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Old 11-23-2024, 08:57   #1
Crazy red fox
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Very sharp senses, extraordinary perception in (not only) dangerous situations

Part one:

hey guys,
it is an interesting impression to come here among wolves. They are still going here or not so much?:-)

I put on the table topic which is not so much common connected to working with senses, extraordinary perception that could be evoked by as well facing risky or dangerous situations.

In the following text I am gonna mention some specific points of my perspective and background behind. Just a small tasting of it.

Since I have been child I have faced unpleasant, risky or dangerous situations, plenty of times until now.
But before continue in that, maybe it is good but unpleasant to say following things. I was born to family where I was not accept in peace and love. I heard as really young I should be dead plenty of times, specifically to be hang. My father informed me in my early age I wasn t wanted by my mother . She really didn t want me because decades later she told me I was a product of non voluntery sex, she was pressed to do that and that pain of my mother was too much deep to wear baby from it. My older brother tried to have sex with me when I was probably around 7- 8 years old. So let say I didn t come to peace environment.
Why I shared this. Well, it is needed to understand that every my access to every skill of nature that I am gonna mention here, at least a part of that, was born in pain and in deep desire for survival, for life, love and light. Such much simple it is.

When my Parents usually had arguments on a daily basis because of me usually, they took me into arguing every time and I had to protect myself. Well, for many years thousands of days, I had to cry to release the pain from it and sometimes I ran away from the house to the closest park. One time when I did it, I remember, I cried hard and I almost screamed into the air I needed to get help. Like If I said something has to help me, please.

And I don t know how but slowly I started to be very connected to the nature. I remember when I was really young and I was in that park I just came to a tree and hugged it and said in my head hello my brother how are you? I started to experienced very specific things in nature but I takeit more naturally. I was in nature more and more because nature started to give me something and was reacting to me.

At home when I was around ten years old I said my father we should find way to each other. his response was laughing and he added that I will do what he wants me to do. I said I will not let you hurt me, or my mohter. It was like open war that has been started. But my self-determination mode become stronger and stronger. Even I got more wounds for it. Many times later I can see as self-determination mode is vital.

Fighting was not only in home. First time when I got scary outside was around my seven years old I went to my favourite park. When I was passing thick bushes I heard man voice who called my name in scary way and repeated it. I felt beating heart in my neck and I was waiting what will happen and then I started running. Later I do not when My mum told me that the man who did was father of my father who wanted to scare me. Good to say mother of my father was sexually and mentally abused by her own father. So Not so much peace in blood line. Since then I was target for many a lot people many times.

Going back to the point of extraordinary perception.
It is like a wild mix of really sharper senses, extraordinary perception, SA, and something more like x Factor. Old natural system, complex, not one skill. For my whole life, they are total saving practices when I can see danger ahead and that is giving me a time to work with the situation better and then protect myself. But it is not just about that. Nature giving me informations about people situations which I need to get it. Not which I want usually.
Let me give you an idea of what I am talking about at least a bit.
As a teenager, I was walking to the morning shift and there was a man who was just leading his bike. I looked at him and I said in my head why he is leading a bike and not riding it, but then I said to myself, there was a hill before. In a short moment, I received a message into my head, heart, being I do not know how I should name it, from nature, and it was a picture of a heart that is beating really fast and I got a coding message in. Excitement! I got it. But the guy was walking and looking normally but no matter of that I have become more attentive. I continued walking to reach my workplace, the guy passed me, tried to find a good place to surprise me, and started to masturbate then in front of me.
Another experience when I was really young, I was walking my dog in bushes, and from zero point I started to perceive the heat of a human body close to me phycially but no-one was visible around, at that moment I stopped and waited, and then a man arose around 30 meters away in the bushes and he was just crawling before standing up. He was not hunting me but I percieved his body.
When I was 17 years old, walking outside in former militaray space. I reached the top of local hill and I saw group of man, younger guys how they stopped on road where the road from peak was leaded to. They were staying there for a time and I was thinking why so? There is nothing to be in that place. What if they are waiting for me? I just calculated with that option so I didn t follow track that was leaded as only one toward city. I hided myself and continue in different direction to reach city and house. When they didn t see me for a time they were reaching places around peak and they were trying to find me. I heard two of them as they were talking to each other abou who will attack me first, and there were still trying to find me. Around 5, 6 guys, they didn t find me. And that was just a begining. Plenty of others like that were waiting in the row. Man with ax in dark time who tested me, men who were just running after me to get me. And more.

