBS. Cross-over topics are fine, but if a topic would better fit into another specific forum, consider posting it there and provide a link pointing to the thread in this forum.
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