Old 01-24-2004, 10:54   #31
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Old 01-24-2004, 12:22   #32
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Originally posted by Basenshukai
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Welcome aboard!

Please share the story of your first encounter with the Bn CSM, if you wouldn't mind.

I can see myself getting into a position like that and it was hilarious.

Also, would love to see a post on the SFAS/SFQC Forum with your experiences and after you complete SFAUCC, a down and dirty on that for those who haven't been through it.

You have a differing perspective on it from me, and I would like to know what you honestly think about the training.

Glad to have you here.
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Old 01-24-2004, 12:56   #33
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Smile Roger that ... and here's the "story"

So no shit, there I was ...

It was like 0530 and I was looking for a parking spot. My Team Sergeant had warned me about making sure I looked for the "designated" parking spots before I pissed someone off. So, it's still dark and raining and I'm hopelessly driving around for a spot somewhat closer to the company.

[For those that don't know, 3rd Bn's area has been under construction for some time, so we have a lot less parking spots than anyone else]

So, I see this great parking spot just in front of the BC's spot and I look around for a painted sign but see nothing [unbeknownst to me, the water had pooled on the ground where the CSMs parking spot sign was painted, so all the dirt and mud obscured it]. So, I park there and pat myself on the back for my lucky find ... and soooo close to the company too!

Well, as I get back from a PT run with the team, I see some "knucklehead" walking away from having just parked his vehicle which is now blocking my car. So, I tell the Team Sergeant that I'll see him later and walk over to "confront" this guy. Well, as I walk towards my vehicle, he begins to walk away from it (kind of pissed off, I might add). I see this yellow note on my windshield. I take and read it and it reads the following: "Sir, you may one day park in the Battalion Commander's spot, but you have long ago thrown away the opportunity to park in mine!!! Come see me!!! Signed BN CSM" My brain begins to process the information ... "Who the fuck is BN CS ... Oh My God!!!" Well, by this time, the BN CSM noticed that it was my vehicle and he approached me. Well, long story short, I appologized - a lot - and he told me that it's happened before because many people don't see the sign. He also offered me to come by his office to chat sometime. It turned out OK ... and that was my first day on an ODA.
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Old 01-24-2004, 13:00   #34
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GREAT story:

Could have turned out much worse, much much worse!!

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Old 01-24-2004, 13:18   #35
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I'd take him up on the offer.

He may tell you things it would take a long time to figure out on your own, or he may be full of BS, but till you go see him, you will never know.

Nothing like leaving a good first impression!

Show up early for the meeting, and try out his chair, with your feet on his desk for a follow-up.
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Old 01-24-2004, 13:41   #36
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Definitely go see him and before he forgets.

Hey Jer. Welcome!
Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimal food or water, in austere conditions, training day and night. The only thing clean on him is his weapon and he made his web gear. He doesn't worry about what workout to do - his ruck weighs what it weighs, his runs end when the enemy stops chasing him. This True Believer is not concerned about 'how hard it is;' he knows either he wins or dies. He doesn't go home at 17:00, he is home.
He knows only The Cause.

Still want to quit?
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Old 01-24-2004, 13:52   #37
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b: listen to sfg... he learned the hard way. the team had to beat it into him...... but he loved every minute of it...

good to hear from you bill.... mail me
if you are not in the lead you are probably looking up someone else's backside
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Old 01-24-2004, 14:16   #38
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Originally posted by jerry morris
b: listen to sfg... he learned the hard way. the team had to beat it into him...... but he loved every minute of it...
This, from a man who painted a smiley face on his bare ass and posed bent over behind the CSM's desk with the CSM's very own beret perched on the small of his back and had a photo taken for the CSM's farewell gift.

Where was the "adult leadership"?

The Team Sergeant was bent over beside him with the Battalion Commander's beret on HIS ass for the photo!

Well, the CSM WAS an idiot. Wonder why those guys didn't like us?

I think I have a copy of that pic around here somewhere....
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Old 01-24-2004, 14:20   #39
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LOL - Top Secret Op that one was. Calling that man an idiot is being kind.