Well, I was born as redhead with blue eyes. Not so much common combination and it means generally I am visible. What is never good. I love peace but I attract mess.

After my 20, at least I would say, whenever I went no matter what I did, I started to encounter guys from police, army, etc. any kind of think or unit. I was sportive a lot, I trained since I was teenager a lot just by myself and I couldn t stop until I went into pain physically. And even continued sometimes. From now I see it as destructive way to beat pain inside of myself but as well love to feel power which arise when you think you Can´t continue, Thanks to that I got my first operation I before my 18.

Well as I started to encountered such guys I found another perspective that will show up as critically important for my whole life. I was desiring for love, I have made decision in my 17, I want to meet man of my life. Well, it doesn t happened (yet). I was traumatised but with powerfull body and smile. Redhead stuff was attractive to taste it, get a ride.
Well, these guys started to train me how not be their prey as woman. Not because they wanted me to train that because they wanted me, and sex. But not love. I started face guys from specific units, good hunters generally, I learned from every encounter. It was always lesson, but usually it was like how can be such small think all the time one step ahead me when I said to man what will be his the next step in tactic. I learned to read them spontaneously not by rigid mind. No, whole me. I was still hunted by idiots outside and in personaly alife for years I met only hunters by their proffesion. Crazy time.

I started going shooting. I was fightfull. I don t want to give anyone any chance to hurt me, my body, anything.

Via this time when I was shooting preparing myself to wear and handle gun I understood I am not ready. I am too much traumatised. I said to myself in that time this:


I need to become weapon. It was one of the best thing for me. I follow myself and I gave space for myself. Not about a gun is bad instrument but I needed something more than that. Because I can t shoot every man who goes after me…..I needed to find way how I see, redirect, and fix situations in damn crazy way…as nothing happened.... Because gun couldn t heal my traumas and I couldn t wear it safely…I knew I needed to learn become calm. But for traumatic vulcano it is not easy practise.

Once time when I was leaving swimming pool, alredy in dark, I noticed a man walked ahaed me with basket in hand. After being with my thoughts I looked back in front of me but I didn t see him. There were no house, nothing, just bushes and closed office and sport buildings. I stopped myself and I got totally focused and said myself Where he is?
Well, my eyes found him. He was covered in bushes on one side of that street, kneeled on one knee as runners before start and I looked up to the sky and I asked why me? Why all the time me? I went to back to situation. He was around 25-30 metres far and he started to run after me when I decided to reached people by running who walked up around 100 metres far but he would get me before so I recalculated situation and He was still running to get me….He didn t make it……I found solution.

Last edited by Crazy red fox; 12-02-2024 at 17:04.
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Old 11-23-2024, 09:28   #2
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"I have hung out in dangerous places a lot over the years, from combat zones to biker bars, and it is the weak, the unaware, or those looking for it, that usually find trouble.

Ain't no one getting out of this world alive. All you can do is try to have some choice in the way you go. Prepare yourself (and your affairs), and when your number is up, die on your feet fighting rather than on your knees. And make the SOBs pay dearly."
The Reaper-3 Sep 04
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Old 11-27-2024, 09:39   #3
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This appears to be AI generated gobbly-goo.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends", John 15:1.
“He should have armed himself if he’s gonna decorate his saloon with my friend”, Clint Eastwood, The Unforgiven.
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Old 11-27-2024, 13:17   #4
Crazy red fox
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Originally Posted by TJ11B View Post
This appears to be AI generated gobbly-goo.
Sometimes things are not what they seem to be at first sight. It works generally. It is a reason why things need to be seen through different perspectives or by using different verifying methods. I bet you know it.

Personally, I would prefer straightforward behavior. I like it. It needs to have courage and take a risk. I mean you can ask me directly. I am just one lady, I am sure you can handle it.

The problem is I represent now project, and it is my baby. I value it, there is a hard path behind it. You have full right to think and write whatever you wish but I am offering you this: I can understand your impression but let´s go to the point.

Let's see if that is just in your head and will stay there no matter what I do or you can face a reality. Let's go through the verification process together. Just get a call. Or put on the table another proposal. I am open. On the other side, please, don t call me fake for nothing. I would bet you do not want to be called fake too. I am not joking. I am pretty real but the question is if you are ready to get it or you prefer to stay blindly safe in your head. I am real red hell so go for it, verify me. I am okay with that. You would not be the first. But other persons usually prefer different instruments how to smell.
But I love direct acts. It's good.
Plus, I should add, that every letter, every sentence, all text which I put here comes from my being, my mouth, my mind, my heart. The same works for my website, and the same works for podcast.
AI doesn t create even one word. I am speaking on my behalf. I don t think up anything that I represent. I am a lover of a true. I am a weirdo for the whole my life but I love it. It is my journey, little boy. I do not want to repeat it because then you never Get it and never move on. I understand it could be hard even to imagine it is real, but you know what, go closer to smell better. If it is not enough, you need more time and it is okay but don t call me fake. It is not just about me, you fake something behind and it is what I protect in polite way. At least I try. I am typing this just once because repeating it will be probably not so helpful and effective.
So Let's make it clear.

P.S.: if that was even just provocation, I can talk even without it. I am open to interacting, I wrote it.
Crazy red fox

Last edited by Crazy red fox; 11-28-2024 at 00:44.
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Old 12-02-2024, 17:10   #5
Crazy red fox
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Part two

Years after , other experiences behind, and then I got in a tram, in day time. I sit down. And looked around. In seconds I saw sitting man. And I smell pathologic sexual problem. He looked like as normal but it means nothing to me. I knew he is getting high somehow, and I need to be very carefull. I wanted to read but it meant I need to see his eyes in this case to got inside I was carefull. Well, when I looked for second time, I was catched. I said to myself I am f—k up. In short moment he stood up, came and sit in front of me. I had earphones But I switched music off. He put his mouth on cm far from my ear to whisper me something. I didn t react, I was as air…...it was my structure. He tried again then he stood up and turned and I saw his nacked ass I do not know how that happened, within that time I calculated….close to final stop...very good, ironically. Well, he turtned to me again and whisper by almost touching my ear by his lips go with me………………..I was still air.

But after that situation I went back into my head to situation with man around swimming pool. And I answered myself on question why all time me? How I should handle it again again again….Well, I said to myself. Okay it is better if that happened to me than another girl. I will wear it. But it wasn t all thing…
later after when I got plenty of other experience. It was actually recently, some months ago I got off the train going around park to reach home and I saw young girls around 10, maybe little more how they are playing in park and then I noticed a man, older who is sitting there, and who was very focused on these young ladies. I said damn But I saw them gradually leaving park and he didn t follow them. So I preffered went around park. It was getting dark. When I didn t go inside of park it was like Every power in universe said me : go there.
I said no, I want to go home, they are safe. Still pressure go there. I percieved something like inner voice said we need you be between the girls and the man.I didn t want to follow and it was like some power almost cried and pleased me to go there. It was horrible for my soul. I understood so hard the power wants me to protect others a lot. I stayed between that man and girls who were gradually leaving and then I tracked man, understanding where he is living and trying to read him and giving him message stop. Not saying anything. Give him message by whole me I am behind your back and I will not let you do it any kind of s---t if that is in your head.

Actually is never nice to see dark stuff inside of human. As when I got in metro I had a dress with leg warmes, it was winter time. I got noticed when I got in how a man got focused immediately on space between my knee and bottom line of my dress where tights was. But it was not about me, or ladies generally. He was different, into fettish but not only that. I detected that immediatelly. I sit down and I observed him how he is sitting close to young child around 7 years old who was there with his mother. He wanted so hard attention of this boy, but boy was looked down. The man looked like big child but I know he is oriented in specific way and the child is not safe. The mother totally didn t catch it. She was pleased by attention but she didn t understand that man wanted to have love in his way with child..
I got it..