Remember when they tried to hit his rental car with the bundle drop in Arizona?

Same CSM when I reported to Group. So Group sends me to Battalion. The Company areas were in a different AO. I report in to Battalion, meet the BC, then get a briefing from CSM Idiot. When I walk outside, there's an E7 waiting there to take me to the company. Now remember, I came out of the 82nd and was a Buck Sergeant at the time, a 1LT or SSG was next to GOD. I was still nervous from having actually spoken to a LTC and a CSM, and now an E7 is picking me up? So this SFC says
"What's up Doc, welcome to 7th Group, heard some about you."
"Roger that Sergeant!"
"Did you get briefed by the CSM?"
"Roger that Sergeant!"
"Forget everthing that idiot said."
"Roger that Sergeant!"
"Three more things. My name is Jerry. You call me Sergeant again and we're gonna have a problem. #2, stop yelling, I'm not deaf. And #3, grow some hair, you look like a Marine. Let's go."
"Roger that Sergeant!"

Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimal food or water, in austere conditions, training day and night. The only thing clean on him is his weapon and he made his web gear. He doesn't worry about what workout to do - his ruck weighs what it weighs, his runs end when the enemy stops chasing him. This True Believer is not concerned about 'how hard it is;' he knows either he wins or dies. He doesn't go home at 17:00, he is home.
He knows only The Cause.

Still want to quit?

Last edited by NousDefionsDoc; 01-24-2004 at 14:30.
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Old 01-24-2004, 14:26   #40
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and least we forget the coconuts he tried to smuggle back onto pope afb.... and the time sgm g caught two of our finest pissing in his luggage after breaking the lock off.

and i still tell the story of neanderthal nate crapping under the glass on his desk.... great one but ray took a big hit for that one.
if you are not in the lead you are probably looking up someone else's backside
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Old 01-24-2004, 15:05   #41
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I thought that Nate was the one who took the "special late night call" in his office, and painted his desk.

Someone else left the Plexiglas desk cover Rorschach Fecal Blot Test for him, IIRC.

Hey Jerry, remember this?
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Old 01-24-2004, 15:17   #42
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that was one of those "priceless" moments. that man will forever live in the minds of those who were there. whenever i visit f'ville i try to get by the spr lake post office to tell him what an asshole he is. missed him the last time but did pass him on the way down nc24. got him to roll his window down and call him a cocksucker. he just looked confused and i kept going.
childish i know but oh so rewarding.........
if you are not in the lead you are probably looking up someone else's backside
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Old 01-24-2004, 15:21   #43
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"I'll bet you a case of beer he makes up a word before he finishes his speech."

Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimal food or water, in austere conditions, training day and night. The only thing clean on him is his weapon and he made his web gear. He doesn't worry about what workout to do - his ruck weighs what it weighs, his runs end when the enemy stops chasing him. This True Believer is not concerned about 'how hard it is;' he knows either he wins or dies. He doesn't go home at 17:00, he is home.
He knows only The Cause.

Still want to quit?
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Old 01-24-2004, 16:27   #44
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Originally posted by SFG
... or he may be full of BS, but till you go see him, you will never know...
As it turns out, the men hold our BN CSM in very high regard. By all accounts he is a warrior.
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Old 01-24-2004, 17:38   #45
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Originally posted by HFCUIDOC
"I'll bet you a case of beer he makes up a word before he finishes his speech."

CSM (Second lowest GT score in the battalion, verified): "Now menses, allegibly, supposably, dey be Go-Tex at de PDO."

ODA Member: "Hey, what the heck is the Property Disposal Office doing with OUR Gore-Tex?

Other ODA Member: He meant PBO, dammit, PLEASE don't ask him any questions.

ODA Member: Oh, okay, never mind.

Jerry, I told this one on another board, but here it is for you.

CSM BT retires, Tony G. runs into him at Cross Creek Mall.

Pleasantries exchanged, BT asks Tony, "Hey, I was a pretty good CSM wasn't I?"

Tony G.: Sergeant Major, you weren't worth a F**K!

Last edited by The Reaper; 01-24-2004 at 17:59.
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