I looked at deeply inside of that man. He instictively turned to me and I was saying him in my head stop it, stop. He looked to my eyes and it was damn strange impression which I can t desribe. Well, I would say He knew it and he didn t such stuff for first time but there was still something in his eyes what I can t desribe it yet. I do not know.
There is a thing, If I catch what people are inside, I am not getting safe because they start to percieve I get know.

Many pathological people have specically sensual, sensitive perception in my perspective what let them even more enjoy total dark stuff what they want to do.

I am very highly motivated to decode a human in seconds because I just know what is on a table, the life and the light. For me, protection and security have become high values since I have been a child.

Back to skilled guys No matter how I tried to escape from area of security even far from that guys, it always brought me back there. Always by anykind of way. I couldn´t escape.

By decades I started decoding on the streets persons with pathologies as I mentioned before like sexual deviation, dealer of drugs in suit, sadist etc. The same works for decoding people from specific fields as police (out of uniform), secret service, and others, or better to say guys with specific backgrounds/training/patttern/operational frequency no matter of their units, missions etc. Even just within walking or just through a normal photo. Verification of my perception is a vital part of the whole process. It is necessary. And it is important in self-reflection mode.

Well, how that looks like? Well, it is long story with many experience in but at least a bit what I am gonna mention. I saw random photo, just one, of man on dating site and I said for myself this guy could work for secret service and I even named it which one. He addressed me by himself. And we meet up. He exactly worked for that secret service, we both knew a man who knows me for years personally at that time. I started to detected such stuff again again again in different cases in different ways, photo, streets. I just saw it.

Well, once time I faced a man in park when I was calling to someone after stretching a body. He just passed me,but I knew Im in direct danger. I said to person who I called with that here is some asshole and I need to fix it. After passing me he stopped and sit on the closest bench looking around. I know it is time to slowly pick up my stuff and dissapper. But Naturally, like my time to stretch body and being in park is off, no worries about man who is sitting 20 metres from me. But inside of me I calculated. I measured him, his face, I read suspected nation, specific character of face and marks in. I was leaving slowly and I was waitting in my head what gonna happend. when I was far going in different direction 30 metres far I said to myself, it was false alarm? In that moment he stood up, looked around and I said damn. My senses, my treasure. He chose track which would connect us in some distance. I said to him inside of myself I will not be your prey. I read in his face, he is very calm with hiden aggresivity, effective and focused to get what he wants, zero regrets.
I got hiden...and I observed this predator...he got stopped on spot when my track was leaded to connect with his one. He was still looking around. I know he is looking for me. After minute or something he totally changed himself, from like relaxed to be very fast agressive and different. I paid attention to all his body, to his code of walking. In that time I started to track predator back. From being potential prey I have became a hunter but it could be easily changed. Well, I had to speed up and it s not save practise I had to stop to follow him cause I know It is too much risky to be not recognized. He was very fast. I percieve when I let him go how empty, ready and calm I am. So different mode of operating. In that moment nature gave me a message. Develop offensive skills.

I started to train my senses being in capital in the centre where are people from the whole world were passing with different intetions, positions, etc and I got plenty of stories.

Thanks to the point I have met another skilled guys or guys around specific positions I went around risky stuff I learnt something new. One person was working on specific place of hard state. I have faced evil and to some point I risked my life for man….I have met another person THE TOP I had to detect trap, betraying, pretending own death and other stuff . I had to percieve how is it if guys who got in touch with me are protected by another guys who are going to smell around me, not just by phone etc physically. But it was nothing against another things. I got into vulnerable position. I had to experienced one another thing these concrete ones will not protect me so high as I would protect or protected them. Hard message but important.

My acces to extraordinary perception started to go in new ways. Thanks the guys who operated in specific regimes etc I faced a bit another scale of skills. I recognized them by encountering but before I do not know that it is possilbe. No clue about.

Detection and decoding is my world, my land in which I am like fish in a water. Totally natural.

No matter of anything I know What matters is character, quality of heart, whole core and self – determination and self-reflection. The thing I have met procteted guys and I saw myself How I am not it was funny and sad from my perspective.

When I have got serious health issues it took me to the point when I understood If i Can t save people by myself cause I have a lot own issues to deal with, and it is not just in my power to protect everyone, then I wish others would become better understanding in self-protection in wide range of it.

I would prefer staying in the shadows, not talking about such stuff. Plus I do not want to mark myself as a bigger target in any kind of way. But if that is on my journey I need to work with that too. It is how is it.
I want to bring something to the table that I got borrowed as a gift from nature. I have found it as absolute treasure.

Because a lot bad guys are working how they can get better in their harmful activities in a smooth way, I must put on the table the stuff which I have been going through for decades and which could evoke some spark in others to see things from different perspectives.
Good protection is a never-ending story of good self-reflection.

Last edited by Crazy red fox; 12-02-2024 at 17:27.
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Old 12-02-2024, 17:12   #6
Crazy red fox
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Part three

So I created project, my little baby, the Security Alchemist.

I understand it could sound like I am crazy, insane, and fake. To some point, it is a logical. I have had moments when I don't trust it and then I pay price of it. So I understand. But I learned I don t get any reading for nothing.
I do not want to overwhelm any being with such stuff, it is not my will so no pressure. But as well, I am not asking anyone of you for any validation of myself or what I have being going through and especially of such skills.
I am far from asking for blind trust or following. I am not a collecter of blind followers. I am a damn bad follower by myself too. I have to go lonely so I have to know higher rules on how to try to stay alive and do something good even if I am still a total beginner. But it doesn't matter. If ended up in such situations I have got instruments to deal with them. Even I could not know it/them yet. I can t ask for easy life.

I wish that everyone who is interested in such stuff or just wants to listen to weird stories, but not fake ones could come, relax and listen.
I am not gonna present my project on social sites as FB, Instagram and similar. So I need to address some circles directly.
Why I put it here? Well, I have met people with dark stuff inside and as well skilled ones.

Maybe among you guys is someone who has experienced similar perception. Maybe not willing to share and open. It is okay.

But what I wish that everyone could understand there is way how to develop specific skills.

The project is not a closed system, is open and ready to interact.*I know other souls could bring something damn valuable in too. And that´s my point.

Let me add this: you are gonna see on website wild cats. In some time of my life when I was dislocated on some place through a winter for some reasons. I got into hard stuff. Although I was already serisously sick I stopped being able to swallow normal firm foods. Plus I could eat only two ingredients for like 5 months. I couldn t make a heat, I started to have frosen bites. Covid, plus another serious diseases, etc. I was threaten to be raped by some man by voice messages, calls that he will come in night and will attack me. He masturbated withing that and telling what he will do. How he will wear my underwear etc. In that time I got hard stuff thanks to my close connection with a human from specific position. In that time I prayed to die to takearest. Well that night something happened, two things and second one was a panther came to my dream and weared my body that looks like a death or without any power and movement on his back.

I had experience with cats before I mean real ones but this was different. They went for me into hell. Not once. And I found my animal pack like they said she is ours. Then I created connection with real leopard etc. When we were healing inside of suffering. Well, maybe you can t imagine how this was saving to me. And it is.

As you go home to reach you love ones I can t wait a moment to be enough health to be with among my brother and sisters and my animal family, cats. At home. Surrounded by these crazy creatures.

Maybe I am not blessing as others in some stuff but definitively I got something too but it is very hard to share it because it is very hard to understand.

Cats goes for me so I created all for them too. For their honor. It is a reason why they are everywhere on that website. Cause They are me. And their protect the project inside.

Well, here it is.




I reedited this text to try reach better understanding. I do not know if that would be helpfull but I tried.

Thank you guys for reading.
I wish all the best to all of you on your journeys.
Red Fox
Good protection is a never-ending story of good self-reflection.

Last edited by Crazy red fox; 12-02-2024 at 17:31.
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Old 12-03-2024, 22:56   #7
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Endless dribble with no meaning or end.
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